Sending Jamie and Bronn to Dorne was a big mistake.
Jaime sent Jaime to Dorne.
Cersei thought it was a dumb idea to go to Dorne.
Sending Jamie and Bronn to Dorne was a big mistake.
Preview:Who is the guy walking away from the camera in the penultimate scene? Seems mysterious...
This is just proving my point. Sansa wanted Jon to die, and she already knew Rickon was dead. She made him the sacrificial lamb, there are a million other ways they could have isolated quote myself, a dozen pages back:
Basically, Sansa didn't tell Jon so that he would play into Ramsay's hand and thereby even the odds. Sacrificial lamb strategy. Like they said, if Jon was Ramsay he would just hole up in Winterfell and ride out the winter, which would devastate anyone outside the gates. It wouldn't be much of a siege, more of a "wait until all the cunts outside are dead". They had to draw Ramsay out complete so he couldn't fall back to sitting out a siege when he lost (which was very unlikely, considering he had the numbers). Also people saying she doesn't care didn't notice the change of her face when she saw Jon and co charging for the gate solo. She showed that she learned how to play, and that 'lady' -or the lady she always thought she was to become - is complete dead.
I'm more interested in Davos's newfound demons of his own at this point though. What happens to Jon should he go after Melissandre for revenge?
Since we brought up maps, I found a YouTube video that goes over all the lands, which I assume is brought up in the books but will never be talked about in the show. Anyway, some of the other lands sound crazy interesting and if GRRM could write faster, I'm sure he could write some amazing stories in those lands thst almost feel like a brand new series.
Have a link?
Yup, as soon as they were surrounded, I instantly thought of Carlin talking about that battle and how men would suffocate and die in the crush of bodies.That was very much like Cannae, wasn't it?
Amazing episode, I've never felt this tension on this series. Legitimate catharsis during the battle.
Sending Jamie and Bronn to Dorne was a big mistake.
Cersei is good at playing the game against guys like her ex-husband and Ned Stark, but we're in the late innings and against these more skilled players she's being exposed.
This is just proving my point. Sansa wanted Jon to die, and she already knew Rickon was dead. She made him the sacrificial lamb, there are a million other ways they could have isolated Ramsay.
She doesn't. All she knows is that Jon is a threat to her, and Littlefinger knows it too.
I have a strange feeling that Sansa was waiting for Jon to die to bring in the Knights of the Vale. It would have been perfect for her, with Jon and Rickon dead, Winterfell is hers. It almost felt like she was disappointed when she saw Jon still standing.
I wouldn't call it a happy ending. It was certainly a net positive for the Starks and the North, and it was a satisfying comeuppance for Ramsey, but at the cost of thousands of men and Sansa becoming more and more like the ruthless manipulators that rule over in King's Landing
Such a shame we won't get to explore most of this, the world sounds fascinating.Didn't post a link cus some people shit a brick when you even say the word "book".
Lots of cool stuff that we will never hear about in the show. Don't click if you're the type of person who thinks it's a spoiler if someone talks about a king that lived ten thousand years ago cus it was talked about in the book.
i dun know I never liked Sansa but I really dont think she wants Jon dead their is no reason for it... he is her last living brother beside Tree bro which she doesn't know is alive or not... Shes no better than Ramsey if soo... it would be a shitty 360 for her character so I dont see it but yeah you never know
Oh you mean like how she blatantly told Jon that Rickon was dead without a single emotion on her face? This is a different Sansa. Do you think Ned Stark would have fed Joffrey to dogs?No, she didn't, man. While in the real world that would definitely have happened, we are talking about a fantasy world where the commander somehow keeps standing till the end.
(which in reality was because the weren't part of the battle, they were firmly waaaaay in the back). You need to evaluate motives based on their diegetic logic, not what would realistically have happened.
And Sansa likely assumed / knew that they would assist in time for him to survive, as the worried look at the last charge shows. He's her brother and she isn't evil in that regard. She lost her naivete, but she still holds values.
Btw, I'm hoping we get to see the crypt next week.
That was very much like Cannae, wasn't it?
Amazing episode, I've never felt this tension on this series. Legitimate catharsis during the battle.
By having a massive battle with all the united forces of Westeros and Dany's army against the white walkers.
This show is the greatest thing ever. I never want it to end.
I have no idea what I'm going to watch after next week's episode, let alone after this series ends.This show is the greatest thing ever. I never want it to end.
Same. I'm scared that I will never again experience a TV show this engaging in my lifetime. I would love to be proven wrong, but I'm not optimistic.
Maybe if HBO adapted Dune...
Ever hear of Preacher?People like to call GoT "shlock" but I never agreed with that.
Game of Thrones, to my, is just as good as The Wire or Breaking Bad and just because it's fantasy, it doesn't make it a lesser show than other other greats.
In terms of scale, I really don't think there will ever be a show as big as Game of Thrones, this show is one in a million and the stars will never align again. You need a crazy ambitious story and a massively successful show to be able to do something like GoT again.
Dat Azhor Ahai shield yo.I can't believe that Jon never got hit by one of those thousands of arrows that rained down on him.
I can't believe that Jon never got hit by one of those thousands of arrows that rained down on him.
Which will never be able to even come close to achieving the scope or scale of the comics, so can never even come close to matching the scope or scale of GoTEver hear of Preacher?
That episode would have a budget as big as an entire season's, lol.
Same. I'm scared that I will never again experience a TV show this engaging in my lifetime. I would love to be proven wrong, but I'm not optimistic.
Maybe if HBO adapted Dune...
Ever hear of Preacher?
Silly complaint imo, the end result would have been the same and it just would have looked dumber to have him running side to side across that only complaint and honesty, it's a minor one, it's how Rickon got killed. You'd think he would make it harder for Ramsay to shoot him with an arrow by not running in a straight line, it was weird and took me off a bit. But then I realized that Rickon is worthless, so I got over it quickly.
I don't buy it. If she wanted him to die she wouldn't have pleaded with him to listen to her about not doing what Ramsay wants. Sansa is becoming smart and learning how to play the game, but she hasn't turned into a villain. Everyone with half a brain knew Rickon was dead as soon as Ramsay got his hands on him, Jon simply had no idea the kind of man he was dealing with and Sansa played the odds that keeping the Littlefinger army a secret gave them better odds of actually surprising Ramsay.This is just proving my point. Sansa wanted Jon to die, and she already knew Rickon was dead. She made him the sacrificial lamb, there are a million other ways they could have isolated Ramsay.
The way I interpreted basically most of the episode (and most of the season really) is that Jon has not been the same since being resurrected, and almost went into this battle with a deathwish. He begged Meli not to resurrect him again. He rushed towards an entire army. Seemed almost relieved when he realized the cavalry is going to destroy him. Then he almost looks like he gives up during the battle at other times. But when ge gets trampled under bodies he doesn't just lay there, he fights his way up again and as Kit Harington describes it, it's like he's reborn again when he finally makes it out of the crowd.There's nothing wrong with the dash to save Rickon, it's the dash afterward to... Kill the whole army(!?!) that ruins the scene. But I guess they had to had the shot with the horses running toward Jon.
"Don't do what he wants", was her only advice for him because she wanted to spring the Vale army on the battle as a later game surprise and didn't want Jon to die early in the battle by doing something dumb. Like running out into the middle of the battlefield completely alone and at the mercy of hundreds of archers, for example.Gotta say, Sansa wanting Jon is a pretty out there theory.
Did you guys know there's a theory that Sansa is pregnant? The internet is dark and full of terrors.
Rickon=Ricky from Boyz N The Hood. No concept of a simple serpentine pattern
Possible, but it seems too straightforward for him.Littlefinger's going to ask for Sansa's hand in marriage at some point, right?
I think he means that metaphorically, that he twisted and hardened her. Some of his ruthlessness passed onto her. Like I said earlier, they both sacrificed men for a strategic battlefield advantage"Don't do what he wants", was her only advice for him because she wanted to spring the Vale army on the battle as a later game surprise and didn't want Jon to die early in the battle by doing something dumb. Like running out into the middle of the battlefield completely alone and at the mercy of hundreds of archers, for example.
But Ramsay said he was a part of her now. Obviously, he could sense his unborn child inside of her, bro.
Definitely agreed. I was joking, but it doesn't really read that way.I think he means that metaphorically, that he twisted and hardened her. Some of his ruthlessness passed onto her. Like I said earlier, they both sacrificed men for a strategic battlefield advantage