Some of us bookmark those parts and re-read them. Often.I don't remember all the sex details as ... intimately as you guys do.
Some of us bookmark those parts and re-read them. Often.I don't remember all the sex details as ... intimately as you guys do.
Some of us bookmark those parts and re-read them. Often.
ADWD(paraphrased) She didn't know where the cock began and the cunt ended.
ADWD(paraphrased) She didn't know where the cock began and the cunt ended.
It happens twice!
Different characters too!
ADWD(paraphrased) She didn't know where the cock began and the cunt ended.
ADWD(paraphrased) She didn't know where the cock began and the cunt ended.
It happens twice!
My point exactly. I read through Dance less than a month ago, and it does sound sort of familiar, but not even that much. And definitely not twice.
If you're looking for ideas, Dolorous Edd/Grenn/Jon's reaction to Sam's "three horns" comment would be great as well as Jaqen's eye point with the Arya part removed.Finally getting to making .gifs for the last episode. So many .gif worthy moments.
You need to pay more attention then, you're missing out on the best writing.
AFFCMyrish swamp!
GRRM has a tendency to repeat a bunch of lines over and over again.
SeriesDark wings, dark words. Words are wind.
GRRM has a tendency to repeat a bunch of lines over and over again.
It is known.
It is not known. This post is a useful as nipples of a breastplate.
Though really, the repeating phrases didn't get out of hand until ADWD, but it's mostly because that book was rushed and poorly edited.
Rushed? I haven't read it yet but how could that be possible? It took 12 years to make!
I agree that the problem starts with GRRM here, but it was clearly rushed as well. Ran at Westeros' comments about the editing process from last year make that pretty clear.Rushed editing. Although most of it was already edited before he finished the last chapters, so even thought it was a very quick turnaround, I'm not sure that was the case. Probably more friends with the editor than anything.
Nowhere near as bad as Rothfuss. God damn does that man need to hire his worst enemy as his editor.
Are you serious? [ASoS]I like sayings, especially if they carry dramatic weight. Winter is coming, for example. Or from Dune - 'May your blade chip and shatter' and 'the spice must flow.'
The only GRRM saying that irritates me, is
ACOK/ASOSYou know nothing, Jon Snow.
God I hate that phrase.
ASOSYou are crazy. That's like one of my favorite phrases from the book. lol.You know nothing, Jon Snow.
GRRM has a tendency to repeat a bunch of lines over and over again.
SeriesDark wings, dark words. Words are wind.
I like sayings, especially if they carry dramatic weight. Winter is coming, for example. Or from Dune - 'May your blade chip and shatter' and 'the spice must flow.'
The only GRRM saying that irritates me, is
ACOK/ASOSYou know nothing, Jon Snow.
God I hate that phrase.
I'll have to look for that one.If you're looking for ideas, Dolorous Edd/Grenn/Jon's reaction to Sam's "three horns" comment would be great as well as Jaqen's eye point with the Arya part removed.
Why are you spoiler tagging that?I foundway more irritant.It is known!Especially in the tv show.
lmao, this one got me.
Why are you spoiler tagging that?You know nothing, endre.
EDIT: Nice gifs.
Another one with "Anyone can be banned." would be nice.
True dat.
Microsoft Xbox 360 found to infringe Motorola patents in preliminary ITC rulinglol
He must've been banned while I was away, what happened?
Boring patent story is boring zzzz
So is that shadow-thingy a spell or a creature that persists? Spoiler tag the answer if necessary.
Spell with semen reagents and a long cool down.
GRRM has a tendency to repeat a bunch of lines over and over again.
SeriesDark wings, dark words. Words are wind.
Great idea. I was pleasantly surprised with Halo Legends.Man wouldnt be awesome if they did an animatrix/halo legends/gotham knight type compilation for GoT?
I really dont think the show will ever go into much detail on alot of the flashbacks and history told in the book.
Jason: "I want to go back"
Peter: "but you're dead"
Who's more important, King in the North or Queen of the Whores? I think I just answered my own
Also, Ros has been in more episodes than Robb Stark this season. Think about that.