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Game of Thrones Season 8 |OT| A Song of Icy and Fiery Fandom


Rodent Whores
And speaking of the Golden Company, it's funny how useless they were, and that they were employed under Cersei's command, of all things. This makes me think that in the books, either they all defect to Cersei (unlikely), or Young Griff does end up taking King's Landing. Therefore, when Dany makes landing in Westeros, she must deal with Young Griff instead of Cersei, which would make for a more morally ambiguous and complicated conundrum.


Putting your troops outside the castle when you have more space in the castle is stupid. They are a lot more effective when fighting within the protection of a castle. I mean, why even have a castle if it's not going to provide a defensive advantage to your troops?

Yea the guy tries its hardest to proof something that isn't there. His whole logic is full of holes.

There goal was to get behind the undead and kill the king. The king was the endgame. Why would the king come out when he can just send in swarms hordes into the castle and kill everybody off? with there AA generals have free rain to snipe any dragon that comes in. Hell you saw those generals when they attacked with the dragon already focusing to just do that until the storm hits. Now the storm hits and guess what happens when you are in the walls? they would be death by not seeing anything and just getting overrunned anyway. Also incredible easy for the nightking to kill off there huge amount of units.

Defensive style he's talking about would be suicide.

His whole tactic is flawed as hell.
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Finally watched it (thanks for the thread title spoiler btw...) and I didn't love it, but didn't hate it. Haven't read any posts from this week, so probably will repeat what most have said already.

Cersei: I was counting on a different death for her, being killed by someone, but the way she dies works fine as well, hugging the only man she ever loved.

Euron: What the fuck was the purpose of this character?

CleganeBowl: Was what you could expect (loved the rag doll Qyburn lol), but it doesn't feel like Sandor won. I know there wouldn't be that many other ways to kill a dead guy, and I get the irony, but I don't think this was a place for irony, it was about beating the bully, making him die in the same way that scarred him for life felt kinda weird (I know, he probably died during the fall/hitting the ground, but still).

Danny: I feel like this is where it could've been done a lot better. I get the full-heel turn, but it feels way too rushed. The problem is she doesn't have any friends left who she can talk to, because a couple of lines would've helped the turn. Also, it's kinda strange to see the damage one single dragon does, when last season (or was it in the 6th? Not that important) we saw 3 dragons struggling to destroy a single ship.


Rodent Whores
CleganeBowl: Was what you could expect (loved the rag doll Qyburn lol), but it doesn't feel like Sandor won. I know there wouldn't be that many other ways to kill a dead guy, and I get the irony, but I don't think this was a place for irony, it was about beating the bully, making him die in the same way that scarred him for life felt kinda weird (I know, he probably died during the fall/hitting the ground, but still).
I would have preferred a series of events where Sandor meets up with Gregor and has to fight him due to an inevitable chain of events. Him going straight down to King's Landing to extract revenge seems out of place, considering Sandor's current arc of redemption, but the writers needed him to get from A to B in the fastest way possible, so whatevs.
This is a well done video laying out the case for Dany's turn being badly written. The point isn't that it wasn't hinted that this could be a possible outcome. The point is that the writing to get from point A to point B was rushed, contrived, and executed terribly.

It's funny to witness #teamdaenerys go from "she's always been a good person" to "well ok, maybe she had some bad character flaws, but her descent into madness was rushed". It's like you guys are going through some Kubler-Ross grieving cycle.

"Foreshadowing is not character development", I've seen that nonsensical catchphrase cropping up more and more in the context of this episode and now suddenly every youtube monkey is copying that in order to use it as a cornerstone for their high-browed media "critique". What's it even supposed to mean? Foreshadowing is a way of telling people about the potential downfalls of a character. It's a way to let the audience know what hidden flaws they might find behind the facade which might lead to the characters ultimate undoing. If anything, it's a narrative device to be consistent with future plot points and to prepare the audience for the upcoming revelation.

Was it "bad writing" when Michael Douglas went berserk because he wasn't allowed to order his frikkin' breakfast menu at Whammyburger? Was Peter Finch's "mad as hell" scene badly written when he went full ham on his audience as a news anchor? Was it "bad writing" when Daniel Day-Lewis reduced Paul Dano to a bloody pulp with a bowling pin? Was Martin Sheen's meltdown in Apocalypse Now badly written too? What about Tom Cruise in Magnolia, Robert de Niro in Raging Bull, Stallone in Rambo, Bale in American Psycho, Nicholson in The Shining...?

Even in real life, people go frikkin' mad for much less because civility is oftentimes just a flimsy sheen, a fragile veneer that is covering the endless abyss of madness. There is no "safe" descent into madness and there certainly is no "one true way" to go down in flames, be it slow or fast. There is no rhyme or reason, no standard procedure, it's frikkin' madness. Sometimes it's just the straw that breaks the camel's back.

The people complaining that Daenery's descent into madness was rushed and therefore bad writing are just salty because they didn't understand the core message of the story and because they are disappointed that their beloved slay queen ultimately failed to claim the throne. They fail to realize that emotionally, mentally and morally bankrupting yourself is the price to pay to have a shot at playing the game of thrones.
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Rodent Whores
It's funny to witness #teamdaenerys go from "she's always been a good person" to "well ok, maybe she had some bad character flaws, but her descent into madness was rushed". It's like you guys are going through some Kubler-Ross grieving cycle.
You talking about me? My point has always been that her heel turn was way too hasty and not developed enough for an adequate suspension of disbelief. That her hints of ruthlessness in the show (this is important) were balanced out by her many acts of compassion, and is in no way a smoking gun that "of course" she's going to go nutso. That blaming it on mental health or her genes is a lazy writing copout considering her past actions in dealing with grief and trying to separate herself from her family. That to go from sacrificing your ambition to save mankind to Dragon Hitler in the span of 2 episodes is bad writing.


Rodent Whores
And speaking of the Golden Company, it's funny how useless they were, and that they were employed under Cersei's command, of all things. This makes me think that in the books, either they all defect to Cersei (unlikely), or Young Griff does end up taking King's Landing. Therefore, when Dany makes landing in Westeros, she must deal with Young Griff instead of Cersei, which would make for a more morally ambiguous and complicated conundrum.
Oh and before I forget, I remember thinking during episode 5, "Oh neat, those idiots at least remembered that there's still stashes of wildfire hidden in the city", but considering that these are the same geniuses who wrote that Dany "kinda forgot about the Iron Fleet", it's more likely that it was a part of the outline that GRRM submitted to them. Therefore, in the books, wildfire will probably play a perhaps important part when King's Landing eventually gets blown up there.

And, when either Aegon or her (probably her) ends up destroying King's Landing in the books, it would be more of a tragic tale if she does so while being perfectly sane. That way she can actually realize the gravity of the situation and be cognizant of the idea that no matter how much she tried to not be her father, her misguided actions somehow led her to the same conclusion.

It maintains the theme of characters making decisions that fit their personality, but through cause and effect these actions ultimately lead to their undoing. It's much better than the writers going, "oh we need her to blow up KL for the plot, so, uh... *rolls dice* kay, dis bitch crazy now".
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There goal was to get behind the undead and kill the king.
Are you sure you weren't watching a different show? Their goal was to wait for the Night King to fly into the castle and try to kill Bran then attack him with the dragons. They literally say that's their plan from the get-go.

The only reason Jon and Dany are on their dragons so early is because Dany flips out when she sees the Dothraki (expectedly) get wiped out. Otherwise their plan was to wait till they saw NK and torch him with the dragons whilst the rest of the army held off the undead. So their plan was literally to hold a purely defensive position till the NK showed up. That video points out how utterly stupid their unit placements were to achieve that goal and what they should have done to actually hold the line. Pretty much every point in the video is valid.

People really need to stop trying to defend Ep3, it's an utter shit show and it can only be defended by inserting your own headcanon of what you think their plan actually was or some jump in logic "maybe, perhaps but what if" assumptions that aren't established in the show at all.

But if you maintain that their plan was to get behind the undead army, I'd love for you to link to the scene where they say that.
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Military tactics have often been fucking dumb on this show.
Not only that but barely any castle in the show seems to have a moat. So their military tactics now don't only suck, but they also sucked hundreds of years earlier too. It's like they were built to be random habitations like a shepard's house in the middle of a field and not defendable holds meant to last. In the books there are moats, so why aren't there any in the show?

Bran the Builder sucked at his job.
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Rodent Whores
Not only that but barely any castle in the show seems to have a moat. So their military tactics now don't only suck, but they also sucked hundreds of years earlier too. It's like they were built to be random habitations like a shepard's house in the middle of a field and not defendable holds meant to last. In the books there are moats, so why aren't there any in the show?

Bran the Builder sucked at his job.
The citizens in the show don't like maintaining standing bodies of water lol

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Anybody here willing to explain why there is still some remaining Dothrakis in ep. 5 (expected to be half of them now) since all of them seemed to have been wiped out from ep. 3 ? But the real challenge here is to try explaining this without using the "bad writing" phrase.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Anybody here willing to explain why there is still some remaining Dothrakis in ep. 5 (expected to be half of them now) since all of them seemed to have been wiped out from ep. 3 ? But the real challenge here is to try explaining this without using the "bad writing" phrase.

I remember quite clearly seeing some Dothraki running back towards Winterfell during the battle. I dunno why people seem to think they were all wiped out.


This is a well done video laying out the case for Dany's turn being badly written. The point isn't that it wasn't hinted that this could be a possible outcome. The point is that the writing to get from point A to point B was rushed, contrived, and executed terribly.

His "Foreshadowing is not character development" assertion right here is merely a non-existent literature "rule" plucked from thin air since Sunday. He's not the authority on this issue & it's certainly not something which writers must abide by. Here's an example of Daenerys' turn in other scenarios: in a police series, when (for example) a crime is committed by someone without a police record, no prior physically violent acts, nothing to suggest a criminal mindset, we don't see thousands of fans flooding message boards claiming it was "out of character" or broke the series. When this person (i.e. criminal) has been previously shown as verbally abusive/or made violent threats, it's even less likely to leave viewers surprised when he/she eventually does become the villain. For example when a "loving" role-model father (with an occasional temper outburst) has a bad day at work & then burns his house down with his children & wide inside? Voilà, you have a CSI episode. Everyone is a normal law abiding person until they're not.

Daenerys meanwhile is a queen of dragons who demands fealty, adulation & absolute power. She's also a usurper who wants to silence the rightful heir to the throne & believes anyone making his identity public is "treason" against her. She also exists in a story in which the Iron Throne represents the evils of "absolute power corrupts absolutely" (like Tolkien's ring of power). Therefor if people think Daenerys is not the sort of person who can suddenly snap & go off the deep end, that's their fault, not the writers.

In fact I'd go as far & say such people are missing the point entirely, i.e. cult of personality towards power hungry tyrants always ends badly. Some people probably imagined every dictator throughout history was an "okay" person at some point in their life until they began massacring people. With regards to Game of Thrones, spreading Daenerys' turn to evil over ten episodes would have also neutered the effect they wanted, i.e. the aforementioned harsh awakening for everyone loyal to Daenerys.


I remember quite clearly seeing some Dothraki running back towards Winterfell during the battle. I dunno why people seem to think they were all wiped out.
Then you better bring the receipts because I don't remember that particular scene.
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Fox Mulder

Anybody here willing to explain why there is still some remaining Dothrakis in ep. 5 (expected to be half of them now) since all of them seemed to have been wiped out from ep. 3 ? But the real challenge here is to try explaining this without using the "bad writing" phrase.

They said later the Dothrakis were halved. The day shift got lucky.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Then you better bring the receipts because I don't remember that particular scene.
Struggling to find it on YouTube. Doesn't help that everything's so FUCKING DARK. Sure I saw it in that episode.


Struggling to find it on YouTube. Doesn't help that everything's so FUCKING DARK. Sure I saw it in that episode.

Jorah rode back to the front lines with a scattered group of Dothraki survivors (& horses as well). They're definitely there.


So have the horses morphed into Dothraki then? :pie_thinking:

Mighty Morphin Dothraki Horses?
It's quite possible based on the current writing in the show, sure.

People are very upset lol

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I've been on the side of disliking the pace and writing this season, not becouse I'm team Danny cause Jon Snow is always badass, but becouse of the shift. I agree when taking the books into context the progression is there and clear, my issue is they took creative liberties in the show removing the most impactful of these foreshadowing events and downplayed them starting with a charming adult actress instead of a crazy sheltered 13 year old girl with purple eyes wishising her brother Rhaegar were still alive so she could marry him when she weds Kal Drogo. My issue is the show took a clear departure from her character in the book, and now the precident set in the show with her character doesn't match where we are now. The books characterization has been consistent and this matches her character in the books.


Daenerys meanwhile is a queen of dragons who demands fealty, adulation & absolute power. She's also a usurper who wants to silence the rightful heir to the throne & believes anyone making his identity public is "treason" against her. She also exists in a story in which the Iron Throne represents the evils of "absolute power corrupts absolutely" (like Tolkien's ring of power). Therefor if people think Daenerys is not the sort of person who can suddenly snap & go off the deep end, that's their fault, not the writers.

In fact I'd go as far & say such people are missing the point entirely, i.e. cult of personality towards power hungry tyrants always ends badly. Some people probably imagined every dictator throughout history was an "okay" person at some point in their life until they began massacring people. With regards to Game of Thrones, spreading Daenerys' turn to evil over ten episodes would have also neutered the effect they wanted, i.e. the aforementioned harsh awakening for everyone loyal to Daenerys.


This happens at a time when she realizes that she is completely alone. She has just lost, in a very short period of time, people dear to her heart. Jon is the only person who could have reversed the situation but he fails to reassure her during the bedroom scene. He let her go. What for? He claims that he doesn't want the throne and yet he behaves exactly like someone who wants it badly. For me he has a responsibility in the massacre, he did not ride the Dragon but if he had been really there for Daenerys at the time she needed him, the outcome would probably have been different.

In a way everyone pushed Daenerys into her trenches. Why did Samwell reveal to Jon his true lineage just when he learned that Daenerys had killed his whole family (a family that hated him)? I find the timing very convenient. Too convenient. He's Jon's best friend, the only one who really knows him. He knows very well that Jon is obsessed with his past as a bastard and knows that such a revelation will inevitably cast doubt into his mind. Was there not another time more opportune for such an announcement than in the midst of a war? I have a feeling that Sam manipulated Jon to get revenge on Daenerys. I'm not saying he imagined such a massacre, I'm just saying that he did it so that Jon would detach himself from Daenerys. Why does Sansa conspire against Daenerys while without her, Winterfell would be a pile of ashes? Wherever she looks, Daenerys has only enemies or, at least, people who are suspicious of her.

Personally, I completely understand the fact that she decides to burn everything. After all she has sacrificed to get there, the hypocrisy, the ingratitude of people is disgusting and she has yielded to a blind anger. After all, she's the daughter of a King who had a wildfire fetish. I found Daenerys to be tragically beautiful and even if the massacre sequence is difficult to watch, it's also a very powerful scene. She had absolute power, she was like a goddess of destruction. I was more #teamCersei so far but I must admit that now, I'm not so sure.
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Jon Neu

Mighty Morphin Dothraki Horses?
It's quite possible based on the current writing in the show, sure.

People are very upset lol

They should remake season 7, it's by far the worst season.

This season is still dumb overall, but still has plenty of amazing moments/scenes every episode and the episodes fly by how entertaining they are. Season 7 was extremely dumb, but also BORING as fuck.
Its funny listening to people try to jump through every superman 64 themed hoop to present the boneheaded writing in this season as some kind of devious master plan when the answers provided by the writers themselves are just: "you know, like, we thought it would pretty cool and stuff".

Its ok to just like the show for the spectacle.


They should remake season 7, it's by far the worst season.

This season is still dumb overall, but still has plenty of amazing moments/scenes every episode and the episodes fly by how entertaining they are. Season 7 was extremely dumb, but also BORING as fuck.

Yeah I'd agree that 7 is the worst season and also agree on season 8. Despite its flaws I've still enjoyed this season where as 7 was definitely boring at times.
Maybe in 30 or 40 years we can have a remake of the entire show. Maybe by then all the books are written (either by GRRM or someone else) and the show can follow then a lot more closely than this first version has. Not trying to imply that it has turned to shit, but it could definitely be a lot better, and it's impossible to deny the drastic change in writting on the last 3 seasons.


Maybe in 30 or 40 years we can have a remake of the entire show. Maybe by then all the books are written (either by GRRM or someone else) and the show can follow then a lot more closely than this first version has. Not trying to imply that it has turned to shit, but it could definitely be a lot better, and it's impossible to deny the drastic change in writting on the last 3 seasons.

How about it be remade into a cartoon that actually follows the manga books, and have some of the good actors like Charles Dance and Aidan Gillen can voice their characters. This way we can have the best of all worlds, good actors, good faithful story and no limitations and we wouldn't have to wait 30 or 40 years. There's no way this wouldn't catch on like fire.
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if they remake this in 30 years, i see no reason why they won't just reuse the cast as is and do everything in cg, since it will be virtually indistinguishable from real life at that point
Pretty stunning how the Battle of Winterfell is already dismissed as yesterday's news when the stakes have never been greater. And yet the War of the Five Kings and even the Battle of the Blackwater have left longer lasting marks across the realm. Even the Battle in the Whispering Wood is cited more, compared to what should have been the most calamitous event in Westerosi history since the previous Long Night.
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Well, I love GOT for the violence, the treasons , the big battles...
This episode was excellent for me.
It was obvious she was going full mad queen, I agree that is was quick but what a blast!
I hope that she dies, Jon dies, Sansa dies and Brom will get his castle.


Personally, I completely understand the fact that she decides to burn everything. After all she has sacrificed to get there, the hypocrisy, the ingratitude of people is disgusting and she has yielded to a blind anger. After all, she's the daughter of a King who had a wildfire fetish. I found Daenerys to be tragically beautiful and even if the massacre sequence is difficult to watch, it's also a very powerful scene. She had absolute power, she was like a goddess of destruction. I was more #teamCersei so far but I must admit that now, I'm not so sure.

Right. I mean from a pure entertainment viewpoint (& also taking into account the entire journey through the seasons) I was extremely pleased with regards to the dark place they took Daenerys because it retroactively made her entire story all the better. Dany finally has a real definitive identity & character, i.e. no longer a superficial & unbelievable Marvel-esque "breaker of chains" & hero, but an actual layered character with agency & behaviour which raises serious moral questions. She looked at Cersei & the Red Keep & went "f-you", "f-you all". She then committed genocide. It's deep stuff & it's what makes Game of Thrones compelling as a Shakespearian/Greek tragedy drama.


The citizens in the show don't like maintaining standing bodies of water lol


I guess they backtracked the whole thing about Winterfell being built on a hot spring, because that's what that pond was meant to be. What is clear is that no one can say it's iced and snowed over because you can clearly see that the terrain is now flat. Though I like the idea of the Boltons filing it in for the hell of it :D
Anybody here willing to explain why there is still some remaining Dothrakis in ep. 5 (expected to be half of them now) since all of them seemed to have been wiped out from ep. 3 ?
Because the Night King was a totally push over and barely anyone actually died during the battle of Winterfell. I guess a load of the Dothraki were attacked by those hug only zombies that we see later hugging the main cast without injuring them whenever they're being swarmed.

They actually mention the Dothraki in Ep 4 when they go over their battle plans for King's Landing which made me raise an eyebrow, I was thinking "Was that a mistake? Didn't D&D say that the lights going out was 'The end of the Dothraki'?" I swear I literally thought it was a script fuckup till I saw them in Ep5. That is where my expectations for this show are now, I think a defunct faction being mistakenly mentioned as still being active is par for the course.


Because the Night King was a totally push over and barely anyone actually died during the battle of Winterfell. I guess a load of the Dothraki were attacked by those hug only zombies that we see later hugging the main cast without injuring them whenever they're being swarmed.

They actually mention the Dothraki in Ep 4 when they go over their battle plans for King's Landing which made me raise an eyebrow, I was thinking "Was that a mistake? Didn't D&D say that the lights going out was 'The end of the Dothraki'?" I swear I literally thought it was a script fuckup till I saw them in Ep5. That is where my expectations for this show are now, I think a defunct faction being mistakenly mentioned as still being active is par for the course.

Yep they were mentioned in ep.4 as half of the remaining Dothraki forces. Not just like nine or ten of these guys. Half of the army.
So the zombies were only on hugs and kisses with the Dothraki people? That's why all the lights were out?

The Dothraki and the zombies really needed a session in privacy during the long night :LOL:

Here’s a short little video of the Collider crew responding to some backlash they received for their episode review (they took a “bad writing isn’t a valid complaint” stance) and the overall “rabid pitbull” exchanges going on all week from both sides of GoT fandom

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Do you remember her father, the mad king? Remember her brother, Viserys? Do you remember Stannis God complex and thirst of power/the throne? Do you remember how that ended?

Do you remember Dany screaming in rage about how she was going to burn cities to the ground? How her enemies wronged her and soon they will pay the price? Remember how she has realized that people in westeros didn't like her, and how that people were trying to poison her and overthrow her claim to the throne? How that people killed her dragon and her best friend? How that people didn't rebel against their false queen to go crying in joy at the sight of the mother of dragons, the unburnt, the breaker of chains? How the people of Westeros basically wronged her and her family? And last but not least: do you even remember that the Targaryens were famous for going mad?

If you paid attention, it makes total sense. She was not a liberator, despite trying to act like one because of her Messiah/God complex; she has always been a tyrannt that can't stand when things or people don't go her way.

And Tyrion's dad was an evil manipulative bastard who was willing to kill and betray everyone to keep his family in power, his brother had a turn around these past few seasons but has done plenty of bad things starting by trying to murder a little boy to keep a secret, and his sister was maybe the worst of the bunch on top of also being in an incestuous relationship.
Guess Tyrion should have been delighted with the events of the past episode then, since I've now learned that given that his family is known for doing bad shit it totally means he is exactly the same.

Yeah I paid attention. But a couple of phrases she said and "her brother and father!!!" don't suddenly negate the dozens of hours of screen time she has had these 8 seasons building another type of character.

Has she been shown as an entitled, inexperienced brat with too much power for her own good? a character who often uses extreme measures without thinking about the consequences? Absolutely.
And as I said, the way they have built her I would have totally bought her going after Cersei without thinking about all the innocent people she was going to get killed by doing so.

Do I buy that rather than going for Cersei she would instead slowly and methodically burn the entire city while targeting civilians and even children? All while her troops murder and rape every survivor?


No, I don't.
It's not an outcome I dislike BTW. I've dislike Dany ever since she got her dragons and I hope they kill her next episode. I just don't think her evolution from entitled brat to mass child murderer was done well

But everyone is free to have their own interpretation. So we'll just have to agree to disagree
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Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
Yea the guy tries its hardest to proof something that isn't there. His whole logic is full of holes.

There goal was to get behind the undead and kill the king. The king was the endgame. Why would the king come out when he can just send in swarms hordes into the castle and kill everybody off? with there AA generals have free rain to snipe any dragon that comes in. Hell you saw those generals when they attacked with the dragon already focusing to just do that until the storm hits. Now the storm hits and guess what happens when you are in the walls? they would be death by not seeing anything and just getting overrunned anyway. Also incredible easy for the nightking to kill off there huge amount of units.

Defensive style he's talking about would be suicide.

His whole tactic is flawed as hell.
Uhh...just light the stakes on fire and get the dragons/archers to pick off the dead trying to get across.

The night king didn't walk in the main gate anyways. They could have still drawn him out.

In what world does it make sense to send your calvary charging off into the abyss?


you don't buy that dany and her dragons would do exactly what she promised?

and tywin was like the least evil person in the series, brutal yes, evil not so much
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Danny: I feel like this is where it could've been done a lot better. I get the full-heel turn, but it feels way too rushed. The problem is she doesn't have any friends left who she can talk to, because a couple of lines would've helped the turn. Also, it's kinda strange to see the damage one single dragon does, when last season (or was it in the 6th? Not that important) we saw 3 dragons struggling to destroy a single ship.
I think that is my biggest criticism with this season. There has been no consistency except "because the plot demands it".


Rodent Whores
Then you better bring the receipts because I don't remember that particular scene.
Struggling to find it on YouTube. Doesn't help that everything's so FUCKING DARK. Sure I saw it in that episode.
It's the scene right after their stupid charge fails and Jorah comes back. Random Dothraki are seen running away. Not very many though.

They said later the Dothrakis were halved. The day shift got lucky.

Yeah, it's fucking stupid, in the Inside the Episode for episode 3, they say it's essentially the end of the Dorthraki, and then in episode 4, fucking half of them are still there. Great consistency there, fellas.


I'm noticing a tendency to lump every criticism of Dany's "turn" in the same "nooo, what have they done with my beloved slay queen?!" camp, even though it has been said many a time that that's not the issue for a lot of us. A classic example of strawman.

I don't completely agree with the title of that "foreshadowing is not character development" vid, but the criticism in the vid itself is on point and well argued.
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