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Game of Thrones *Tagged Book Spoilers, Please Read OP* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO

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there have been a few great exposition shots for some locations in this episode. I really love that and I hope they manage to keep them for the rest of the season. its something that really shows the scope of the story and there were too few of them in the past seasons, especially the first one.

I just love bronn, I hope they change everything so he never leaves the show, that would be very welcome. I am very glad they speed up everything with the dany storyline, her story just dragged on terribly in the books after drogos death. only good can come from this, and the scene with the unsullied was really good, looking foward to more like this.

and how great is charles dance? that man is incredible, the scene with tyrion reminded me how grateful I was for his scenes in harrenhal in season 2 (williams was fantastic, too, there) I really hope they make him just as present in this season.


Disappointed with the opening with Sam and the deviations from the book, there.

Also disappointed with Selmy's quick reveal. He went from menacing to queen's guard in half a minute.

Really enjoyed the Tywin/Tyrion scene, and appreciating the extra attention to flesh out the Tyrells at this point. Worried how they intend to play Sansa's next plot, though..


I'm glad they slowed the pace down for this season premiere when compared to the second season's premiere. I'll happily take more restraint in terms of the number of featured characters per episode rather than trying to cram all your favorite faces for a short 60 second scene. I know if they keep this method up that means we'll skip over a few characters here and there but I'm fine with that if it lets the story breathe better.

Also really thought the giant looked pretty good! Now if only there could be more than one single giant and there could be some small glimpses of mammoths...

Anyways, I've finally decided I really dislike the way the show depicts Jon Snow... It's definitely the writing choices and changes, but in addition- it could be the acting itself, or maybe the directing of the actor who portrays him. It rubs me the wrong way consistently and I just find it fucking hard to stomach now. None of it feels organic or legit. If I hadn't read the books I'd just feel like he was such a bumbling doof with JarJar-esque dumb luck, wherein he always comes out of every situation intact. They've done a truly terrible job depicting his story and justifying his trajectory on its own merits. In this world with the types of folk he's surrounded by, he should be dead by now. Period.
It's going to be impossible for me to believe Jon takes over The Watch if this keeps up this season, too.

That said, the Dany stuff was handled well. Can't believe they did the nipple *snikt moment. Haha. Alright, I'm already jonesing for episode 2. Man, hurry up next Sunday!


She has Orlandu and dragons. Game over.

Heh. I had made this a long time ago.


Been waiting a long time for Barristan the Badass.


Disappointed with the opening with Sam and the deviations from the book, there.

Also disappointed with Selmy's quick reveal. He went from menacing to queen's guard in half a minute.

Really enjoyed the Tywin/Tyrion scene, and appreciating the extra attention to flesh out the Tyrells at this point. Worried how they intend to play Sansa's next plot, though..

I liked the Dany scenes in this episode, but I agree with your post. They could have let the mystery carry over one episode at least.



And so far so good, haven't read the third book yet but am surprised the Watch on the Fist took out all of those White Walkers. I mean it looked like a veritable army of them.
The assassination scene with Dany was in Book 2 but I don't remember Barristan Selmy being the one who saved her. I thought it was some big fat, pirate and and old man (probably other book spoilage but was the old man who saves her always Selmy or just changed for this show?



And so far so good, haven't read the third book yet but am surprised the Watch on the Fist took out all of those White Walkers. I mean it looked like a veritable army of them.
The assassination scene with Dany was in Book 2 but I don't remember Barristan Selmy being the one who saved her. I thought it was some big fat, pirate and and old man (probably other book spoilage but was the old man who saves her always Selmy or just changed for this show?

Series Spoilers (just pertains to what you wrote, but I can't remember which book one of the things happened in)
They didn't defeat them; The few survivors fled. As for Selmy, he was the old man, and it was only revealed in a later book. You're right about Belwas (the fat guy) not being in the show right now (if ever).


Series Spoilers (just pertains to what you wrote, but I can't remember which book one of the things happened in)
They didn't defeat them; The few survivors fled. As for Selmy, he was the old man, and it was only revealed in a later book. You're right about Belwas (the fat guy) not being in the show right now (if ever).

I think they'll move Belwas to season 4. His big plot points are when he fights for Dany in the duel for Meereen and later when he eats the poisoned bugs.


Overall I was happy with this episode. My (non-book reader) gf and I watched it together, and she didn't really get the significance of the Barriston scene either, and I can somewhat see why, as he was only in season 1 and only had a handful of memorable scenes.

Also I loved Rome...but I'm not sure they should have used (name escapes me) Caesar for Mance...I love the actor but he doesn't seem nearly "wild" enough to be Mance, but we'll see...thus far though it is probably the first time an actor hasn't really fit their character to me on this show, which for how many characters have come and gone is pretty amazing. Still I won't write him off yet.

The Tyrion/Tywin scene easily steals the episode though. Seeing that scene on screen felt 10x crueler than in the book. I just wanted to reach out and hug Tyrion, the man just keeps getting shit on.


Disappointed with the opening with Sam and the deviations from the book, there.

Also disappointed with Selmy's quick reveal. He went from menacing to queen's guard in half a minute.

Really enjoyed the Tywin/Tyrion scene, and appreciating the extra attention to flesh out the Tyrells at this point. Worried how they intend to play Sansa's next plot, though..

Doing it any other way is basically an impossibility. As soon as you see his face, the jig is up. It could carry on in the books due to the medium, but that wouldn't fly at all on TV/Film.


I would bang a hot farmer!
The Tyrion/Tywin scene easily steals the episode though. Seeing that scene on screen felt 10x crueler than in the book. I just wanted to reach out and hug Tyrion, the man just keeps getting shit on.
I loved how Tyrion stopped because Tywin had one more thing to say then he continued going while Tywin was still talking because he knew what was coming.


Doing it any other way is basically an impossibility. As soon as you see his face, the jig is up. It could carry on in the books due to the medium, but that wouldn't fly at all on TV/Film.

To be fair, the viewer could have known and it wouldn't have taken away from the plot point of Khaleesi and Jorah not knowing. The viewer could have been in on it, and it would have built tension until the reveal.

I loved how Tyrion stopped because Tywin had one more thing to say then he continued going while Tywin was still talking because he knew what was coming.

That's kind of how it always goes in my house

"Oh and one more thing son"

*I stop*

"I saw your latest credit card bi..."

*I walk away*

Edit: Oh God...I basically am Tyrion except I'm not a dwarf.


Series Spoilers (just pertains to what you wrote, but I can't remember which book one of the things happened in)
They didn't defeat them; The few survivors fled. As for Selmy, he was the old man, and it was only revealed in a later book. You're right about Belwas (the fat guy) not being in the show right now (if ever).

Cool! Thanks! And those were necessary spoilers to keep from getting confused imo. Especially being Ive only read up to the second book. post ASoS?:
one would think Jorah would have recognized Barristan earlier in the books?
and Commander Mormont should have mentioned somewhere in that scene with Sam, "We got tore up by those Walkers, we need to head for the Wall." The scene made it seem like they were victorious against all of those. And when the hell would Sam have had time to send Ravens, assuming he was trying to fight off Walkers?


To be fair, the viewer could have known and it wouldn't have taken away from the plot point of Khaleesi and Jorah not knowing.

I suppose, but it worked in the books as a plot device because it's a reveal to the characters and the reader. I don't think it would work nearly as well in this medium. It's also reasonable to say that Jorah would recognize him.

Maybe I'm not disappointed, because that's pretty much exactly what I expected to see happen.


I suppose, but it worked in the books as a plot device because it's a reveal to the characters and the reader. I don't think it would work nearly as well in this medium. It's also reasonable to say that Jorah would recognize him.

Maybe I'm not disappointed, because that's pretty much exactly what I expected to see happen.

I'm not disappointed either. This way he can do things above and beyond what he'd have been capable of as Arstan.

What was up with the beginning?

What happened to the White Walkers?

They led a legion of wights against the Fist of the First men and successfully threw the Nights Watch off of their perch and into retreat. They didn't show the battle.


I'm not disappointed either. This way he can do things above and beyond what he'd have been capable of as Arstan.

They led a legion of wights against the Fist of the First men and successfully threw the Nights Watch off of their perch and into retreat. They didn't show the battle.

While I understand they didn't shoot the battle for obvious budgetary reasons, it's a bit odd that they didn't really acknowledge or discuss it. Maybe they will in an upcoming episode.


I would bang a hot farmer!
While I understand they didn't shoot the battle for obvious budgetary reasons, it's a bit odd that they didn't really acknowledge or discuss it. Maybe they will in an upcoming episode.
With the way it was shot I wanted Sam to yell at Mormont "How the fuck could I send the ravens if I just got back after being abandoned by those two assholes at the base of the Fist?" :p
Pretty good episode, much better than last season's premier. Well directed, everything looked nice - I just hope that carries through the rest of the episodes. I was bummed to learn Alan Taylor, who has directed some of the best episodes (Baelor, Fire and Blood) wasn't returning this year, but the director list looks good. Michelle MacLaren has an episode this season, which will rock I'm sure.

The show is usually best when it spends some time with the storylines instead of becoming a glorified clip show, and I think this episode succeeded in that sense. While I didn't like Mance's introduction or the Robb/Harenhel stuff, just about all the other scenes/stories were nice. I really liked Davos' scenes, especially the one with Saan. And of course Tyrion's scene with Tywin was great; I look forward to more Charles Dance.

Mance: I'll wait to see how it plays out for the rest of the season, wasn't impressed. It's way too early to declare him a disaster. Same with Giantsbane. I'm sure he'll be fine.

Ros: Wasn't annoying for once.

Dany's scenes were much better than last season's, despite the introduction of another exotic culture/city; there's always a danger of being too cheesy/SyFy channel-esque when it comes to that in fantasy or sci fi shows. I'm curious to hear what non-book readers thought of the final scene. I kind of wish they cast a younger actor, even though that guy is a very good actor. Still, I wonder if the impact would be bigger if it was a guy in his mid 50s instead of his 60s.


I always get depressed when an episode of Game of Thrones ends because I just want to keep on watching. Can't wait for next week's episode.


For those who have read

Regarding Littlefinger
's scene in this episode... Do you guys believe he was aware it was Arya at Harrenhal or was he bluffing? Either just to get Sansa's spirits up or to plant the seed into her had that Arya is alive so that they could eventually sell off Jeyne as the real Arya later on?

There was a look of recognition on his face when he saw her in season 2.


She has Orlandu and dragons. Game over.

All of the black bars. Now I remember why I don't post in this thread.

Yeah, but how come Dany never attracts Young Heroes to her party? I mean check it, both her knights are middle-aged-to-old men.

Still, if Dany lives another five years, she's gonna seriously wreck Westeros.


Stannis totally reminded me of Steve Coogan in this episode. Something about his haircut and facial hair I guess.

Also Sansa is probably taller than that giant from beyond The Wall. Girl has been eating her Wheaties.


Yeah, I think the Stannis/Davos/Melisandre stuff has been great. Casting and characterization have been spot on.

I will say though, now that I've thought about it some more, one of my favorite moments of A Clash of Kings that didn't make it to the show is when Stannis is thinking about the peach and realizes too late he did love Renly. If they had included that scene, it would have humanized Stannis somewhat.
hello gaf,

hope you all enjoyed the opening of season 3

just got a quick question and here seems the best place to ask

last year HBO GO received episodes of Game Of Thrones a week early, so week one there were two episodes,

is this happening this year and if so what day does HBO GO receive that extra episode?



I will say though, now that I've thought about it some more, one of my favorite moments of A Clash of Kings that didn't make it to the show is when Stannis is thinking about the peach and realizes too late he did love Renly. If they had included that scene, it would have humanized Stannis somewhat.

I don't think they'll do this scene in particular but I can totally see them trying to humanize him this season. He's already looking a bit "softer" than he was last season but I guess losing a battle like that will do that to a man.


about Stannis
quite disappointed, been like a year but iirc it was some other guy in his service that threw Davos in jail not Stannis himself, not sure but I think Stannis even got him out of jail when he found out he was in, or a while latter

but yeah that slave girl, hope they do THAT scene but with her instead of the other one ^^
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