Okay several things guys:
1. Awesome finale!
2. I....find myself almost liking Sam now...is that alright?
3. I like Stannis, but he was kind of a dick to Davos this episode. The Red Women controlling him and leading him on the path to darkness sucks but now Ameon might get help from Stan is at the wall!
Hopefully Sam is smart enough to say Rast and the others killed Craster and literally stabbed commander Mormont in the back. Aemon Targaryian needs to know Lord Commander is dead and those traitors need to die if they come back to the wall.
Stannis said he saw a great battle in the snow in the fire vision, maybe he leads a battle against the white walkers up north. Red Women basically told Stannis the war of five kings is over and nothing compared to the death marching the walk up north and he was like sure okay. Davis lives... until he's outlived his usefulness?

Stannis is a man of truth and honor and justice, and he thinks Davis deserves death...hopefully he'll pardon him and Davos will remain hand of the king.
3. Hell yeah! I'm not a book reader but I was lucky enough to guess Yara and the Iron born would save Theon based on seeing them in the preview! I totally called it and I can't believe it because most of my predictions were wrong. I thought there was no way Robv and Catt and the arny would die and then the unexpected happened last week!
Ramsey Snow you're about to get fucked by 50 of the coldest Iron born killers and a vengeful Theon you sick fuck you! I love Yara and good for her for standing up to her father! Fuck Balon though! That's your son asshole!
I thought Yara said 50 men and a fast ship. Can fifty men take the Dreadfort and all of Ramsey's men? Seems like very little to take Bolton's stronghold. Ramsey could hold Theon at knifepoint and Bolton has men there, right?
4. The Blackfish escaped! And he WASN'T IN ON IT! Sorry Edmund if your uncle avenges your family you might be a casualty but there is hope for the Tully's and the North!
5. Bran talking about the God's cursing people that kill guests under their own roof and cutting to Bolton and Frey can't be a coincidence!
6. I liked the finale but the closing scene with Dany was kind of boring and underwhelming. I guess it had to be disappointing compared to the still fresh Red Wedding.
7. I'll give it a pass because it is supposed to be halfway through the third book and it was never supposed to stop and the real good cliffhanger ending would be the end of the second half of book three or season four. The break was never supposed to be there but S4 better have a really good ending!
I can't wait a year for season 4 I feel like reading the books but I want to be surprised next season. I watched the first two seasons months before this started for the first time but now I know your guy's pain!
One year, no too long...