Go back a page and read. Some guy said from this he deduced that the Bolton's were now in Tywin's pocket and that Robb should watch out... How can you even deduce that?
All we saw was Theon ready to fight and get knocked out. Next we see Bran and Rickon escape but everyone is dead and the castle is on fire.
We hear from Robb that Bolton's bastard was too late, the castle was torched and that the boys weren't found. Theon wakes up in a room and is getting water thrown on him and is getting tortured.
A split second shot of him on an X contraption, that many people use to torture, and a split second shot of some flayed banner that looks like an X, is sufficient for you guys and the guy from a few pages back to say Roose and his bastard are in Tywin's pocket and that Robb should watch out etc. Give me a break.
Anyways, I'm sorry if it's gotten out of hand, I just wanted to come here and chat with fellow fans who haven't read the books, but stealth posts by guys who have clearly read the books have ruined this. I'm done posting I guess. It's bad enough I had to deal with this crap in the Walking dead threads, and now here as well.