Comments on last night:
Overall, I thought it wasn't as good as episode 4. Probably because it was a little more jumpy, but episode 4 was really good in general.
Tywin/Arya scene was pretty great. I suppose because it did a nice subtle job of showing that Tyin can tell that Arya's very smart, though that might just be me projecting.
Brienne/Cat was another strong scene. Don't know how much there is to say beyond that, but they again demonstrated the mutual respect between the characters. I've grown to really like the actress who plays Catelyn this season. Cat carries a lot of emotional weight this season and she really pulls it off.
I like the way the episode opened with Renly's offer of friendship right before he dies. He was more overtly nice than in the books even, which punctuates the tragedy nicely.
Pyat Pree was creepy and cool. I did absolutely not expect to see Quaithe show up at all.
Like many, I am concerned with Arya picking the tickler and the implications it has on one of the best scenes in the series. I tried not to get too caught up in divergences, as they are inevitable and often well done, but this one really worries me. Either HBO doesn't get the importance of that scene or they have a secret, awesome plan B. Hopefully it's the latter.