Funky Papa
Your taste for Stoya totally threw me off.
Not judging, tho.
Not judging, tho.
how big is this show with women?
I know I tried to get my Girlfriend to watch the show with me, but after a couple of episodes she kind of quickly got tired of the blood and how women were depicted in this series. Naked and almost all of them prostitutes.
I didn't know anyone who would know my username wouldn't know that.
My girlfriends debate over who's better looking, Robb or Jon (how can anyone believe Jon is better?) and my aunt and father's gf loved Khal Drogo and Jaime.
Can't wait to show them this episode.
everyone knows that Jamie lannister is the hot one.
then again how should I know, I like girls!
The hot one is Rob starks new wife, and maybe some random naked hooker we have seen in some previous episodes.
Dany is still the hottest.
That's called good taste.Your taste for Stoya totally threw me off.
Not judging, tho.
everyone knows that Jamie lannister is the hot one.
then again how should I know, I like girls!
The hot one is Rob starks new wife, and maybe some random naked hooker we have seen in some previous episodes.
That's called good taste.
Order (in girls) is Ygritte > Talisa > Doreah (the handmaiden) > Daenerys (who looks so much better as a brunette).
It is known.
I consider her quite low on the pecking order as far as GoT actresses go. Or rather, the actress looks much better in real life than she does done up as Daenerys (P.S. I had to look up the fucking spelling just then because it's so retarded).
You know nothing.Mmmm.... usually I agree with your taste, but it seems this time we differ
Doreah > New slave girl > Talisa > Daenerys > Ygritte
You know nothing.
what in the seven hells were they thinking? I can't believe this. Someone has to be fired over this shit. oh my dayyyyyyyyyyss... totally destroyed that feeling and the atmosphere at the end. shock gone in 0.1 seconds.
I consider her quite low on the pecking order as far as GoT actresses go. Or rather, the actress looks much better in real life than she does done up as Daenerys (P.S. I had to look up the fucking spelling just then because it's so retarded).
how big is this show with women?
I know I tried to get my Girlfriend to watch the show with me, but after a couple of episodes she kind of quickly got tired of the blood and how women were depicted in this series. Naked and almost all of them prostitutes.
how big is this show with women?
I know I tried to get my Girlfriend to watch the show with me, but after a couple of episodes she kind of quickly got tired of the blood and how women were depicted in this series. Naked and almost all of them prostitutes.
I loved the end credits music / rock cover. To me it was the perfect way to punctuate the insanity of the final moment.
I realize some people don't like anything anachronistic in their fiction and fantasy, and that's fair. But I'm down with something funky and unexpected as was done here.
It reminds me of the use of "We Will Rock You" in the jousting tournament in A Knight's Tale. The out of time music was used to get across an attitude to the viewer that some stereotypical (to modern audiences) fantasy flute tunes wouldn't. To the people in that time period, such an event was a rock concert - bawdy, rude, exciting, and heart pumping. The surreal use of a rock song for the scene got across the attitude.
Same deal here. What happens to a major character at the end of this episode, is a shocking reminder that the rules can't be taken for granted in this series, as with the end of season 1. A rock cover of an in-universe bard's song worked really well IMO to enhance the viewer being thrown off balance.
that fight felt stiff as fuck. i don't like how they have so much money for set design apparently but they can't afford a decent fight choreographer (and if he is decent then i don't know why he's so crap for this series)
whenever this show has a duel it just feels like a few lumbering oafs and there's no grace or spectacle to it. thankfully the action scenes are few and far between.
"McKidd and I had lunch the other day, and I said to him, "Have you been asked to do Game Of Thrones?" And he said, "I'd never do it. Because they stole our fucking show." He worked out that if Rome had run for the entire seven seasons that it should have run, we would only have finished it last year. And he feels that HBO did Game of Thrones instead of us, so they stole our show. I kind of agree with him. I won't be doing Game Of Thrones, even if they ask me."
I honestly loved the way they handled that, it felt very real, switching stances and carefully planting swings. Those are massive two handers you cant swing that stuff around like a ninja.
Edit; I want someone to minor spoiler me because its bumming me out =>So they chopped of Jamie's hand, all i want to know is can i expect some Jamie fighting in the future or he is completely incapacitated?
I feel dumb. I can't figure out what is going on this season.
The people who have Jaimie and had Theon are of the same house? They were also the ones surrounding Winterfell at the end of S2? Leader of Jaimie's captors is the son of Robb's advisor who was always interrupted by his wife and gave dirty looks?
And was the grandfather's death just randomly brought up to explain where they were heading or did I miss a raven message?
Maybe because I'm not watching them back to back is throwing me off.
So I guess what happened to him was a ban.
The people who captured Jamie/Brienne are flying Bolton banners. They were a scouting party sent off from the main army in the riverlands. The leader of these guys - Locke - his relation (or lack thereof) to Roose or any of the other Boltons is unknown. He might be a relative or just an officer in the army.
The Boltons also surrounded Winterfell at the end of Season 2. This was a different force - basically the garrison left at the Bolton's home known as the Dreadfort, which isn't very far from Winterfell. Roose Bolton's (Robb's advisor) bastard son Ramsay was heading the garrison, and Roose sent word to him to recapture Winterfell from the Greyjoys.
I don't think the identity of Theon's captors has formally revealed on the show, but the contraption Theon was on is part of the sigil of House Bolton, and given the circumstances of his capture, it's a safe assumption that it's Ramsay's contingent.
They actually doubled back from Harrenhal - which is a ways east of Riverrun in the riverlands - to Riverrun due to the death of Lord Tully. Lord Karstark (the guy with the white hair and beard) was complaining during the march that it was pulling them away from the war campaign.
The sigil of House Bolton is a flayed man. I'm guessing you might have read the book and are explaining stuff for the people here?
It's a flayed man on a St. Andrew's Cross, as evidenced in the show by both the banners and the sigil worn on Roose Bolton's chest.
Do you really want to know? I can send you a PM.
The people who captured Jamie/Brienne are flying Bolton banners. They were a scouting party sent off from the main army in the riverlands. The leader of these guys - Locke - his relation (or lack thereof) to Roose or any of the other Boltons is unknown. He might be a relative or just an officer in the army.
The Boltons also surrounded Winterfell at the end of Season 2. This was a different force - basically the garrison left at the Bolton's home known as the Dreadfort, which isn't very far from Winterfell. Roose Bolton's (Robb's advisor) bastard son Ramsay was heading the garrison, and Roose sent word to him to recapture Winterfell from the Greyjoys.
I don't think the identity of Theon's captors has formally revealed on the show, but the contraption Theon was on is part of the sigil of House Bolton, and given the circumstances of his capture, it's a safe assumption that it's Ramsay's contingent.
They actually doubled back from Harrenhal - which is a ways east of Riverrun in the riverlands - to Riverrun due to the death of Lord Tully. Lord Karstark (the guy with the white hair and beard) was complaining during the march that it was pulling them away from the war campaign.
Exactly. My wife and I have just gotten into Twin Peaks and we were torn which to watch last night, that or GoT. We may just catch up on TP and other shows until Thrones is over.I'm good thanks, Captain_Spanky helped me out.
Honestly, think i'll just try waiting for all episodes to air because 1 episode each week just gets me out of the moment and waiting with this show is extra annoying.
You mean how awesome it was? I already posted about it. I'm glad they had the balls to take it in such a great direction. The Hold Steady is a perfect choice for the kind of dirty, bar-folk song the Bear and the Maiden Fair is. The dissonance of its placement was choice.
The same exact song was sung earlier in the episode, by the same exact people that did such a horrifying act. It was a great circle back and provided the perfect contrast.
So the guys who rescues Theon, is he the same guy who free's him?
Thanks. I think I got lost as to why they were at Harrenhal (the mountain?), and I don't remember any scene stating why they left until they mentioned that it's out of the way and how "the death of my grandfather isn't blablabla". When I saw that I thought "When did his grandfather die why are we finding out on the road?". I may have been distracted and missed a key scene there.
Great jump in ratings, and at the perfect time too. That episode created quite a buzz