I just caught up. It´s really great. Having not read the books, i have to say Geoffrey and the short guy are really making the show great.
ASOS stuff.Anyone catch the subtle foreshadowing? (BIG SOS spoilers)Arya telling Tywin in regards to Robb, "anyone can be killed" was a nod towards the RW I think.
It's probably easier on the budget. Less make-up, they don't have to worry about making an open throat look right. The direction in that scene was a bit lacking, but I don't think the method of murder was the issue.why didn't renly get his throat slit?
It is getting kinda frustrating that whenever they mention dragons, the characters turn dramatically to look at...
...three wooden boxes.
This season we've only seen Drogon twice, but we've seen the boxes like 10 times. They haven't shown Viserion or Rhaegal in S2, nor established any of their names. At this point I'd rather them not show the wooden boxes.
I hate the wooden boxes.
Fuck boxes.
Anyways, the changes from the books are really starting to get to me now. Why didn't Renly get his throat slit? Why didn't he say "cold" before it happened? I mean, sure they're small changes but I don't understand why they couldn't even follow that...
That was bad last night.
Catelyn and Bryen were overacting horrible dialogue. Littlefingers dialogue was also horrible. Danny's acting looked like Jake floyd in Episode 1. The Renly seen looked like shit and the Arya scenes were boring.
A disaster of an episode.
She gets three though, and he didn't say "You can only give me one name at a time". She could have been all "The Tickler and uhh...Tywin, I guess" and still had an extra death wish in her back pocket for later.
I'm letting it go now. What's done is done.
Anyways, the changes from the books are really starting to get to me now. Why didn't Renly get his throat slit? Why didn't he say "cold" before it happened? I mean, sure they're small changes but I don't understand why they couldn't even follow that...
But my biggest problem is the fact that there is no foreshadowing or any mysteries going on (like they showing Melisandre birthing the shadow that kills Renly when that was supposed to be a mystery until we actually found out that she was the one that did it). They skip so much right now (Tickler, anyone? That's major right there) that it feels like everything is blazing on at 110 mph, but at the same time the important characters only get 5 mins of screen time per episode.
Still not sure who thought it was a good idea to dress Margaery up as a Ninja Turtle.
Also, I'm kinda bummed that it looks like they're completely writing the Reeds out of the show. I really liked them as characters.
Ned's death definitely didn't come suddenly, there was a lot of set-up for that.Everything happens so suddenly and without warning. Both major deathsboth seemed to come out of nowhere. Its got to the point now where im expecting every major character who you think is the crux of the entire series is going to be killed instantly.Renly and Ned Stark
Because he didn't get his throat slit? Wasn't he split from neck to groin? With that in mind, I understand the decision.
I kinda agree about the rest tho.
At least Tyrion was nice and glib about his nephew sending him a dead prostitute.
There's still no evidence that Joffrey had her killed, and it certainly seems less likely considering no big deal was made of the situation.
The Reeds may still appear. I recall reading an interview with Benioff and Weiss about how S2 just introduced too many characters that they had to push some of the introductions to S3. (ACOK)And I don't think it makes too much of a difference if Bran meets up with the Reeds after he's fled Winterfell, or while still there. I think I'm more upset that they haven't casted Reek, afaik.
Also, regarding Jon's storyline (ACOK question).Are they speeding up his story, cause I thought he doesn't meet up with Ygritte until the very end of CoK? Maybe they'll also include the prologue from SOS this season in the finale
Starting to think that reading the books has ruined the show for me. Reading the no spoiler thread and seeing the positive impressions of this episode has made me realise that I've completely lost touch with the tv viewer's perspective.
I'm just not able to shake off the deviations even when I can rationalise that it's a budgetary thing. For example, I know they can't afford to cast the first guy Arya has killed because he's nobody and it would have no impact on the tv audience, but this doesn't change the fact that its removes the possibility of (ASOS). A while back in this thread someone jokingly said Arya needs her own show, but I actually think that'd be the only way to do her story any justice.perhaps her best scene in the series
It just seems like the scenes I like and dislike directly correlate to how closely they follow the book. Not something I'm happy about just to be clear, just something I don't seem to be able to help; GoT was my favorite show last year but now my excitement for the series is dwindling rapidly![]()
We had a little bit of this last season but a whole hell of a lot less of it than we're having now. It seems like a lot of initial show-only people read the books and are now too attached to them to handle any changes. It seems to me that the long-time book readers are less commonly upset about the adaptation changes.
Ned's death definitely didn't come suddenly, there was a lot of set-up for that.
If there's one major death that came without a warning, it's Robert.
For me it's been so long since I've read the book that I don't remember all the details or specific scenes too well. That makes it much easier to separate the book and show from each other and just enjoy the ride.Did you read the books before season 1 or between seasons?
We had a little bit of this last season but a whole hell of a lot less of it than we're having now. It seems like a lot of initial show-only people read the books and are now too attached to them to handle any changes. It seems to me that the long-time book readers are less commonly upset about the adaptation changes.
Agreed. I'm assuming she was well compensated for the torture too considering what he gave the hooker who was just there for that one guy's arrest.Imaginations have run wild with this. There's nothing to suggest anything more was done to her than being beaten with that rod. Tyrion's reaction makes it pretty likely there was no rape or murder.
I was reading this review, and it brought up a plot hole I hadn't thought of. What happened to Ned's bones? Cat and Brienne certainly didn't flee with them. Poor Ned can't even has his remains put to rest.
COK SpoilersThe silent sisters, the ones that brought in Ned's bones in the show, are tasked with taking them back to Winterfell in the book.
I'm talking about the show, I know what happens in the book.
Yeah, I picked up the books straight after watching the season 1 finale. Personally though I would have thought people who's first exposure to the story was through the tv show would be more tolerant of changes. It might just be that people like myself have read all of the books within the last year so everything is still very fresh in our minds.Did you read the books before season 1 or between seasons?
We had a little bit of this last season but a whole hell of a lot less of it than we're having now. It seems like a lot of initial show-only people read the books and are now too attached to them to handle any changes. It seems to me that the long-time book readers are less commonly upset about the adaptation changes.
Might be worth a quick look for anyone that has HBO Go set up.Westerosorg said:Wow. HBO Go's interactive feature shows that the opening scene was shot _very_ differently to what we saw. They had a stand-in for Stannis in Baratheon armor with a sword... and then they used lights to throw his shadow on the tent wall. Much more like in the novel, and Petrarca said that the aim was to do the whole shot without a single cut.
I was reading this review, and it brought up a plot hole I hadn't thought of. What happened to Ned's bones? Cat and Brienne certainly didn't flee with them. Poor Ned can't even has his remains put to rest.
Yeah, I picked up the books straight after watching the season 1 finale. Personally though I would have thought people who's first exposure to the story was through the tv show would be more tolerant of changes. It might just be that people like myself have read all of the books within the last year so everything is still very fresh in our minds.
Did anyone watch the HBO Go "Interactive Feature" with this episode? Supposedly they shot the Renly death differently the first time around, then it was changed for one reason or another. was discussing it in his twitter timeline. Might be worth a quick look for anyone that has HBO Go set up.
. I felt the Harrenhal chapters were tense since she was caught in the middle of a very violent/sadistic group of people, and yet I don't get any sense of that in this episode.
Yeah, I picked up the books straight after watching the season 1 finale. Personally though I would have thought people who's first exposure to the story was through the tv show would be more tolerant of changes. It might just be that people like myself have read all of the books within the last year so everything is still very fresh in our minds.
Did anyone watch the HBO Go "Interactive Feature" with this episode? Supposedly they shot the Renly death differently the first time around, then it was changed for one reason or another. was discussing it in his twitter timeline. Might be worth a quick look for anyone that has HBO Go set up.
The Silent Sisters take them to Winterfell, not Catelyn. ACOKOOf course it's likely that by the time they get there, it's possible Theon will have already taken the place. But it's more likely they will be forgotten, just like in the book.
I don't think he's against violence, just unproductive violence.They changed the dynamic with Tywin's arrival. He doesn't put up with his soldiers being violent in his presence. (series spoiler)he sends the mountain and others out to rape and pillage where he can't see them, though that hasn't happened yet on the show