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"GAME OVER ...yyeEEAHHH!!!" The Official Sega Rally Revo thread of Ultimate Force!!!

It supports the G25 as that is what we used to promote the game to magazines/websites during development. It wasn't 100% full support (much like GTHD/Prologue didn't have "full support") but it worked perfectly, but G27, not sure.

It supports the Driving Force Pro though (I think...). My memory of the studio is slowly vanishing over the years, very sad.

If it doesn't support it, it never will (officially). SEGA wanted to forget us as quickly as possible after spending 5 years cherry picking developers to make a game. Maybe not release it the same day as Halo 3, huh?
It does support the DFP, and DAMN, did you guys put some serious force feedback into it! At the strong setting, that wheel turns like concrete and whips around like a firehose!
Wow, I never saw this thread before. I absolutely adored this game and was frustrated that it got so little coverage or received little interest, even by places like 1up Yours who barely even gave it a mention.

Oh wait. Rally games. North America hates Rally games. Fuck you, North America.

I loved it so much I got the 360 and PSP versions (PSP rev has different tracks) and if I could find a copy for the PS3, I'd get that too.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
Diablohead said:
I always forget that the console version was 30fps locked, not that it bothers me but after playing it on my pc since last summer it's hard to go back and adjust.

Oh my god... you've got to fucking help me then :/
I don't care about wasting measly £8, what I hate is not being able to enjoy this game, and I very much want to, damn.

HI've got a pretty nice rig, HD5850+i5 750+G27 and so on; Dirt 2 runs at 59.7fps *minimum* everything set at max, 1080p/vsynch/triplebuff/4msaa.
And yet Sega Rally Revo runs like shit no matter what. I know about the audio bug, set on software to avoid, I'm on the latest patch 4something.
Just for giggles I tried running the game with everything set on LOW (!) and LOL, it runs exactly the same.
Shitty stuttering framerate, we're talking an everage of maybe 20fps! I love this game, I had it on PS3 as well but I hated that it was 30fps, go figure.. :lol

I've read some posts here talking about super smooth framerate, someone even gettin' 108fps (I'd be perfectly happy with 60!) *stable* and this was back then, 2 years ago.

My head's spinning, this is why I'll never be perfectly happy with pc gaming and I know I'm such a noob but man after coming back from work I'd just love to relax instead of googling for fixing my games :/


I cant believe I missed this game...seeing SROA (Sega Rally Online Arcade) made me want to check out Revo since I heard SROA had a scaled back track deformation system.

After playing Dirt 3 for about 8 hours and then playing the demo of Revo, I can say I much prefer Revo just for the feeling of connection of the car and the ground...it's actually gonna be hard going back to Dirt 3 and the flat surfaces.

Trying the Revo demo made me also not want to pull the trigger on SROA since it pales in comparison now.

This is the closest Ive felt to Rallisport Challnge 2 since I last played it. Ill have to find a copy of Revo soon...too bad it's not on Games on Demand in the US.


This epic thread bump inspired me to download the demo. Totally worth, runs very well on my ancient system. It's a darn shame it's not on Steam anymore, or I would have bought it immediately. You can still get it at Sega's online store for $9.99, though.


AEREC said:
I cant believe I missed this game...seeing SROA (Sega Rally Online Arcade) made me want to check out Revo since I heard SROA had a scaled back track deformation system.

After playing Dirt 3 for about 8 hours and then playing the demo of Revo, I can say I much prefer Revo just for the feeling of connection of the car and the ground...it's actually gonna be hard going back to Dirt 3 and the flat surfaces.

Trying the Revo demo made me also not want to pull the trigger on SROA since it pales in comparison now.

This is the closest Ive felt to Rallisport Challnge 2 since I last played it. Ill have to find a copy of Revo soon...too bad it's not on Games on Demand in the US.
I picked up Revo the day it came out having been a huge fan of the original, and being really impressed with the vids they put out of the deformation tech. When SROA came out, it was a no-brainer for me. I can say one thing about the "toning down" of the deformation though. I think it's only visually dialed back. The feel and the feedback is still basically the same as it was in Revo. It's just not as visually in-your-face.

I finally 200/200'ed SROA last night, and the experience has me thinking about going back and playing more Revo. Thankfully I still own it. it just sucks that the online community was deader than a door nail weeks after release, and is most likely long forgotten; I never got to unlock any of its online related achievements.


ToD_ said:
This epic thread bump inspired me to download the demo. Totally worth, runs very well on my ancient system. It's a darn shame it's not on Steam anymore, or I would have bought it immediately. You can still get it at Sega's online store for $9.99, though.

ditto...why is it not on steam anymore, it sucks to think that stuff can be taken down from an online DD service?


Tomasooie said:
Revo used to be on Games on Demand until a month or two ago. Obviously it was pulled because of Sega Rally Online Arcade.

so annoying...hopefully it will be back up soon...if at all.


$12 on amazon (with prime)...yes please...cant wait for it to come in, been playing the demo over and over.

I ended up buying SROA but I really dont like how the camera is hard locked behind the car and the game feels much faster than Revo (based on the demo).

Im assuming online is pretty much dead in Revo?


how are the gfx compared to D3?


isamu said:
how are the gfx compared to D3?

It's hard to say, many people will probably tell you Dirt 3 looks better but in my opinion I much prefer the look of Sega Rally Revo. Dirt 3 has a lot of dull colors and all the tracks lack a certain variety but it's meant to have a much more realistic look, whereas Sega Rally uses more vibrant colors and has a lot more going on trackside than Dirt 3, such as elephants, planes, waterfalls, etc... just more eye candy in general.

Dirt 3 has damage modeling where Sega Rally does not. Also the way the cars get dirty in Sega Rally is much more appealing to me as well.

The huge difference is in the way Sega Rally handles the track deformation though, while Dirt 3 feels and looks like you on driving on a flat unchanging surface, in Sega Rally cars create ruts in the ground that you can see and feel as you drive over them. This is what makes Sega Rally more visually impressive for me.

Im sure the general concensus is that Dirt 3 looks better but Sega Rally Revo still looks great and better (IMO).

Both games run at the same 30 fps though.
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