Tommen ain't legitimizing the enemy. The Stark line died with Rickon, everything from here is a countdown towards their inevitable extinction as a house.He could easily be legitimized. Then his claim would trump hers.
Tommen ain't legitimizing the enemy. The Stark line died with Rickon, everything from here is a countdown towards their inevitable extinction as a house.He could easily be legitimized. Then his claim would trump hers.
And why wouldn't Tommen do that? He's drinking the Sparrow Kool-aid and I can't see any reason why the High Sparrow would oppose to Jon being legitimized with his view that women (AKA Sansa) shouldn't rule and have a "duty" to their husbands.I believe only Tommen could legitimize him.
Tommen ain't legitimizing the enemy. The Stark line died with Rickon, everything from here is a countdown towards their inevitable extinction.
And why wouldn't Tommen do that? He's drinking the Sparrow Kool-aid and I can't see any reason why the High Sparrow would oppose to Jon being legitimized with his view that women (AKA Sansa) shouldn't rule and have a "duty" to their husbands.
I believe only Tommen could legitimize him.
Nah, it's the father (or head of the family) than can legitimised a bastard son. As Mr Smooth Voice Bolton Srn did with crazy Ramsey.
The High Sparrow ain't a Lannister though, and we all know who's really running King's Landing. Tommen betrayed his mother by banning trial by combat, there's nothing suggesting he couldn't do the same to the rest of his family.You make it sound like Bran hasn't been smashing Meera for the past 2 seasons. They both got pretty bored down there.
Cus it's believed that Sansa helped kill Joffrey and they just got done beating the Starks in a civil war. The Lannisters already "won" the civil war, doing this would only help them.
I'm pretty sure he just warged into Hodor to-You make it sound like Bran hasn't been smashing Meera for the past 2 seasons. They both got pretty bored down there.
The High Sparrow ain't a Lannister though, and we all know who's really running King's Landing. Tommen betrayed his mother by banning trial by combat, there's nothing suggesting he couldn't do the same to the rest of his family.
He could easily be legitimized. Then his claim would trump hers.
That's how you know he's the "hero"!Jon's kinda dim
So is Daenerys. All of the intelligent people on this show either get killed or pushed to the sidelines.Jon's kinda dim
The High Sparrow ain't a Lannister though, and we all know who's really running King's Landing. Tommen betrayed his mother by banning trial by combat, there's nothing suggesting he couldn't do the same to the rest of his family.
The Starks don't care about King's Landing, they only wanted Winterfell back to fight off the WWBut the Starks, if they were to gain power, would be completely opposed to Tommen and The High Sparrow by proxy, why would he give his enemy more power?
She doesn't. All she knows is that Jon is a threat to her, and Littlefinger knows it too.How would Sansa know any of this, considering we're talking about her motivations.
The Starks don't care about King's Landing, they only wanted Winterfell back to fight off the WW
The Starks don't care about King's Landing, they only wanted Winterfell back to fight off the WW
One of the longest running threads on the show has been that Cersei is not nearly as clever as she believes. I don't really know how you could miss that.
I think you guys are forgetting that Tywin doesn't run the show anymore
She doesn't. All she knows is that Jon is a threat to her, and Littlefinger knows it too.
Ramsay actually took down the last living being of a race and a Stark in his final hour. Thousands died.
The Starks & Wildings won but it wasn't pretty.
Sure, she can overestimate her own abilities while underestimating those around her out of sheer arrogance. That doesn't mean she has no abilities, is inept, or is incapable of playing the game at a high level. It simply means she's flawed, which I never said she wasn't.
Still waiting on someone to actually give me a history of blunders that illustrates shes poor at the game and not the Tywin quote everyone likes to regurgitate when this comes up.
More like they were the ones with 100 ships in the harbor right now, compared to the other guy who is still in the process of building them half way across the world.
It didn't take Theon that long to get there, and Tyrion does mention that those ships (plus the masters') would be barely sufficient.
I say you've waited long enough, what's a little more? But i guess she's as fed up of Essos as the audience is.
She doesn't. All she knows is that Jon is a threat to her, and Littlefinger knows it too.
Interesting, then why did she lie to him? Why did she wait for thousands of his men to die before bringing in the Vale?That's circular logic. She has no reason to think he'd be anything but an ally at a time when she desperately needs allies. She has no reason to ever suspect that the Lannisters would legitimize him and no way of knowing that the Sparrow is the one pulling Tommen's strings, and even if she did, there's no reason to believe he would want to legitimaize Jon either. He's absolutely not a threat, and there's no in universe explanation for why she would be so cold toward her own brother.
Just like with the Children, we don't know that he was the last giant.
There is a certain amount of disconnect between the various settings on the show. Sansa was found guilty in absence of killing Joffery and is public enemy no 2 after Tyrion, but the Boltons can marry her and parade her around to other Northern houses to cement their claim whilst Cersei and the crown don't seem to care.
She doesn't know that.Littlefinger is a much bigger threat to her than Jon is.
The Starks don't care about King's Landing, they only wanted Winterfell back to fight off the WW
This isn't entirely true, Roose absolutely addressed how he was betraying the Lannister's when Sansa returned to Winterfell. I think Cersei has her hands a bit full with issues closer to home at the moment. I don't blame you for reaching that conclusion though, the show has only lightly touched on this.There is a certain amount of disconnect between the various settings on the show. Sansa was found guilty in absence of killing Joffery and is public enemy no 2 after Tyrion, but the Boltons can marry her and parade her around to other Northern houses to cement their claim whilst Cersei and the crown don't seem to care.
Interesting, then why did she lie to him? Why did she wait for thousands of his men to die before bringing in the Vale?
When we do you just pretend it wasn't her fault, so why bother?
You should watch what Olenna said this season about her destroying two proud families by giving power to the Faith Militant if you're tired of hearing Tywin tell it like it is.
Beautifully shot and directed episode with a plot that keeps being as formulaic as can be.
EDIT: Also, I've realised that I don't particularly care for any of the protagonists anymore. I start to care less and less about them dying or not every episode.
I think the simplest answer is the one she said last night. She knows Ramsey. Jon doesn't. By keeping those forces a secret, Ramsey's forces can be flanked and outmaneuvered, a variable he hadn't planned for.That's the big question. Hopefully the one that gets answered next episode. Personally I think Littlefinger got into her head a bit in that clandestine meeting. Or maybe she thought she was playing the game by having her own secrets. Or maybe she knew she couldn't rely on Littlefinger so she didn't want to tell Jon and be made a fool of.
And for all we know, the knights of the Vale just arrived in the middle of the battle. There's nothing to say whether she was holding them in reserve.
Drogon's head is now bigger than Daenerys.
Interesting, then why did she lie to him? Why did she wait for thousands of his men to die before bringing in the Vale?
"What if Ramsay missed the arrow shot?"
He is an expert marksman (but not swordsman), demonstrated by the intentional look to his right on the second arrow. He wasn't trying to hit him, he was letting Jon ride out too far to go back. Like Sansa said, don't give him exactly what he wants. Which is also why she didn't tell Jon about LF's army that she already knew about. Because then Jon wouldn't ride out, and Ramsay would not be exposed (I though they mentioned the Vale army being 2000 men, so 2000 from Jon plus those would still be less than Ramsay's, unless he would fuck up and expose himself by thinking that he had won / gotten what he wanted).
Agreed.I was just thinking, remember how angry some people were that Sansa got raped because it didn't do anything for her character and D&D just ruined everything? This episode and that last scene would have not been as satisfying without first seeing what happened in season 5.
Davos murders Mel and Jon immediately falls over dead.I'm more interested in Davos's newfound demons of his own at this point though. What happens to Jon should he go after Melissandre for revenge?
Seriously. She's like "y'all bitches would start screaming the moment you see a spider".Lady Mormont is best Mormont, Jorah would be proud.
I admitted she fucked up with Sparrow. What else you got? Tywin called Tyrion a dumbass too, but people love Tyrion so they don't hang their hat on that slight.
So, we all know that Drogon is massive now compared to his size in season 5 but it's cool to see just how much he has grown.
From reddit:
And they can get bigger.