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Game of Thrones Season 8 |OT| A Song of Icy and Fiery Fandom


They survived because dumb and dumber are horrible writers.

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Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
As you said, the Night King is powerful and it is expected that the ensuing plans to win would not devolve into anyone stabbing him with Valyrian steel like a vampire. The whole 3 eyed raven nonsense involves last minute recontextualizing on past events in order to make it seem like it went all according to plan. The quote to Arya about closing blue eyes was reworded, the 'all roads lead to this point' concept is only determined by actions immediately preceding the outcome rather on being solely dependant on the characters past actions. Literally any character could have saved Arya, instead Beric 'The Barricade' Dondarion is used because we needed to close his lengthy 'destiny' arc.
I don't see a problem with that -- it's as good an arc closign as any other. /shrug

This is a world that has seen political drama constantly, what made this time different was the added threat of a mysterious undead army shrouded in false history and prophecy. One that left strange messages everywhere and were led by intelligent creatures that seemingly acted in a way that showed deeper motivations than a World War Z horde.
Yes, NK and his clique have exibited intelligence and motivation -- for the singular goal of conquering of the world of the living. The entirety of their 'messages' can be summed up to scare and intimidation tactics -- warfare 101. I keep failing to understand what is this obsession with NK's 'higher' motives. What back motives are needed for his actions -- where are you guys getting such messages from the series in the first place?

What we got was lazy, inept writing found in any teen WB show to resolve a lengthy buildup as quickly as possible. If this was AMC with the property, the writers would have probably had Daryll Dixon ride up on a motorcycle and help Arya tag team the Night King to death because both characters are fan favorites. This is basically fan fiction set in the Game of Thrones universe.
Actually I see this as the only logical development of this episode. The alternatives come down to:

1) The battle with NK left for last (in which case the season whould've turned into 'Winter is coming!' part zwei -- 'NK is coming!'), or
2) The season should've ended with ep3: The fall of Winterfell, pretty much everybody dead.

Those two would've been the only "non-WB" (as in: believable to an adult) outcomes, beside the one they actually used -- the sole course of actions leading to the demise of what is otherwise a calamity. Besides, I don't see why people give so much credit to NK (a one-trick necromant of a human weapon) and so little credit to 3ER, who's the frigging demi-god entity of this world -- a re-incarnating guardian of the realm, possessor of living creatures and for all we know an unlimited past and future seer.

TL, DR: most people I've discussed the series with had not isses with Little Finger's build-up as the proverbial arch-villain, but now we find the build-up to 3ER endspiel non-convicing because?..
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Agg it was :messenger_ok:. I hoped the living would have put up more of a fight though, but they where soundly curb stomped by the dead coming at them like a flood. They and that smug fucking Cersei Lannister would have been fucked without Arya's hail mary. Man I would have liked to have seen her face when the NK rocked up at Kings Landing. I also hoped the long night would have lasted 2 eps or so but it is what it is.
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Nothing needed to be said really. NK thought he had won, was about to chop his head off. We have never even seen him speak so to assume he might say something is just an assumption.

Bran didn't need to say anything either..he knew either his time is here or Arya saves him


Nothing needed to be said really. NK thought he had won, was about to chop his head off. We have never even seen him speak so to assume he might say something is just an assumption.

Bran didn't need to say anything either..he knew either his time is here or Arya saves him

Yeah cool but that's boring.
I want more. I want some dark secret to be revealed or some shit. This is Game of Thrones motherfuckers. If I wanted to watch two fucks standing staring at each other id watch Big Band Theory or some shit like that :messenger_beaming:


So now that Arya bypassed a ring of Wights and White Walker generals with an easy rushing in from behind, nothin personel kid Bleach move - how does the show not just end with her killing Cersei and Euron?
At this rate, Cersei will probably suspend Arya over a pool of sharks right before the battle.
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there's gotta be more mystical stuff coming tho right, because 'i have to go now' to theon just ain't god enough
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Bran is like this Tom Bombadil figure. Insanely powerful and yet removed from everything. There is no remorse when his brother Theon commits suicide (essentially). It is not explained. Its not explained why the NK needed bran. Its not explained why NK needed to kill bran in person. Its not explained what Bran was doing the entire battle. We can hope that these things are explained in EP 4 to give context.
This is basically my issue with the episode.

Hoping for some kind of twist involving Bran or something, dunno. Because I'll be disappointed if the last three episodes, with the supposedly massive and insurmountable existential thread talked up for 9 years all of a sudden just like that gone, are pretty conventional and consist mainly of the remaining main characters heading to King's Landing to face down the Cersei and the Lannister army (resulting in Jon or Daenarys or both sitting on the iron throne).. well... ZZzzzzzz.
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People need to stop thinking of Bran as human. He hasn't been for a long time.

Try to imagine seeing everything that ever happened. I'm surprised he even talks.

Now people expecting anything about the NK to be explained in upcoming episodes aren't really thinking. The only person who could explain any of that is Bran. He didn't bother chatting about it when the knowledge could have been useful in saving Westeros from eternal night, why would he talk about it now?

And seriously, what more info do you need other than that the NK was a magical weapon that was too powerful for its creators to control? Children of the Forest faced annihilation when the First Men invaded Westeros, at least in the TV series' version of events, and created the NK.

People who want everything explained out nice and neat with all details covered should be watching police procedurals, not swords and sorcery. This isn't CSI:Westeros.
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I really hope that the series is following George RR Martin's trajectory. If the show writers are making shit up for key plot points, I would be very disappointed.

While I enjoyed the episode and the director is great, I am a bit disappointed with the story/arc conclusions. There is a lot of build up and foreshadowing in previous episodes and in the books that lead nowhere (the whole Azor Ahai prophecy, etc.). It felt like Jon was purposely locked out from participating in the end sequence (he could have at least killed the undead dragon).

If that is truly it for the Night King, he has been swept aside much too easily. Nothing that happened required any of our main characters, much less an Azor Ahai, prince that was promised type of hero. In fact, they only served to make things worse by handing him a dragon (Dany) and serving as bait to get said dragon there (Jon). So, without these clowns the wall would have never come down?

There wasn't a "heavy" cost for this battle, so much for "The Long Night". Tywin Lannister is a more formidable opponent than the Night King right now. Everything that built to this fizzled into nothing if that is truly the end of the Night King.

When I hear the writers saying that it had to be Arya because it was too obvious for it to be Jon/Dany, I REALLY hope that is not them just making shit up. I really like Arya, but that whole sequence just boggled my mind.

Cersei being the final boss is also quite disappointing if true. Are we really just going to get a Battle of the Blackwater 2.0? Cersei has not been good at anything that has to do with combat or finesse EVER. I guess those magic scorpions will be all over King's Landing? Stannis almost took King's Landing back when it was more organized, with vastly superior leadership. If our heroes have to "sacrifice" for this victory, I am going to be pissed.

If it is later proven that the Night King has not been vanquished, then you can ignore my entire post. And if this whole thing devolves into fan fiction, devoid of George's vision, then they better at least not kill any more dragons.


When I hear the writers saying that it had to be Arya because it was too obvious for it to be Jon/Dany, I REALLY hope that is not them just making shit up. I really like Arya, but that whole sequence just boggled my mind.

If they really handpicked Arya just to "subvert expectations", they're assholes, basically. Why not Hot Pie delivering the killer blow with a kitchen utensil? Imagine he journeyed to Winterhell because he wants to help Arya & Gendry, he finds the white walkers have besieged the place & stumbles upon the Night King... whom he kills. There we go, expectations subverted. Oolala, awesomeness on steroids. Gotcha moments weren't cool when Rian Johnson's bowels dropped The Last Jedi on the world & they're not cool now either.

I really, really hope there's more to the final 3 episodes than "let's dethrone Cersei & place a fan favorite on the Iron Throne".

Jon Neu

The others (whoever that might be) have been training their entire lives at the most revered assasin guild in this world? That's news to me.

The hell are you talking about?

Arya isn't even trained by Jaqen H'gar. And Jaqen isn't even that good of a fighter to begin with.
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Jon Neu

Yes, NK and his clique have exibited intelligence and motivation -- for the singular goal of conquesting of the world of the living. The entiry of their 'messages' can be summed up to scare and intimidation tactics -- warfare 101. I keep failing to understand what is this obsession with NK's 'higher' motives. What back motives are needed for his actions -- where are you guys getting such messages from the series in the first place?

Have you like even heard about that fat man that wrote the books?

This series is based on those books, and that fat man hates unidimensional cartoony villains such as the Night King of the show. He loves grey villains such as Littlefinger.

The show just doesn't have the quality neither care to pull off an interesting villain backstory, so they went the easy way out and made everything dumb.


Man there is a lot of butthurt about people criticizing this episode. It's fine to enjoy the episode, I did, but there's some very understandable misgivings about the direction the series has taken and its betrayal of its original narrative themes as laid out by GRRM. You can accept that something isnt perfect and still like and enjoy it. I mean one of my favorite films is Chronicles of Riddick, and we all know of the numerous issues with its writing.

Acknowledging those isn't a blanket condemnation nor a dismissal of the good things this episode had to offer. Emotionally and dramatically the episode is satisfying. Thematically it falls apart under the weight of the obligation to appeal to fan expectations, and what seems to be a lack of a definitive direction for character arcs. The episode had very little weight to it, for what was billed to be the most important conflict in the history of Westeros. The consequences of this battle ultimately boil down to the loss of a number of faceless soldiers, and a few supporting characters.

I think more people would have less issues with the battle itself, it had been planned better, employed more tactics than just "let's run at them for a bit, then run back and let them come at us for a while". I mean it's a bit difficult to swallow your disbelief, when main characters are literally getting swarmed for 10 minutes by the undead and somehow not collasping under the sheer amount of them. There's literally scenes of the MCs pushing against the wall holding back dozens of these things and no one dies. Sam sits in a pile of corpses crying and none of the wights thinks to just walk over and stab him? It's silly.
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I'm a casual, but I had a feeling that no matter what they did, people would have a problem with the way they dealt it.

In the previous episode, when they are laying out the plans, Bran explains that the Night King is coming for him. Bran already knows what it is coming to happen. He already knows that the Night King will die. They built trenches and try to use Winterfell to hold out while they lure the Night King out to expose himself. It's pretty self-explanatory and I don't see the problem.

I don't have a problem with Arya killing the Night King. Her character establishes her as a rogue who would be the most likely to sneak up on him. The Night King sees her, and she does the knife-switch trick which was well done. I cannot think of another scenario I would have liked more- Jon Snow 1-on-1 with the NK? No. Terrible. The NK being killed by dragons? No. Terrible. The red Lady pulling some Lord-of-Light shit magic out of her ass? No. Terrible.

The point of the episode established that he was completely invincible, but I think that the story should have explained why the NK needed to kill Bran in person. That battle had been over had he stayed behind and killed Bran. Theon was the only person left defending him. A little bit longer and it would have been all over. If the story had just explained why the NK had to physically expose him it would have been great.

They could also have shown Arya going from the keep and getting close. I understand why people feel it was cheap and lazy for her to just shadowstep out of thin air. I also understand that people found the resolution of "winter is coming" to just be over so quickly. Had the battle been twice as long and gone into the next episode and spanned a lot longer with more twists and turns, it would probably have felt more justified.

But the way they build the NK up, there was no way he'd be defeated by conventional means. And I loved how he didn't say anything. No cheesy voice. No stating his intentions. And the WW were vicious. I was very impressed with how they filmed the battle, the way they used camera angles to show them in a World War Z capacity. Very impressive. When they are just storming the dragon. The way the Dothrakis lid blades just turned dark. The way they girl pierced that Undead Giant. The way the corpses suddenly awoke in the Crypt.

This was an amazing episode. More people could have died. I agree with that too. They did kill a lot tho. It was a total slaughter, and you had character changes in a meaningful way (Sansa and Tyrion), The Hound getting PTSD and giving up. Tilly got killed in the crypt too which will impact Sam.
I would have killed Sam too. Sir Jorah had an incredible end. Theon redeemed himself. The Dothraki are no more. The Unsolided were incredible. Another Dragon died. It seem slike that 90% of everyone died.

Jamie, Brienne and Podrick dying would have been heartbreaking. But Jamies plot is not over. But it didn't feel right how those 3 held out for hours on the wall. It was so crazy with White Walkers that there is no way they could have survived that long. Jamie is a handicapped fighter, and Podrick ain't that good. The unsolided general surviving and just being a killing machine non-stop. Maybe he should have died too. But Jorah was already the one who served that noble death. Kill too many characters at once and the effects of it will be reduced I think.

Let's be honest, this battle had a setup since Episode 1 and it was over an hour of battle. I think the context of the aftermath will make this episode better (if they do it well). Its not like everyone survived. It took everything they had and it was one hell of a fight.

I wonder if Sansa will get the throne in the end. I see Cersi commiting suicide. She is way to proud and crazy to let anyone but herself end herself.

I have no problem with Arya Killing the NK the way she did, it was awesome and IMO she is the main Character in this show with the best Arc, it make sense.

The Problem i have with the NK story it is that it's looking like Snoke all over again.
I wanted some lore, i wanted bran's arc to pay off more than just bait. I wanted to know the NK's Story. It feels like opportunity lost.

I guess they could add a bit more in the last 3 episodes or as per my Snoke analogy EP9, but its looking very slim that those interesting plot lines will be expanded on.
I hope i am just being impatient.


I would love it if the Night King wound up being only a general.

By my estimation there should have been many more wights at the battle, enough that the King shouldnt have needed to raise any more of the fallen.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
Lol, I love when people hate on the show and claim it is fan fiction. GRRM is such a terrible writer I doubt his conclusion will be any better. The show is trash, but at least it's trash that is mildly entertaining and doesn't waste my time like the ultra trash books.

Kagey K

I really hope that the series is following George RR Martin's trajectory. If the show writers are making shit up for key plot points, I would be very disappointed.

Pretty sure GRRM told them how he intended the story to end around season 4 in case he died before it was done. But it seems everything else in between has been them doing whatever the fuck they wanted to do.

At this point I’m wondering if they even land on his intended ending, or if they do it’s seen as minor outcome to the whole thing.


Neighbours from Hell
This would have been super unpopular considering how popular Arya is, but, Arya stabbing the Night King, him laughing at her and not being hurt by it and then snapping her neck would have been classic Game of Thrones epicness. Then killing Bran. Then it just ends there and they have to figure out just how the fuck do you kill this guy. Everyone retreats south broken and disheveled and completely at a loss.

I freaking love Arya, she's my favorite character probably, but in that split second, I was hoping that's what was gonna happen because I did not want it to end that way.
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Kagey K

This would have been super unpopular considering how popular Arya is, but, Arya stabbing the Night King, him laughing at her and not being hurt by it and then snapping her neck would have been classic Game of Thrones epicness. Then killing Bran. Then it just ends there and they have to figure out just how the fuck do you kill this guy. Everyone retreats south broken and disheveled and completely at a loss.

I freaking love Arya, she's my favorite character probably, but in that split second, I was hoping that's what was gonna happen because I did not want it to end that way.
Even if they went down together and killed each other it would have been worth it, but they couldn’t do that due to the Giant scene that happened half an hour before it.
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Just watched the full episode.

Didn't give the Hound a bad ass moment was trash.
The NK holding off on using his Dragon for reasons was trash.
Keeping all the best fighters out of front of the fortifications was stupid.
Keeping the artillery in front of them was ever stupider.
Killing nearly everyone except the main cast was lazy as hell.
Ending this epic build up in one episode is unforgivable.

Aww the rest was ok. Some nice moments I guess but it seemed like the men were treated like 2nd class in this. The Ladies were getting all the best moments.
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Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Have you like even heard about that fat man that wrote the books?

This series is based on those books, and that fat man hates unidimensional cartoony villains such as the Night King of the show. He loves grey villains such as Littlefinger.
There are plenty of secondary (and not so secondary) characters which are ultra one-dimentional in the books. Oh, and NK is not a character in the books (so far), so whether he has back motives, is playing a big fat joke on the living, or is just a single-minded human weapon -- that's left entirely to the interpretation of the screenwriters. They chose not to develop him into a proper characters -- it's as if GoT had already enough developed characters..

The show just doesn't have the quality neither care to pull off an interesting villain backstory, so they went the easy way out and made everything dumb.
I'd say the show made quite a few loose ends converge, which is beyond what most other tv series try (or achieve). I'm sorry if that does not meet some D&D fans' criteria.
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I would just like to give an FYI to everyone in this thread please do not blame the director for how dark the episode was that was completely out of his control. As someone who has experience in working with movies and took his precious time learning how they are made, the real person to blame is the man in charge of post production. Just go and watch the behind the scenes footage the sets are actually lit up as with most hollywood sets. However, there is a technique called day to night where filming is done during the day and later in post production the editor will work his magic to darken the image to make the scene appear that it was shot during the night.

That is NOT the technique used in this episode but I wanted illustrate to you guys the power of post production and the team who edited the entire episode purposefully made the footage MUCH darker than it actually was.

Hope that helps with understanding what went wrong.
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This Gamespot review hits the nail on the head: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/game-of-thrones-the-long-night-review-season-8-epi/1100-6466520/

Specifically this part:

Where do I even start? I guess with the fact that it seems like Game of Thrones, the show, has just missed the point of the entire series: that the squabbles between the great houses of Westeros are nothing compared with the unstoppable force of nature slowly bearing down on them from the wintery north. Game of Thrones was never supposed to actually be about the battle for the throne--it's supposed to be about the characters coming together to realize what was really important. The quintessential human fallacy, according to the brain of George R.R. Martin, is believing with absolute certainty that your personal battles are the most important fights that exist. It's a failure of perspective.

Now, with three episodes left, the series' ultimate threat died with a whimper, and its most short-sighted characters turned out to be right, their selfishness justified. As we saw in the preview for next week's episode, the survivors are going right back to their squabbles. They won the great war, but lost the thematic throughline. Why did any of this matter? To give Arya a cool hero moment? So Bran could keep doing absolutely nothing? So Theon could die pointlessly?
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I’m not defending the episode but I would argue that this writer dose not know what GOT is about either. Like wtf was he smoking? John already united the people all across the world to fight together to defeat the threat. John already did what he was supposed to do. And don’t give me that crap that Cerci would join forces with them, she is the ultimate selfish back stabbing cunt. GOT has always been about the political intrigue. The NK was never more than a 1 dimensional villain and GRRM didn’t even make him up the NK has been in the show for a long time and his motives have already been explained seasons ago. His plot was was tied up in 1 episode spimply because HBO didn’t want to spend the money for a long drawn out battle. You people seriously need to temper your expectations, we are going way past the books and to think anyone who expects it to be as good at GRRM’s writing is a fool.

The only thing I would say the show runners have REALLY lost the spirit with GOT is the consequences of character deaths. The show has quite pussed out in that regard the past 3 seasons.


I’m not defending the episode but I would argue that this writer dose not know what GOT is about either. Like wtf was he smoking? John already united the people all across the world to fight together to defeat the threat. John already did what he was supposed to do. And don’t give me that crap that Cerci would join forces with them, she is the ultimate selfish back stabbing cunt. GOT has always been about the political intrigue. The NK was never more than a 1 dimensional villain and GRRM didn’t even make him up the NK has been in the show for a long time and his motives have already been explained seasons ago. His plot was was tied up in 1 episode spimply because HBO didn’t want to spend the money for a long drawn out battle. You people seriously need to temper your expectations, we are going way past the books and to think anyone who expects it to be as good at GRRM’s writing is a fool.

The only thing I would say the show runners have REALLY lost the spirit with GOT is the consequences of character deaths. The show has quite pussed out in that regard the past 3 seasons.

In a story which purposefully blurs the line between right & wrong, where a moral gray area exists & all the main characters are killers ("the world is built by killers", as the Hound once correctly stated) & divine rule remains the norm, the white walkers represented the threat which made the selfish little political intrigues so pointless & so utterly devoid of purpose... i.e. which itself is what made them so exciting to watch. The white walker threat was the backbone of the entire series & gave meaning to the political intrigue via a "this person understands the threat to everyone, therefor they're a better leader" (Jon > Ramsey Bolton etc.).

For example if people want to circlejerk over Dany's claim to the Throne because she's "heroic & good" whilst Cersei is "evil", then they've absolutely missed the entire point. This isn't Marvel, this isn't Thanos getting his ass kicked by superheroes, no, its thematic from minute one was "kings & queens squabble for pyrrhic victory whilst the world burns around them". Who gives a shit who wins the Iron Throne in Westeros? Based upon its history (& the personal history of the main participants in the battle, i.e. Cersei, Dany & Jon mainly), they'll most likely either be overthrown, killed, become a tyrant themselves or some other crap which will occur five minutes after the end credits. Dany in Meereen? A disaster. Jon as leader of the Night's Watch? A disaster.

Power for the sake of placing a "good guy" on the Throne was the least interesting aspect of the entire show. Even the "honourable Eddard Stark" was an asshole in several ways, namely to Jaime (who'd saved King's Landing). As I said, it's not Marvel & there's no distinct & clear good versus evil, except for the living versus the dead.


Game of Thrones was never supposed to actually be about the battle for the throne


Yes it was, thats why its called Game of Fucking Thrones
In a story which purposefully blurs the line between right & wrong, where a moral gray area exists & all the main characters are killers ("the world is built by killers", as the Hound once correctly stated) & divine rule remains the norm, the white walkers represented the threat which made the selfish little political intrigues so pointless & so utterly devoid of purpose... i.e. which itself is what made them so exciting to watch. The white walker threat was the backbone of the entire series & gave meaning to the political intrigue via a "this person understands the threat to everyone, therefor they're a better leader" (Jon > Ramsey Bolton etc.).

For example if people want to circlejerk over Dany's claim to the Throne because she's "heroic & good" whilst Cersei is "evil", then they've absolutely missed the entire point. This isn't Marvel, this isn't Thanos getting his ass kicked by superheroes, no, its thematic from minute one was "kings & queens squabble for pyrrhic victory whilst the world burns around them". Who gives a shit who wins the Iron Throne in Westeros? Based upon its history (& the personal history of the main participants in the battle, i.e. Cersei, Dany & Jon mainly), they'll most likely either be overthrown, killed, become a tyrant themselves or some other crap which will occur five minutes after the end credits. Dany in Meereen? A disaster. Jon as leader of the Night's Watch? A disaster.

Power for the sake of placing a "good guy" on the Throne was the least interesting aspect of the entire show. Even the "honourable Eddard Stark" was an asshole in several ways, namely to Jaime (who'd saved King's Landing). As I said, it's not Marvel & there's no distinct & clear good versus evil, except for the living versus the dead.
Man if you think think the entire show was theoretically all about the white walker I don’t know what to tell you. That plot point has already been addressed in the show with John’s leadership. He already untied all of the houses that weren’t decimated from the wars. I really don’t know what you are trying to say man. John has been saying the same shit as what you said in your post for many seasons now.
So bran has latent, untapped, undemonstrated powers, powers that even threatened the night king. I assume he will do something and help them at some point against Cersei? Or will he just continue sitting there being all important for no reason?
Also I find it kind of insulting to GRRM’s prowess for writing complex characters for you to equate all of that as a back drop (or what ever you want to call it) to the white walkers. The show AND the books are about so so much more to say about the human nature of people.
So bran has latent, untapped, undemonstrated powers, powers that even threatened the night king. I assume he will do something and help them at some point against Cersei? Or will he just continue sitting there being all important for no reason?
He will probably do jack shit. They really ruined his story line. Like this mother fucker affected shit in the past with Hodor. Fucking time travel man! And what the hell has he done so far?


I have no problem with Arya Killing the NK the way she did, it was awesome and IMO she is the main Character in this show with the best Arc, it make sense.

The Problem i have with the NK story it is that it's looking like Snoke all over again.
I wanted some lore, i wanted bran's arc to pay off more than just bait. I wanted to know the NK's Story. It feels like opportunity lost.

I guess they could add a bit more in the last 3 episodes or as per my Snoke analogy EP9, but its looking very slim that those interesting plot lines will be expanded on.
I hope i am just being impatient.

His "story" was he was created by children of the forest to kill the first man

after that he just wanted to destroy all living people

Dunno why you would want or need more motivation


Also I find it kind of insulting to GRRM’s prowess for writing complex characters for you to equate all of that as a back drop (or what ever you want to call it) to the white walkers. The show AND the books are about so so much more to say about the human nature of people.

That "human nature" only serves a purpose when the end goal (survival) justifies all the fighting & killing. If supporting Dragon Queen's claim to the Iron Throne "just because she's cool & shit" is now the sum total of season 8, then the show has betrayed its core themes. The same applies to all other potential Iron Throne candidates as well.
That "human nature" only serves a purpose when the end goal (survival) justifies all the fighting & killing. If supporting Dragon Queen's claim to the Iron Throne "just because she's cool & shit" is now the sum total of season 8, then the show has betrayed its core themes. The same applies to all other potential Iron Throne candidates as well.
Not really sure what I can say at this point so I guess we will just end it here.


Protip, the title is irrelevant. The series as a whole is based on the Song of Fire and Ice series. That's why we have so many seasons in the first place. The fact that you people are trying to use the title to discredit all criticism is pretty hilarious.

I don't see much criticism, though. I see a handful of people who don't like the way a story was told and/or the direction it went. All of which seems to be based upon their own personal preferences. That isn't criticism. That is crying because you didn't get what you wanted and/or expected. Expectations furthermore that had no basis in reality if one considers all that has come before.
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