I want more Targaryen. I don't know if I would like this show more if they did it like Lost where an episode would focus on an individual. I understand the importance of the looming battles and how it has to unfold but I just want more dammit. MORE.
Unfortunately this wouldn't really work on Game of Thrones because many main characters never interact with any of the others, so instead of having Dany's story be trickled out slowly, you'd only see her at all in maybe 2 episodes of the season.
I get the complaint though, given the quality and time spent on Dany's story in season 1 I imagine non readers are pretty disappointed at her lack of screen time in the first 4 episodes.
What? Seemed to make sense to me when I watched it.
She didn't want them to be in control of the situation any more than they were.
Perhaps I'm just an inattentive viewer for not picking up on this, but I don't really see why she needed to control the situation, its not like the 13 were posing a physical threat. They've been lost in the desert for weeks, you think they'd want to just get the fuck inside without any pointless posturing. The whole time I was thinking "just show them the fucking dragons!" especially when they were about to turn her away. At the risk of repeating myself, my point is they needed a stronger narrative conceit because it was so obviously a budgetary thing that it was difficult to get that out of my head.