I haven't read a single page of the books.
OK, it has been established that Rob's men dislike him marrying a foreigner and making her queen instead of a northern noble woman. A fact reminded to us by the guy telling Rob "You lost the war the moment you married her." Roose Bolton has been portrayed as a shifty motherfucker every time he's on screen. They only stopped short of replicating the shifty dog bit from The Simpsons. It has been established that Rob's army keeps winning battles but not accomplishing anything and growing frustrated. All these things make Rob's side susceptible to treason and mutiny. On the opposing side you have Tywin Lannister who's not a stranger to using treason in order to win as we saw with how he arranged for Jamie to kill the king. And the next king. Then we know that Bolton's bastard had Theon surrounded and trapped at Winterfell. A Winterfell that wasn't burning and with its people still alive. But Rob was told they arrived too late and found Winterfell burned and everyone dead. Then we find Theon in the hands of an unspecified party, being tortured on a device like the one House Bolton uses for its sigil.
So Rob is fighting a man with infinitely deep pockets. With an army that appears discontented and susceptible to treason. And he's actively being lied to by his men. Deducing that treason is afoot doesn't seem like a big jump to make.
See there you go again. How does Robb's army winning battles mean his men are susceptible to treason? It's the exact opposite, Tywin and the Lannisters are the ones losing left and right, their men are the ones who would revolt rather than risk death or capture.
And are we watching the same show? Roose Bolton hasn't seemed shifty at all, in fact he seemed sincere when he said he'd want to send his bastard to see if Winterfell was captured.
Third, wtf? When did Tywin arrange for Jamie to kill the Mad king and then Robert? See where do you make these leaps from? The only reason Robert died was because Ned found out the truth and told Cersei he was going to tell Robert that Joffrey wasn't his, so Cersei had Lancel refill his wine until he was too drunk and got impaled by a boar.
And once again, we didn't know Bolton's men surrounded Winterfell, we can only assume that because Theon is fed up of the horns and says the northmen want to kill them. They had the place surrounded, the iron born are known to rape and pillage. They were assumed to have torched the place as they left, and killed everyone. Just like Theon's guy had killed Master Luwin or whatever.
And once again, we only saw a small portion of a flag that had a red X, how can you assume that Theon, who is tied to one, means roose and his bastard have him but are in Tywin's pocket and plan to betray Robb?
And it was Catelyn who warned Robb about marrying that girl because he had pledged to another daughter. That's what they are upset about. Him marrying a foreigner as opposed to a Northerner.
I don't want to go so far as to accuse anyone, but I feel as if someone who knows what happens, can easily try and make up these leaps of logic and draw the wool over our eyes like we are morons because we never saw it.
Just please stop.