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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Do you think it would be better if the storylines were more clearly separated? instead of having 5 minutes of bran at the beginning, 5 in the middle and 5 at the end, just have 15 minutes of bran in one go and be done with it for the week. I think it could help honestly, I hate when they jump to another storyline just for a couple of minutes, like they did with jon, sam or theon this week (even if showing theon was kind of mandatory after the confusion left last season), maybe a different structure could prevent that to some extent

Funky Papa

I think the show is doing a sterling job at juggling so many storylines without making a mess. It's kind of amazing how everything fits at the end of each season.


Re: the White Walkers, they did have the attack, it happened off screen. (between season 2 and 3, basically).

Re: the other stuff, PM me and I'll give you some details if you want them.

The battle was at the Fist of the First Men, an ancient mound of a fort well north of the Wall. To Watch are on a slow trek back to the Wall as we speak.

The Wildlings and Jon Snow are even further north of the Fist, but also heading south.

They were about to attack the mountain the Watch was at. I can only blame budget reasons for not showing us the battle.

Thanks guys. I'm still plenty confused but i think i might have to pm the next questions. I'm afraid to read the wiki for fear of spoiling a later part of season since i only want to know about the wall attack.


Thanks guys. I'm still plenty confused but i think i might have to pm the next questions. I'm afraid to read the wiki for fear of spoiling a later part of season since i only want to know about the wall attack.

They didn't attack the wall. The Night's Watch group was far north of the wall, at the Fist of the First Men. That's where the attack took place. At the end of season 2 we see the walkers approaching the Fist, season 2 ends. Season 3 begins in black with sound effects of a battle happening off screen, and screams. The battle is mostly over now. It fades up on Sam walking through the snow and finding a fellow Night's Watch with his head cut off, then a walker attacks Sam, who is then burned by the Commander, accompanied by the beaten remains of the Night's Watch who are retreating from the Fist which is presumably controlled by the White Walkers. Sam didn't send the ravens out warning of the white walkers, so the survivors have no choice but to turn around and head back south to the Wall so they can warn the others and regroup.
They didn't attack the wall. The Night's Watch group was far north of the wall, at the Fist of the First Men. That's where the attack took place. At the end of season 2 we see the walkers approaching the Fist, season 2 ends. Season 3 begins in black with sound effects of a battle happening off screen, and screams. The battle is mostly over now. It fades up on Sam walking through the snow and finding a fellow Night's Watch with his head cut off, then a walker attacks Sam, who is then burned by the Commander, accompanied by the beaten remains of the Night's Watch who are retreating from the Fist which is presumably controlled by the White Walkers. Sam didn't send the ravens out warning of the white walkers, so the survivors have no choice but to turn around and head back south to the Wall so they can warn the others and regroup.

White walkers are the frozen native american looking guys. That was a wight, a zombie, that the white walkers make.


I just saw this over WIC's Tumblr.

I still think the nail torture was much, much worse.

Other people have surmised the same. The Boltons have Theon, that much is clear looking at him crucified and tortured, as is also clear that Theon's soldiers were corraled by Roose's bastard. Then Theon's right hand tells his men "let's go home" right after knocking him down, as if everything was already decided. It makes no sense for them to burn Winterfell if they were to give Theon away in exchange for safe passage. Also, Roose (or was that raven sent for Rob?) was not informed of Theon's capture, which is rather odd.

My guess is that the Boltons are trying to force Robb's hand because he's too soft and honorable. Roose obviously dislikes Talissa, as he also dislikes not being able to kill and/or torture his prisoners like he'd like to.

Are you guys watching the same show I am? From 2 minutes worth of Theon getting tortured and a split second shot of him on an X, you guys deduced it was Roose Bolton's bastard who kidnapped Theon, that they set fire to Winterfell and killed everyone and that the Bolton's are now in Tywin's pocket and that Robb should watch out? I call bullshit on every single one of you book readers trying to play it off like you don't know anything.

I'm going to Google this and I'll bet all of it turns out to be true. Anyways, looks like I'm done with this thread. It's obvious book readers want to ruin it for the rest of us who watch the show.

There is speculation, and then there is the truth that would require great leaps of faith to reach such a conclusion unless you read the books first.


lol Thats pretty much why i rarely post in this thread. Dont read the books as i prefer my experience to be extremely fresh.


I think it just took some thinking.

winterfell was sieged, horn blower to piss them all off, then he was hit and left while his men walked out. You cant just leaved a sieged city unless someone let's you leave.

we know the bastard was outside from the horn and ravens. Final episode of season 2 showed the boys leaving the crypts and it burned and smoking. So you can deduce that greyjoy was hit in the back of the head, left, captured by the bastard and then the bastard sent a raven saying he was late. The characters don't know he's lying, but the audience knows.

thats how I viewed it all.


After re-watching the show and noticing the Flayed man banner, and then realized what kind of contraption Theon was on, I just put the 2 together...

Chris R

Stop posting in here book readers :< We have two other threads we could use. Would be better to have a few people listed in the op who would be willing to answer pms as they come up.


Go back a page and read. Some guy said from this he deduced that the Bolton's were now in Tywin's pocket and that Robb should watch out... How can you even deduce that?

All we saw was Theon ready to fight and get knocked out. Next we see Bran and Rickon escape but everyone is dead and the castle is on fire.

We hear from Robb that Bolton's bastard was too late, the castle was torched and that the boys weren't found. Theon wakes up in a room and is getting water thrown on him and is getting tortured.

A split second shot of him on an X contraption, that many people use to torture, and a split second shot of some flayed banner that looks like an X, is sufficient for you guys and the guy from a few pages back to say Roose and his bastard are in Tywin's pocket and that Robb should watch out etc. Give me a break.

Anyways, I'm sorry if it's gotten out of hand, I just wanted to come here and chat with fellow fans who haven't read the books, but stealth posts by guys who have clearly read the books have ruined this. I'm done posting I guess. It's bad enough I had to deal with this crap in the Walking dead threads, and now here as well.


Go back a page and read. Some guy said from this he deduced that the Bolton's were now in Tywin's pocket and that Robb should watch out... How can you even deduce that?

That part is where you can go....ok you read the book. Because I didn't get that feeling at all. I only watch the show, no book reading at all. So to say they are in his pocket with the info given from the show is kinda impossible.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Stop posting in here book readers :< We have two other threads we could use. Would be better to have a few people listed in the op who would be willing to answer pms as they come up.
It's already in there.

If you want to get some answers to something, PhoenixPause and timetokill have volunteered to answer questions via PM. Feel free to PM myself as well.
Even then, most non-readers should just wait until the end of the season because the show may answer any questions they have within the show itself.


you guys need a moderator to monitor this thread and start throwing down the ban hammer. too many book readers can't seem to help themselves and continue to post in this thread.


you guys need a moderator to monitor this thread and start throwing down the ban hammer. too many book readers can't seem to help themselves and continue to post in this thread.

I was like, who the heck is bolton? I don't think i've heard that name until now lol Or maybe i missed it? so many names to keep track off.


I was like, who the heck is bolton? I don't think i've heard that name until now lol Or maybe i missed it? so many names to keep track off.

he was in season 2 for 5 episodes. But yeah, with so many cast members its very easy to skip over a character.


come in my shame circle
So people are actually pretending to not know and "spoiling" what's going to happen?

Was fun but guess I'm out then.

Enjoy fellas.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Go back a page and read. Some guy said from this he deduced that the Bolton's were now in Tywin's pocket and that Robb should watch out... How can you even deduce that?

All we saw was Theon ready to fight and get knocked out. Next we see Bran and Rickon escape but everyone is dead and the castle is on fire.

We hear from Robb that Bolton's bastard was too late, the castle was torched and that the boys weren't found. Theon wakes up in a room and is getting water thrown on him and is getting tortured.

A split second shot of him on an X contraption, that many people use to torture, and a split second shot of some flayed banner that looks like an X, is sufficient for you guys and the guy from a few pages back to say Roose and his bastard are in Tywin's pocket and that Robb should watch out etc. Give me a break.

Anyways, I'm sorry if it's gotten out of hand, I just wanted to come here and chat with fellow fans who haven't read the books, but stealth posts by guys who have clearly read the books have ruined this. I'm done posting I guess. It's bad enough I had to deal with this crap in the Walking dead threads, and now here as well.
I threw you a post in the other thread since you were concerned people were trying to spoil book material, but I wanted to repost here and I want to note(to anyone else reading) I am only talking about what has occurred on the show:
In S2:
Bolton tells Robb after news of Theon's betrayal that he will send his bastard to Winterfell. Sure enough his bastard arrives and a horn is constantly being blown to remind Theon he is surrounded. Theon resolves to make a last stand and is knocked out by Dagmer.

In regards to Season 3, Episode 2:
There are some visual reminders of the rack for those looking such as during Bolton's appearance for example, his sigil(the flayed man) which is worn across his chest. Now the news that Bolton tells Robb is not directly spoken, what we do know is what Robb tells Catelyn which is: "By the time Bolton's bastard got to Winterfell the Ironborn were gone. They massacred everyone and put the castle to the torch." Note this is a lie. Bolton's bastard was right outside the gates, his men were constantly blowing the horn in Season 2 to remind Theon that Winterfell was surrounded and furthermore the Ironborn could not have burned Winterfell without burning themselves(since they were inside of it). Adding to that during Theon's 2nd scene there are Ironborn men in the background showing that Dagmer and the rest of Theon's men likely betrayed Theon. Right after his torture a man tells Theon that Yara had sent him, so it stands to reason that Bolton has not allied with the Greyjoy's if Yara is trying to rescue him. So in short, just ask yourself this: Why would Bolton lie to Robb?
White walkers are the frozen native american looking guys. That was a wight, a zombie, that the white walkers make.

It took me until book three to understand there was a difference. Mostly because I remember the book prologue depicting the white walkers as very fast, and the book as wights being very slumbering.


I was like, who the heck is bolton? I don't think i've heard that name until now lol Or maybe i missed it? so many names to keep track off.

Same, my point is, I love speculation and guessing what will happen, but not when you repeatedly make a great leaps of logic and then play it off like we're too stupid to pick up on it.

I'd have never guessed it, but some guys like 4 pages back then stealth edited his posts and removed all history of what he said. I was like who the fuck is roose bolton's bastard? I was genuinely curious. And then the guy stealth edited without writing a reason why and I guess he realized I was suspicious.

Now some guy, says the same thing, but takes it ten steps further, and says things you could not possibly have a clue about if you watched the show. I had to spoiler tag and post it in another thread and wanted someone to PM or confirm it to me.

It's like what's the enjoyment in screwing over fans who only watch the show? There are other threads that allow book spoilers, why ruin it here. That's why I'm going to take a break from this thread and hope next week's episode wasn't ruined for me.


Super Sleuth
Same, my point is, I love speculation and guessing what will happen, but not when you repeatedly make a great leaps of logic and then play it off like we're too stupid to pick up on it.

I'd have never guessed it, but some guys like 4 pages back then stealth edited his posts and removed all history of what he said. I was like who the fuck is roose bolton's bastard? I was genuinely curious. And then the guy stealth edited without writing a reason why and I guess he realized I was suspicious.

Now some guy, says the same thing, but takes it ten steps further, and says things you could not possibly have a clue about if you watched the show. I had to spoiler tag and post it in another thread and wanted someone to PM or confirm it to me.

It's like what's the enjoyment in screwing over fans who only watch the show? There are other threads that allow book spoilers, why ruin it here. That's why I'm going to take a break from this thread and hope next week's episode wasn't ruined for me.

People like to lord their knowledge over others. Even when well intentioned, it is a shitty thing to do.


Thanks plywood for responding back. Yeah I have to admit that went over my head. It was just too convenient for me, if you go back 3-4 pages, you'll see I quoted a guy asking for followup but he stealth edited his posts and didn't even give a reason why which is why I got suspicious.

I'm still going to take a break from the thread though. I waited too long for this show to come back to want it to be spoiled even a little bit for me.


Same, my point is, I love speculation and guessing what will happen, but not when you repeatedly make a great leaps of logic and then play it off like we're too stupid to pick up on it.

People make speculation with huge leaps of logic all the time. If you think someone is intentionally using spoilers it's best to contact a mod directly and not disturb the actual thread.


Super Sleuth
People make speculation with huge leaps of logic all the time. If you think someone is intentionally using spoilers it's best to contact a mod directly and not disturb the actual thread.

And book readers definitely shouldn't publicly accuse somebody of spoilers since that basically is itself a spoiler. You can pass something off as speculation but if somebody who knows cries spoiler, that just means that the person was right.



I haven't read the books at all. I'm waiting till I watch the entirety of the show first, I just find it so exciting and amazing, that I don't want to constantly compare and criticize parts that are different like I did when watching other shows or movies.

I've had stuff spoiled for me in game of thrones and walking dead before which is why I get upset if I perceive it again. I love speculation, nothing gets me more excited than speculating with other fans about what could happen. I hate it though, when people stealth edit posts to remove info and play it off like I never asked, because it seems to employ a great leap of logic. I do agree that we should PM mods if we feel someone is spoiling and not disrupt the thread. Because I was recently a junior, I'm not as familiar, who is the resident mod to PM? I don't want anyone to get in trouble though, just to stop spoiling or something.
Oh my god, this season is incredible so far!

I can't believe how well produced it is, it makes Walking Dead look like it is shot with a shoe string budget.
Since we have other threads for the show specifically for people who have read the series, I'd like to ask that they refrain from posting in this thread. I don't believe anybody has been deliberately posting spoilers under the guise of working things out, but it can be easy to forget where you learned a specific bit of information, especially if you read it a long time ago or started reading just after you got into the series. Then again, maybe some people are doing it deliberately. Please be considerate.


Oh my god, this season is incredible so far!

I can't believe how well produced it is, it makes Walking Dead look like it is shot with a shoe string budget.
I enjoy the Walking Dead but it doesn't hold a candle to GoT. This show is on a whole different level of awesome.


I'd have never guessed it, but some guys like 4 pages back then stealth edited his posts and removed all history of what he said. I was like who the fuck is roose bolton's bastard? I was genuinely curious. And then the guy stealth edited without writing a reason why and I guess he realized I was suspicious.

Roose Bolton's bastard was mentioned in the show. Roose was the guy who said he could send his bastard to Winterfell to take it back from Theon in Season 2. So, mentioning Roose's bastard shouldn't make a post suspicious. If they know much more than that, then it's a bit suspicious, since that's about all we know from the show.


I don't know the Walking Dead's budget but I can guarantee it isn't remotely near GoT.

I don't know, the CGI and makeup on Walking Dead probably eats up a lot of their budget. I think actors are paid the same. Then again, I don't know, is it cheaper to film in the US or abroad?

But look at the production vales of GoT. Amazing vistas from Iceland, Croatia, Northern Ireland, Morocco as opposed to a small set in Georgia or rural farmland. Game of Thrones has such superb writing and acting, I can't believe it's still only a television show. Really setting the bar high for any future shows.

EDIT: I know, but I asked who he was because I don't think we saw him yet right? And when me and a few others asked who he was, he edited his post and removed mention of him. And then did the same for the next post. Some guy a few pages back took it way further than I thought possible. But I don't want to derail the thread anymore. I hope people just stop and not ruin it for us.
I don't know, the CGI and makeup on Walking Dead probably eats up a lot of their budget. I think actors are paid the same. Then again, I don't know, is it cheaper to film in the US or abroad?

But look at the production vales of GoT. Amazing vistas from Iceland, Croatia, Northern Ireland, Morocco as opposed to a small set in Georgia or rural farmland. Game of Thrones has such superb writing and acting, I can't believe it's still only a television show. Really setting the bar high for any future shows.

The only show that probably comes close to GoT's budget is Boardwalk Empire. Not sure how they compare but those two shows are the most expensive on TV right now.


The only show that probably comes close to GoT's budget is Boardwalk Empire. Not sure how they compare but those two shows are the most expensive on TV right now.

Apparently season 2 episodes cost almost $6 million an episode. I'd imagine the cost is probably close to $8 million plus now, no? I can't wait to see more of Daenarys and how Astapor is shown.

I feel bad for the Jon Snow team who are forced to work on those mountains and glaciers.
Apparently season 2 episodes cost almost $6 million an episode. I'd imagine the cost is probably close to $8 million plus now, no? I can't wait to see more of Daenarys and how Astapor is shown.

I feel bad for the Jon Snow team who are forced to work on those mountains and glaciers.

Yeah, it's tough, but the on location stuff beats any soundstage any day of the week


Yeah, it's tough, but the on location stuff beats any soundstage any day of the week

Yup. I haven't seen anything that could handle such geographic disparity without location shooting. GOT really feels like it's taking place all over the world. Because it is.


HBO series have ridiculous budgets.

I believe Band of Brothers cost 100 million to make, for 10 episodes! The Pacific was even more expensive

I loved the episode.

Arya better than ever, and Sansa wasnt as. bad as usual.

I still like Margaery
The whole Worg (?) think seems cool. Not too over the top, and I was more shocked by the Giants than this.
I mean, the purple-lipped dude had more tricks up his sleeve than taking over animals.

Only one small thing: the sword fight looked kind of dull. Only low strikes and the swords clashing was a but too much.

But that doesnt change the fact that the season is off to a great start. Although I agree on the episodes feeling too short, but thats just because of the amount of awesome characters.

Ill update the cool-wall as well

Why didnt the Kingslayer jump in the river? Brienne with all her armour would have never been able to stay afloat
I really dug Sansa's venting. It was cathartic for to get a chance to rage about her family being destroyed and she played it off well. It's also nice to see her get the chance to do it without any repercussions. The whole time I was waiting for a hammer to drop and it didn't happen. It was an all-around good pay-off.

Seth C

HBO series have ridiculous budgets.

I believe Band of Brothers cost 100 million to make, for 10 episodes! The Pacific was even more expensive

I loved the episode.

Arya better than ever, and Sansa wasnt as. bad as usual.

I still like Margaery
The whole Worg (?) think seems cool. Not too over the top, and I was more shocked by the Giants than this.
I mean, the purple-lipped dude had more tricks up his sleeve than taking over animals.

Only one small thing: the sword fight looked kind of dull. Only low strikes and the swords clashing was a but too much.

But that doesnt change the fact that the season is off to a great start. Although I agree on the episodes feeling too short, but thats just because of the amount of awesome characters.

Ill update the cool-wall as well

Why didnt the Kingslayer jump in the river? Brienne with all her armour would have never been able to stay afloat

His hands were chained together. He'd have probably drowned.


HBO series have ridiculous budgets.

I believe Band of Brothers cost 100 million to make, for 10 episodes! The Pacific was even more expensive

I loved the episode.

Arya better than ever, and Sansa wasnt as. bad as usual.

I still like Margaery
The whole Worg (?) think seems cool. Not too over the top, and I was more shocked by the Giants than this.
I mean, the purple-lipped dude had more tricks up his sleeve than taking over animals.

Only one small thing: the sword fight looked kind of dull. Only low strikes and the swords clashing was a but too much.

But that doesnt change the fact that the season is off to a great start. Although I agree on the episodes feeling too short, but thats just because of the amount of awesome characters.

Ill update the cool-wall as well

Why didnt the Kingslayer jump in the river? Brienne with all her armour would have never been able to stay afloat

He's shackled at the wrists. I don't think he'd be able to swim very far.


I've not read the books, but I can just imagine brann taking over the dragons at some point with his super powers. Seems like a given no?
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