I'm sorry...MMP?I should probably re-read since the ADWD MMP is supposed to come out this summer.
I'm sorry...MMP?I should probably re-read since the ADWD MMP is supposed to come out this summer.
I'm sorry...MMP?
Mass Media Paperback I assume
I'm sorry...MMP?
I was disappointed in the casting of Qhorin Halfhand. I imagined more of a badass. But who knows, next few episodes he could be awesome.
HUGE SoS Spoiler:Who killed Joffrey in SOS? I always thought that Olenna killed him. But I'm sure they're going to cut Olenna "Queen of thorns" out of this show and and let Margaery kill Joffrey now. Would be sad because I loved Olenna in the books.
HUGE SoS Spoiler:Who killed Joffrey in SOS? I always thought that Olenna killed him. But I'm sure they're going to cut Olenna "Queen of thorns" out of this show and and let Margaery kill Joffrey now. Would be sad because I loved Olenna in the books.
Stupid question in coming.
So the series is called a Song of Ice and Fire and the first book is called Game Of Thrones right, and each season covers each book at a time. So the 2nd book is called A Clash of Kings, how come the TV show isn't just called Song of Ice and Fire and each season is called by the book's names?
Song Of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones
Song Of Ice and Fire: Clash of Kings
I know its a little thing but was annoying trying to figure out what this series is about.
I know its a little thing but was annoying trying to figure out what this series is about.
I know I'm late to reply to this, but woah; Amazing to see someone using my app here on GAFI had to memorialize my favorite moment of the hour:
I wish GIF Brewery let me add subs. =/ Although this one works better without them, haha.
HUGE SoS Spoiler:Who killed Joffrey in SOS? I always thought that Olenna killed him. But I'm sure they're going to cut Olenna "Queen of thorns" out of this show and and let Margaery kill Joffrey now. Would be sad because I loved Olenna in the books.
I know I'm late to reply to this, but woah; Amazing to see someone using my app here on GAF.
Subs are definitely something I want to get around to adding...
Is this relatively accurate? I don't think I'd pieced together in my head just how far away Qarth was from Westeros, or the distance Dany had traveled.
So is this map 'canon' for the books as well? Mostly, certainly as far east as the Red Waste and Lhazar. However, George R.R. Martin recently re-conceptualised the map of Essos past that region. The HBO map is based on older material and should not be considered canon for the books (although the approximate locations of Vaes Dothrak and Qarth should be correct, the coastlines and some of the geographic detail has changed).
Is this relatively accurate? I don't think I'd pieced together in my head just how far away Qarth was from Westeros, or the distance Dany had traveled.
HUGE SoS Spoiler againI'm afraid they'll cut Olenna because everything she does can be done by Margaery. Olenna asks Sansa if Joffrey is a good king. Olenna grabs Sansa's hairnet to steal a stone and poisons Joffrey with it( Or let Margaery do it). Everything Olenna does could also be done by Margaery.
I'm just saying this because the producers of the show seem to be very efficient with character placement...
And when Margaery tells LF that she doesn't want to be a queen, but THE queen. It basically removed any relevance to cast Olenna in the show
I hope I'm not right. Guess we'll see.
You could use the one from the WiC.net cast page:Does anyone have good pic of Gendry, I think my fabulous stag has worn out its welcome.
Honestly don't think it would be that big of a loss. Also,Margaery gets paper-thin character development in the books, so I don't mind if the show fleshes her out more and gives her Olenna's role. Plus, it made more sense in the books for a 14 or 16 year old girl to be more of a puppet of Olenna's. Would seem a bit awkward since she's aged up in the show, and the actress herself looks to be in the late 20's.
Does anyone have good pic of Gendry, I think my fabulous stag has worn out its welcome.
So I gave into temptation and had a brief look at where the plot is as of the most recent book.
(spoilers for entire published series so far)
Are you kidding me? He's stretching this storyline over 7 books and doesn't look to be significantly closer to resolving any of the major plot threads? I really enjoyed the first season but was slightly disappointed at the lack of resolution, but series 2 takes the biscuit, with next to no real plot development in five episodes. Now that I know how slowly the plot is going to develop over the next three seasons any enthusiasm I had for this show has completely diminished. So the whitewalkers, which almost seemed to be a "big bad" judging by how they were dealt with in series 1, continue to play a minor role? Daenerys is still stuck in the middle of nowhere?*sigh*
A Song of Ice & Fire sounds too geeky, A Game of Thrones is a name you can market more easily to the crowd that usually doesn't like the fantasy genre.Stupid question in coming.
So the series is called a Song of Ice and Fire and the first book is called Game Of Thrones right, and each season covers each book at a time. So the 2nd book is called A Clash of Kings, how come the TV show isn't just called Song of Ice and Fire and each season is called by the book's names?
Song Of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones
Song Of Ice and Fire: Clash of Kings
I know its a little thing but was annoying trying to figure out what this series is about.
Series:So I gave into temptation and had a brief look at where the plot is as of the most recent book.
(spoilers for entire published series so far)
Are you kidding me? He's stretching this storyline over 7 books and doesn't look to be significantly closer to resolving any of the major plot threads? I really enjoyed the first season but was slightly disappointed at the lack of resolution, but series 2 takes the biscuit, with next to no real plot development in five episodes. Now that I know how slowly the plot is going to develop over the next three seasons any enthusiasm I had for this show has completely diminished. So the whitewalkers, which almost seemed to be a "big bad" judging by how they were dealt with in series 1, continue to play a minor role? Daenerys is still stuck in the middle of nowhere?*sigh*
Does anyone have good pic of Gendry, I think my fabulous stag has worn out its welcome.
Speaking of maps, I really like the newest feature on the viewer's guide at HBO called "Journey of Daenerys Targaryen". I only paid a little attention to the map in the book but seeing her journey up to this point all at once really puts it into perspective.
A Song of Ice & Fire sounds too geeky, A Game of Thrones is a name you can market more easily to the crowd that usually doesn't like the fantasy genre.
Was just thinking that if ever do run into the problem of catching up with George that they could devote a season to covering the events leading up to and including Robert's rebellion. I would actually love to see this, there is a pretty rich basin of material they could cover, and it would be an opportunity to have some of he scenes omitted from season 1.
SOSI loved Olenna in the book. Her hag behaviour was very funny, especially in the Cersei POV's. Could be a funny character in the show.
But yes, by removing her, the Margaery character will be more fleshed out.
Was just thinking that if ever do run into the problem of catching up with George that they could devote a season to covering the events leading up to and including Robert's rebellion. I would actually love to see this, there is a pretty rich basin of material they could cover, and it would be an opportunity to have some of he scenes omitted from season 1.
Was just thinking that if ever do run into the problem of catching up with George that they could devote a season to covering the events leading up to and including Robert's rebellion. I would actually love to see this, there is a pretty rich basin of material they could cover, and it would be an opportunity to have some of he scenes omitted from season 1.
Don't think they would do this since many of the central mysteries of the series are from the events leading up to Robert's rebellion. Filming a prequel series about those events would effectively ruin the mysteries that book readers are waiting to get answers to in future books.
Not to mention the cost and logistics of having to develop an entirely new series just to fill in for a season or two, it seems highly unlikely.
The journey is what counts, might I recommend reading actual books over wiki'ing their plotlines.So I gave into temptation and had a brief look at where the plot is as of the most recent book.
(spoilers for entire published series so far)
Are you kidding me? He's stretching this storyline over 7 books and doesn't look to be significantly closer to resolving any of the major plot threads? I really enjoyed the first season but was slightly disappointed at the lack of resolution, but series 2 takes the biscuit, with next to no real plot development in five episodes. Now that I know how slowly the plot is going to develop over the next three seasons any enthusiasm I had for this show has completely diminished. So the whitewalkers, which almost seemed to be a "big bad" judging by how they were dealt with in series 1, continue to play a minor role? Daenerys is still stuck in the middle of nowhere?*sigh*
HUGE SoS Spoiler:Who killed Joffrey in SOS? I always thought that Olenna killed him. But I'm sure they're going to cut Olenna "Queen of thorns" out of this show and and let Margaery kill Joffrey now. Would be sad because I loved Olenna in the books.
- Via WiC.net: Emily Nussbaum
- Thronecast: Uncut Gemma Whelan Interview (youtube)
The show really makes me wish (series)that GRRM would have made Margaery a POV character. Or any of the Tyrells, for that matter. I just find it weird that we've had several POV characters from Dorne (too many, in my opinion), but not a single one from the Tyrells. If not an actual family member, one of Lord Mace's bannermen or perhaps one of Margaery's attendants would have made for a helpful POV.
The show really makes me wish (series)that GRRM would have made Margaery a POV character. Or any of the Tyrells, for that matter. I just find it weird that we've had several POV characters from Dorne (too many, in my opinion), but not a single one from the Tyrells. If not an actual family member, one of Lord Mace's bannermen or perhaps one of Margaery's attendants would have made for a helpful POV.
The show really makes me wish (series)that GRRM would have made Margaery a POV character. Or any of the Tyrells, for that matter. I just find it weird that we've had several POV characters from Dorne (too many, in my opinion), but not a single one from the Tyrells. If not an actual family member, one of Lord Mace's bannermen or perhaps one of Margaery's attendants would have made for a helpful POV.
HUGE SoS Spoiler:Who killed Joffrey in SOS? I always thought that Olenna killed him. But I'm sure they're going to cut Olenna "Queen of thorns" out of this show and and let Margaery kill Joffrey now. Would be sad because I loved Olenna in the books.
In the TV show, it will be Ros
The show really makes me wish (series)that GRRM would have made Margaery a POV character. Or any of the Tyrells, for that matter. I just find it weird that we've had several POV characters from Dorne (too many, in my opinion), but not a single one from the Tyrells. If not an actual family member, one of Lord Mace's bannermen or perhaps one of Margaery's attendants would have made for a helpful POV.