Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Is anyone else super psyched that the Blackfish is still alive?

I hope this means he becomes an important character and gets shit done, because he's one of my favorite background characters


It literally takes them 12 months to do 10 episodes, they don't have breaks. There are 2 or 3 units going at once, and they shoot across 3-4 continents. They've said before, you can have 10 episodes per year, or 20 episodes every 2 years.

Then they some slow ass directors/writers... then How come some 2 hour + movies only take as few as 30 days to film I mean damn I would say at best Dany had like 2hours or less of screen time that shouldn't have taken a month for her stuff unless they write the episodes sloow as fuck... or by a month to month bases... They should have 5 or more units then if thats the case. Its not like this show doesn't make money...also George needs to hurry the FUCK up and WRITE


Watching the rerun cause I missed some scenes. When they rode Rob out, even the Hound's face was like "Man, that's fucked up."


Then they some slow ass directors/writers... then How come some 2 hour + movies only take as few as 30 days to film I mean damn I would say at best Dany had like 2hours or less of screen time that shouldn't have taken a month for her stuff unless they write the episodes sloow as fuck... or by a month to month bases... They should have 5 or more units then if thats the case. Its not like this show doesn't make money...also George needs to hurry the FUCK up and WRITE
You know a lot of 2 hour movies that shoot in 30 days in multiple countries/continents with a cast and production this large at this scale? No, you don't. Because there aren't any.


Unconfirmed Member
Stand tall non-book readers!

Who will stand with me and not read the books at all during this ridiculous wait?

You have my banner!

I've got to finish reading the first in the meantime, and might get through the second as well.

What were the ratings like for last episode?


I really liked the finale. After last weeks, needed a slower pace. And it progressed the story further. Loved the ending scene. Any scene with her is a good scene. And arya yeahhhhh!!!!

I won't be reading during the break. I don't think I'll ever read any of em. Too ADHD to read
People complain about season 2 being too fast and confusing, and now they complain about season 3 being too slow and filler. There's no pleasing some people!
Then they some slow ass directors/writers... then How come some 2 hour + movies only take as few as 30 days to film I mean damn I would say at best Dany had like 2hours or less of screen time that shouldn't have taken a month for her stuff unless they write the episodes sloow as fuck... or by a month to month bases... They should have 5 or more units then if thats the case. Its not like this show doesn't make money...also George needs to hurry the FUCK up and WRITE

Yes, of course you know better than the people who make the damn show. They're just a bunch of lazy arses. Well done.


People complain about season 2 being too fast and confusing, and now they complain about season 3 being too slow and filler. There's no pleasing some people!

If it makes you feel better, I don't think that.

There were some storylines that didn't feel like they went anywhere (Theon), but overall I think the season felt too crammed.


any chance the show could move to 12 episodes per season? everything feels so squeezed right now. its a massive success, they could justify the extra budget.

that mysha track was the highlight of the season 3 soundtrack for me, thought the ending was beautiful. still conflicted over dany but then she goes and does things like this
LOL the last scene was sooooo bad. I could barely look at the screen and was scared my eyes would get stuck in the back of my head. Other than that, I thought it was fine. This was a real good season for character development, I think. If you're looking for big moments out of the finale, yeah it was probably pretty disappointing. But it's been fun to watch the characters grow, so I liked this season.
any chance the show could move to 12 episodes per season? everything feels so squeezed right now. its a massive success, they could justify the extra budget.

Budget's not necessarily the problem. Filming in three different continents is the problem. They can't up the episode count.
Is anyone else super psyched that the Blackfish is still alive?

I hope this means he becomes an important character and gets shit done, because he's one of my favorite background characters

yes! i love that guy. i want him and jean reno to somehow team up and start kicking ass.

on a related note, does anyone know what happened to edmure? did i hear fray say something about keeping him in the dungeon? if so, i wonder why they'd bother keeping him alive. walder frey is the lord of riverrun now, right, so what good is edmure.


I actually think this season was a waste of time. As others have said before, there was a whole lot of nothing going nowhere the entire season. Maybe the entire book can't be done in 10 episodes, but the 10 episodes that have gone by could have been trimmed down to 5. I mean, how many minutes were wasted on that scene with Shae and Varys?

Maybe they real reason for the split is to give Martin time to finish the story.

Anyway, time to forget this series exist for 9 months.

I wouldn't say that scene with Shae was wasted. Varys pretty much just said she's a dead woman if she doesn't leave. Seemed to go over her head. Probably going to pivotal to Tyrians arc next season. I'd put money on Tywin killing her after that whole speech about family first, and Varys straight up saying she's stunting Tyrions role in furthering the strength of the family. Tywin also ruined Tyrions first marriage as well.


The episode was pretty good. Happy the Blackfish survived and also Bran's story about the Freys basically going to get theirs in the future. Loved seeing Arya going full assassin and then invoking the phrase to call Jaqen for help. I'm also rooting for Yara Greyjoy to go and kill the fuck out of Roose Bolton's kid. That punk ass traitor needs a comeuppance too. I'm wondering if the Lannisters will give a shit once they realize that the only reason they even have Jaime back is because Catelyn Stark set him free. Lannister's owe her one now, even in death. They always pay their debts, right? I guess we'll see.
Shae needs to be slapped. Who says he sent Varys? Varys could have gone on his own accord because he was worried about her. Now if she dies it will be even worse. She's another character choosing love over practical things...we know how THAT'S rewarded in this show. She was handed a way out on a silver platter.


If it makes you feel better, I don't think that.

There were some storylines that didn't feel like they went anywhere (Theon), but overall I think the season felt too crammed.

They really could have condensed the Theon scenes to like two episodes and used that extra time for someone more relevant.

Overall I agree. The pacing this season was all over the place. I like the show, don't get me wrong, but some episodes definitely could have been done better.

Concerning the finale in particular: The last scene fell flat. The episode overall was solid and has some great scenes, but I was hoping for some kind of cliffhanger in the last scene.

Oh well. Now the wait begins again.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I liked the episode, even if the previous one was better.

Having Pycelle reappear and interact with Tyrion is always golden. Much of the scenes were good, even if they were more telling rather than action. Tyrion/Tywin, Snow/Ygritte, Sam/Bran, Cersei/Tyrion, and many others. The only two that didn't do much for me were the ones involving Dany and Shae.

I won't be in this thread next season -- I'm off to read the book 2 and 3, along with play the video game that won't amount to much more than fan service.
I liked the episode, even if the previous one was better.

Having Pycelle reappear and interact with Tyrion is always golden. Much of the scenes were good, even if they were more telling rather than action. Tyrion/Tywin, Snow/Ygritte, Sam/Bran, Cersei/Tyrion, and many others. The only two that didn't do much for me were the ones involving Dany and Shae.

I won't be in this thread next season -- I'm off to read the book 2 and 3, along with play the video game that won't amount to much more than fan service.

Oh god you just made me realize that we know Pycelle's old man act is complete crap, so he dropped the letter on purpose...Just like Arya dropped the coin on purpose. Lol and people thought the Starks were done for


"Lords and ladies, we will have a brief cease-fire over the war for the throne while we direct our attention elsewhere. I'm sure we can all trust each other to be noble and not attack each other while this goes on because a man is as only good as his word. Just don't attend any weddings near the wall you dumbasses..."

Davos did what I thought he would minus the part where he goes WITH Gendry. I didn't expect him to stay back and face it like a man but he truly is an honorable guy which makes me fear for his life on this show. :p


Ugh. It's over. It was a decent episode, I wanted some more though.

Also what the fuck Ygritte...some fucking love, keep shooting him with arrows you idiot.

Arya first blood.

Tyrion is a boss.

Jaime returned...why am I hating him less.

Joffrey is a cunt.


Dr. Malik

I liked this episode. After the hectic events of last week I wouldnt be able to handle something of that caliber back to back.

plus Daenerys ended the season so thats a plus
Okay several things guys:

1. Awesome finale!

2. I....find myself almost liking Sam that alright?

3. I like Stannis, but he was kind of a dick to Davos this episode. The Red Women controlling him and leading him on the path to darkness sucks but now Ameon might get help from Stan is at the wall!

Hopefully Sam is smart enough to say Rast and the others killed Craster and literally stabbed commander Mormont in the back. Aemon Targaryian needs to know Lord Commander is dead and those traitors need to die if they come back to the wall.

Stannis said he saw a great battle in the snow in the fire vision, maybe he leads a battle against the white walkers up north. Red Women basically told Stannis the war of five kings is over and nothing compared to the death marching the walk up north and he was like sure okay. Davis lives... until he's outlived his usefulness? :( Stannis is a man of truth and honor and justice, and he thinks Davis deserves death...hopefully he'll pardon him and Davos will remain hand of the king.

3. Hell yeah! I'm not a book reader but I was lucky enough to guess Yara and the Iron born would save Theon based on seeing them in the preview! I totally called it and I can't believe it because most of my predictions were wrong. I thought there was no way Robv and Catt and the arny would die and then the unexpected happened last week!

Ramsey Snow you're about to get fucked by 50 of the coldest Iron born killers and a vengeful Theon you sick fuck you! I love Yara and good for her for standing up to her father! Fuck Balon though! That's your son asshole!

I thought Yara said 50 men and a fast ship. Can fifty men take the Dreadfort and all of Ramsey's men? Seems like very little to take Bolton's stronghold. Ramsey could hold Theon at knifepoint and Bolton has men there, right?

4. The Blackfish escaped! And he WASN'T IN ON IT! Sorry Edmund if your uncle avenges your family you might be a casualty but there is hope for the Tully's and the North! :)

5. Bran talking about the God's cursing people that kill guests under their own roof and cutting to Bolton and Frey can't be a coincidence!

6. I liked the finale but the closing scene with Dany was kind of boring and underwhelming. I guess it had to be disappointing compared to the still fresh Red Wedding.

7. I'll give it a pass because it is supposed to be halfway through the third book and it was never supposed to stop and the real good cliffhanger ending would be the end of the second half of book three or season four. The break was never supposed to be there but S4 better have a really good ending!

I can't wait a year for season 4 I feel like reading the books but I want to be surprised next season. I watched the first two seasons months before this started for the first time but now I know your guy's pain!

One year, no too long...


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
"Lords and ladies, we will have a brief cease-fire over the war for the throne while we direct our attention elsewhere. I'm sure we can all trust each other to be noble and not attack each other while this goes on because a man is as only good as his word. Just don't attend any weddings near the wall you dumbasses..."

Davos did what I thought he would minus the part where he goes WITH Gendry. I didn't expect him to stay back and face it like a man but he truly is an honorable guy which makes me fear for his life on this show. :p

I fear that Davos is similar to the elder Mormont -- there to give advice and help characters progress until he is no longer needed.


Also Robb with Grey Wind...that was just brutal. Argh I want them all dead so bad. Arya's killing is just the beginning.


Well, this was a most excellent episode.

Loved virtually every scene, except the one that has Jaime enter Cersei's room... Because I wanted to see more of it. D: There was beautiful tension between all the players: fucking AMAZING Arya w/The Hound scene, fantastic wordplay between Cersei and Tyrion, awesome/unpredictable Jon and Ygritte scene, loved everything going on at Dragonstone, absolutely adored the way they showed us the aftermath at The Twins with Roose and Walder (dem villains), fuck.

Everything. Even Dany's "Ghandi" ending scene was touching. Great cap to the season.

Angry Fork

Well that was disappointing. It felt like nothing happened, a bunch of scenes of people staring contemplating stuff. How did they think this was worthy of a finale, it belongs at episode 6 or 7.

I really cannot stand Daenerys scenes, ending on her made it much worse for me. She has no fucking right or reason to be in the position she's in right now, at all. I don't understand why she thinks she has the right to be a queen or 'mother' to a bunch of slaves. She didn't fucking save anyone, her slaves did for her. The only reason anybody knows her is because some bearded guy raped her, and she was okay with that for some reason. The stockholm syndrome infuriates me. I imagine George Bush being carried about by a bunch of iraqi's and that was the final scene for me. Ultimate praise of an immoral, self entitled, idiotic witch.

Jaime comes back home, which is great...but then they leave it there. They barely show Arya. Bunch of time spent on Bran or whatever his name is the kid with fucked up legs that nobody cares about. Even more time spent on the red witch lady, although to be fair the scenes did make me care more about the bearded guy and the kid he saved.

Tyrion snapping back at Joffrey again was great, and the scene with Cersei. But I was hoping for at least some resolution. Show Arya arriving at some new place, see the reaction of the rest of the Lannisters to Jaime's return and his explanation of what happened, something like that.

I think it's time to start reading the books so I don't have to feel this dissatisfaction. This shit takes too long to get going week after week only to be left hanging at the end.
I really cannot stand Daenerys scenes, ending on her made it much worse for me. She has no fucking right or reason to be in the position she's in right now, at all. I don't understand why she thinks she has the right to be a queen or 'mother' to a bunch of slaves. She didn't fucking save anyone, her slaves did for her. The only reason anybody knows her is because some bearded guy raped her, and she was okay with that for some reason. The stockholm syndrome infuriates me. I imagine George Bush being carried about by a bunch of iraqi's and that was the final scene for me. Ultimate praise of an immoral, self entitled, idiotic witch.

I like the way you think.


Ending scene ended with a touching moment with Daeneryus, the slaves calling her mother and raising her up then zooming out was definitely a great touch and the highlight of the episode!

Now I need to know which exclusive cover BestBuy will have for the release of Season 3 Blu-Ray, hopefully its the Dragon cover again like season 1!
yes! i love that guy. i want him and jean reno to somehow team up and start kicking ass.

on a related note, does anyone know what happened to edmure? did i hear fray say something about keeping him in the dungeon? if so, i wonder why they'd bother keeping him alive. walder frey is the lord of riverrun now, right, so what good is edmure.

I imagine for the same reason that the Lannisters keep Sansa around - useful hostage who's kids will eventually (many decades after the war is over) be accepted by the commonfolk as the rightful ruler. It's not like Walder Frey or Tyrion can just show up at Riverrun or The North tomorrow and say "I'm running shit now." Which is why Tywin named Roose Bolton temporary Warden in the North.


sam is becoming an awesome character IMO

i always liked him but he is just getting better. also gilly is kind of hot or am i wrong.



That's why I like this series.

Even if enough happened to end most shows last week it's only a blip in the bigger picture.

And there is so much more to come.


Ending scene ended with a touching moment with Daeneryus, the slaves calling her mother and raising her up then zooming out was definitely a great touch and the highlight of the episode!

Seemed forced and cheesy.

I thought the episode was quite mediocre, but I have to admit, I did get quite gitty (or is it giddy?) when Maester Aemon was all like "WE GOTTA SEND THESE 44 RAVENS TONIGHT, SON!" And when Davos, Stannis and Melisandre we're all talking about UNITING FOR MANKIND, A GREATER ENEMY THAN US ALL! You can foresee the treachery that will come with it I CAN'T WAIT!

Arya, BAM! JUST LIKE THAT! STABBED THAT FOOL TO DEATH! Masta Wata Danca in da makin'.

Tyrion's scenes are fantastic as always.

Wished they did more with Jamie.

Wish they showed Littlefinger.

Jon Snow's scenes were both great, even as short as they were.

Liked Sam's scenes very much as well.

cause u realize he's actually a hella noble dude, especially hearing why he did what he did in the past, and what he did to save that girl

Save what girl?
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