The Lamonster
Has Podrick Payne shown up in the show yet?
I can't remember if they've shown him...
I can't remember if they've shown him...
Has Podrick Payne shown up in the show yet?
I can't remember if they've shown him...
I think he was briefly in the scene where Tyrion dismissed Janos Slynt. Couldn't even see his face though.
I dunno, I kind of like how in the books that most of what Margaery does still comes off as mostly innocent since we don't know the actual thoughts in her head, even though her intentions are clear to the reader. Adding POV chapters for her would be like the new scenes in the TV series for Littlefinger that pretty much serve to beat you over the head with "HEY THIS DUDE IS UP TO SOME SHIT!"
if it's any consolation, the shadow-thing is by far the stupidest thing in the books
if it's any consolation, the shadow-thing is by far the stupidest thing in the books
It was cooler in the books, it was actually a shadow. In the show they made it more like a zombie ghost.if it's any consolation, the shadow-thing is by far the stupidest thing in the books
I'd say it's, actually. It just seems... unnecesary, especially at that point.Maggy the Frog
if it's any consolation, the shadow-thing is by far the stupidest thing in the books
It was cooler in the books, it was actually a shadow. In the show they made it more like a zombie ghost.
Isn't the shadow thing some kind of plot hole? Why not kill King Joffrey instead or both?
I meant more in terms of
"oh, so here's some convenient magic to tie up a plot thread."
Granted, in the book it's much less of an anti-climax, because Renly and Margery are never given a perspective. The abrupt end to Renly's story doesn't feel quite as cheap.
Isn't the shadow thing some kind of plot hole? Why not kill King Joffrey instead or both?
Isn't the shadow thing some kind of plot hole? Why not kill King Joffrey instead or both?
if it's any consolation, the shadow-thing is by far the stupidest thing in the books
i always feelzombie Cersei pissed me off more
i always feelzombie Cersei pissed me off more
The stupidest thing in the story is AFFCDarkstar. Thankfully he's gone as almost as soon as he arrives.
if it's any consolation, the shadow-thing is by far the stupidest thing in the books
That would be (series)Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaario.
That would be (series)Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaario.
I'd say the most annoying thing is the relationship between Tyrion and Shae. I really hated reading that. It dragged on and on and on.
You mean Catelyn?
Yeah, that is pretty strange. But it sure was a shocker.
yeah i meant Cat. For some reason I always do that, switching Cersei's name and Cat's.
I haaaated that so much, because the series <aSoS+>.makes things feel final, and then here is Catelyn with a fucking huge ass gash in her throat walking about like a psycho
I didn't have a problem with <aSoS+>shadow creature because it is our first real out-and-out taste of what Melisandre's magic can do, and what the magic of the dragons is finally bringing back to the world. It is establishing the darkness of the Red God and its reach. Before magic and its power had disappeared, now it's back. With Zombie Cat I felt like we had been past established that, and Cat was so fucking dead that it would have been retarded to even try to bring her back anyway. It just seemed like a stretch, and a cop out of having that complete finality of the red wedding.
With Melisandre - and this isn't a spoiler, it's pure speculation - but I've always felt her 'big secret' is that... she doesn't have a secret. She seems so different than the other Red Priest's we've met that I always got the impression she's actually some outcast. Like some heretic or some zealot who was fled Essos and ended up on Dragonstone. Incidently, after the dragons were born and magic was brought back to this world, she started playing up this Red Priest angle to manipulate Stannis, perhaps to go back home with an army of her own or something.
If she's a 'true priest' or anything, you figure'd we'd have heard of her or the other red priests we've met would have been equally as powerful. She'd just be some kind of walking cliche anyway.
Thoros of Myr isn't even in the show, is he? I feel like he was mentioned once in S1 or something.
yeah i meant Cat. For some reason I always do that, switching Cersei's name and Cat's.
I haaaated that so much, because the series <aSoS+>.makes things feel final, and then here is Catelyn with a fucking huge ass gash in her throat walking about like a psycho
yeah i meant Cat. For some reason I always do that, switching Cersei's name and Cat's.
I haaaated that so much, because the series <aSoS+>.makes things feel final, and then here is Catelyn with a fucking huge ass gash in her throat walking about like a psycho
Then again she did put an end to "well maybe Sansa is over HERE!" so that's pretty cool.
Not sure how much of the books you've read but read on if you have finished A Dance with Dragons read on...
ADWDThoros raises Beric from the dead several times and also performs a ritual to trade Beric's life for Catelyn's (which is why she isn't a zombie imo). Victarion is given a super strength lava hand by another red priest named Moqorro (who also sees the future in the flames, like Melisandre does). Melisandre is most likely going to do something with Jon here in the future. Melisandre is definitely legit.
About Thoros ASoS/ACoKI think Thoros will be in the scenes when Beric is reintroduced. At this point in the books, all we've heard about is Thoros and his flaming sword from Robert, I think.
i always feelzombie Cersei pissed me off more
We don't know that yet do we? A single word was muttered! (if something comes up in DwD than don't even bother replying)
I can't understand how people hate (ASOS)UnCat. I thought her reveal in the epilogue was one of the best moments in the series. Top 5, easily. I think it's just the same people who hated Cat before hate her now. I always liked her for the most part, so I loved that development.
I never hated Cat. I just don't know where the fuck Martin is going with this. I should tell you that I haven't read ADWD yet, I'm at AFFC. But still, this is something that really confuses me. So far, "magic" and stuff was introduced very naturally. I never bothered. The shadow assassin of Stannis being an exception, but I dealt with that. The whole undead thing during the brotherhood-storyline and than at the end with Cat on the other hand... I just can see how it will fit into the storyline. She's a damn zombie, wtf.
I love ASOS and I even kind of like that character. I just don't feel right with that... condition.