Is Sansa really next in line for Winterfell? I thought it followed old customs of sons only.
Especially considering that if she married Loras Tyrell, she becomes a Tyrell.
We just saw Riverrun and after the death of Catelyn's father, lordship didn't go down to Cat, but to her younger brother Edmure or whatever. That guy who can't shoot an arrow for shit.
I think people want Sansa because she is a Stark and if she's happy being married into the Tyrells, the Northerners would probably give their allegiance.
These Tyrells are quite shrewd. They've got Margaery as queen and she knows how to win the people and play Joffrey, but know the North won't support them, but if they make the eldest daughter of Ned Stark a Tyrell, they could bring a lot of Stark affiliated houses into the fold.
Even then, Robb won't let his sister get married without his permission or consent. I just hope Robb finds a way to get more troops and march on Kings Landing.
Dire wolves don't belong in the same category as dragons and shadow babies because they actually existed at one point in history.
Dragons existed at one point too. Didn't they say early in the first season that it's been a long time since they saw direwolves south of the wall? It seems with the arrival of white walkers and dragons, these mythical beasts and magic have returned.
It's only been 300 years since the last dragons org something? I wonder what Tywin meant when he told Arya that Aegon changed the rules. Did they never know dragons before? Did magic not exist then either?