Did you read the books? I only watch the show and didn't get that impression at all.
Uh... they were shoveling shit talking crap about him in this episode.
Guys is the god of light the brotherhood talked about the one the red woman talks about?
Yeah only in this episode after years (decades?) of following him. There should have been buildup for something that large and it all seemed premature.
Hey Heavy, I tried responding to your PM but it says your profile is set up not to receive any.
He's banned.
What was the point of moving Theon in an out of entrapment ?
Who is that dude! And whats his motive?
kinda stupid that the slave trader didn't see this coming and WHY it never happened before
1)the unsullied follow all orders from their owner
2) new owner orders to kill previous ones
really? lol
how the fuck did that trader not have a "former owners cannot be attacked" failsafe or some shit
Bow to the Goddess
kinda stupid that the slave trader didn't see this coming and WHY it never happened before
1)the unsullied follow all orders from their owner
2) new owner orders to kill previous ones
really? lol
how the fuck did that trader not have a "former owners cannot be attacked" failsafe or some shit
Bow to the Goddess
Yessir. Clever girl...And don't forget she understood everything he was saying unbeknownst to him. Mind Games.
Did you read the books? I only watch the show and didn't get that impression at all.
Yeah I think knowing the books helped a lot there. They did a poor job of showing the growing unrest.
Or carrying around a fire extinguisher.HNNNNG!
Bitches keep underestimating Daenerys. Bitches keep getting burned. Bitches better start wising up.
kinda stupid that the slave trader didn't see this coming and WHY it never happened before
1)the unsullied follow all orders from their owner
2) new owner orders to kill previous ones
really? lol
how the fuck did that trader not have a "former owners cannot be attacked" failsafe or some shit
You shouldn't be on this thread then.
You shouldn't be on this thread then.
Relax, the thread is 'no book spoilers' allowed, not, 'no book readers' allowed
Yeah only in this episode after years (decades?) of following him. There should have been buildup for something that large and it all seemed premature.
Relax, he's just explaining something about a scene that already aired.You shouldn't be on this thread then.
The one who said they did a poor job at showing the unrest was a non-reader. Another one just said "yeah, that was showed better in the book". That's it.And so saying they did a poor job of of showing the unrest growing with the Nights Watch falls into that a bit no?
But speaking of spoilers, how do I report the book readers who are claiming they aren't but obviously are? I've seen some in this thread (not saying who obviously, don't want to validate or invalidate any non-reader speculation) and I think they are complete twats, to be honest.
I believe the armies of both Joffrey, Stannis, and Rob number in the tens of thousands. But still they are not as well trained as the Sullied and have dragons either.
I'm confused by the Night Watch stuff. I understand killing that psycho, but why kill your leader and then start fighting each other?
Also kinda disappointed there wasn't a Jon Snow update this episode.
IIRC the numbers given in the first season were something like this:
Robb 18k (I'm not sure if this was his whole host or just what he had under his command when he said it)
Tywin 60k
And I think that Renly said something about having 100k
Then there is Stannis, but I can't remember if he has ever talked numbers.
Men have died of course and loyalties have changed, but it does offer some context.
Relax, he's just explaining something about a scene that already aired.
The one who said they did a poor job at showing the unrest was a non-reader. Another one just said "yeah, that was showed better in the book". That's it.
But speaking of spoilers, how do I report the book readers who are claiming they aren't but obviously are? I've seen some in this thread (not saying who obviously, don't want to validate or invalidate any non-reader speculation) and I think they are complete twats, to be honest.