I was actually thinking that. Last episode was the first time this season wasn't it?So safe to say this is a fairly nudity free series by how it's gone so far.
Officially on #teamkhaleesi
Dani seems completely overpowering. I'm betting that she'll take seasons to make it to kings landing because its clear she can take anyone. Meh
Preview SpoilerJon Snow and nude Ygritte!
It was a nice episode, but I don't care for Daenerys.
Thing is, she's super heavy infantry right now. She has no cavalry, and no siege weapons, and no other weapons besides what the Unsullied have. It'd be stupid for her to march on King's Landing without all the other parts of an army she might need.
So she'll dick around finding parts for her army seasons on end to march into kings landing? Ok then.Thing is, she's super heavy infantry right now. She has no cavalry, and no siege weapons, and no other weapons besides what the Unsullied have. It'd be stupid for her to march on King's Landing without all the other parts of an army she might need.
Poor Lord Commander though. That was so unexpected. I thought these guys were all about honor and obedience to the nights watch? They just killed the Lord Commander. I wonder if Jorah who is with Dany will find out his dad was killed in a mutiny.
Link please. :3
Nights watch is made up of rapers and thieves.Fucking Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaeryan, she seems to be learning well. I thought she was gullible and naive but damn. 8000 regimented troops who will obey every command and 3 dragons. Good luck Joffrey lol.
Poor Lord Commander though. That was so unexpected. I thought these guys were all about honor and obedience to the nights watch? They just killed the Lord Commander. I wonder if Jorah who is with Dany will find out his dad was killed in a mutiny.
She should go back and spite her enemies from season 1
So she'll dick around finding parts for her army seasons on end to march into kings landing? Ok then.
I believe the armies of both Joffrey, Stannis, and Rob number in the tens of thousands. But still they are not as well trained as the Sullied and have dragons either.Fucking Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaeryan, she seems to be learning well. I thought she was gullible and naive but damn. 8000 regimented troops who will obey every command and 3 dragons. Good luck Joffrey lol.
Nights watch is made up of rapers and thieves.
Ladies and Gentlemen of GAF, you've just seen my absolute favorite scene of the entire series so far.
I'll duck out since this is the "No Book" thread, but I just wanted to share that with you because it is awesome. That was pretty much identical to the book and was no less chill-inducing. They really handled it well, I've been waiting for that scene all season.
Seriously, this is one of those bits that makes ASoIaF so popular. Fuck yeah and such, carry on as you were, non-book folk!
I believe the armies of both Joffrey, Stannis, and Rob number in the tens of thousands. But still they are not as well trained as the Sullied and have dragons either.
Oh man, I bet those Dothraki's will be shitting bricks now.
Another question, why would Dany automatically be assumed to be the rightful ruler of the throne? I get that Aegon conquered the kingdoms and set it up, but he invaded and took over, sort of like what Robert did when they rebelled. Isn't the rightful ruler right now, technically Stannis or possibly Gendry who is Roberts son?
Haha, yeah this. Let them run into some Whitewalkers and then get a creepy incest loving, baby sacrificing nut to starve them to death and that seems like a pretty likely outcome.
One question though, what was the big deal if they just killed Craster? I mean how important was he? Just that he had some food and shelter for Rangers beyond the wall?
Yeah there are good people but they're likely outnumbered by the bad. Also I interpreted the scene as not just a mutiny but more of a civil war, the nights watch is fighting the nights watch right now sam's a craven so he just ran.North of the wall though, everyone hates the nights watch. So I think they used him for food, supplies, a bed and information. It's like having a dictator as a friend in a hostile area. The man was a monster, but a useful one.
But the nights watch is also made up of good people and this is their chance to redeem themselves. I don't know, I just think the Nights Watch took a hit it might not recover from. I wonder what Jon will do when he finds out. I hope he personally slits that guys throat, the one who bullied Sam and then knifed the Lord Commander.
Yeah, she's pretty awesome. It's as if she grew up on a farm or something and suddenly came into money but still keeps it "real" if anyone understands what I mean.Also can we raise mother Tyrell to the awesome tier. She just doesn't take shit from no one and does it in such a way you can't help but smile.
I felt slightly bad for Theon, he truly seems regretful for what he did at Winterfell. But holy hell at that 360 with him back where he started.
Oh yeah, the Night's Watch scene. I can't say I was sad to see that bastard go. A shame about Commander Mormont though. Theon's story really is a mystery to me. Unless I missed some dialogue explaining what exactly happened to him back at Winterfell when he was clubbed over the head where exactly did all his men go? Where is he now? So many questionsI'm really looking forward to see how this unfolds. I loved the final scene and the Nights Watch scene... but this whole thing is just crazy. I don't see how he'll ever get out of this unless his sister really does care for him.
He was not resentful to the Starks until he got back home and his father practically did not acknowledge that he was his son. Also his sister was chosen over him.I don't get the Theon part! why did he turn against him again? is it because he felt resentful to the Starks?
He was not resentful to the Starks until he got back home and his father practically did not acknowledge that he was his son. Also his sister was chosen over him.
He was not resentful to the Starks until he got back home and his father practically did not acknowledge that he was his son. Also his sister was chosen over him.
Edit: Whoops sorry I misread that. I think he was one of the Boltons. I believe he went through that entire ruse just to break Theon's spirit.
Well at least it looked like one of the Bolton's men judging by what happened tonight.WTF that is fuck up.
Well at least it looked like one of the Bolton's men tonight.