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"GAME OVER ...yyeEEAHHH!!!" The Official Sega Rally Revo thread of Ultimate Force!!!


I'm rooting for Sega Rally Revo!

It deserves to sell well.

What would GAF say if SRS made the next Outrun / Daytona game? Obviously under close scrutiny from Sega Japan..
Kuran said:
I'm rooting for Sega Rally Revo!

It deserves to sell well.

What would GAF say if SRS made the next Outrun / Daytona game? Obviously under close scrutiny from Sega Japan..

I will buy the next SRS game regardless of the franchise. Outrun or Daytona would be great, hell I'd take a new Manx TT. They've got to sort the music out, though.
I'll be on tonight from I guess around 7pm GMT, so an hour and 10 mins from this post. The plan is I'll host a bunch of player matches, open, no invite needed. Lots of short bursts of tracks, quickfire etc, for a while. Try to do it again tomorrow.
GT: JonathanEx


Is there any way to tell the differences between the cars? I haven't played the game yet as much as I would like and would rather not dick around restarting races for an hour trying to find the perfect car. I really like the way the default Subaru handles but it seems to be getting a bit slow compared to the other cars, but I can't tell if the newer unlocked cars are any faster or not!

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I hate to say it now, but I had mostly ignored this game because of my extreme skepticism about western-developed Sega titles, and was almost terrified to see what hatchet job ended up happening to Sega Fucking Rally.

After reading more GAFisms on it in this thread last night, I screwed my courage up and went out and bought a new copy using a few coupons for Gamestop I had laying around.

Holy shit! In my mind the best compliment I can give this title is that I cannot really tell it wasn't developed by say, AM1 in their prime with a generous budget. As some of the reviews said, it's a big shallow in the modes and long-term content, but it's so polished, drive so well, and has such amazing, almost heart-breakingly atmospheric tracks (in the classic, fantasy racer arcade sense). I was also more than happy to find it actually has a stable frame rate despite the sheer amount of mug slinging, dust cloud, and particle effect madness happening. It really says something about the level of polish in this game that the worst thing I can find is the freakin' /credits/ mode in the garage where the cars race in an unoptimized wire frame of a track geometry. (But then, one would expect the game to chug around running in what is essentially a development alpha state.)

I stayed up all night playing; it is also, for me, the most pure and most bester arcade racing experience I've had in a decade or more. The track deformation feature really does provide a hint of the old Wave Race sensation and does keep laps and entire races from ever feeling exactly the same.

The only thing really missing for me personally is what way too many 360 games are missing: LAN / System Link play. We have a 360 LAN set up in the house and almost everybody loves Rally racing. Our friends are now in awe of this game. If system link was supported - as it SHOULD be on damn near every 360 game, damn it - Sega would have sold multiple copies of this game last night.
The game is at a good price in UK stores now £18 or around, but i've just got it sent to me from rental, looking foward to playing the full version at last.


ShowDog said:
Is there any way to tell the differences between the cars? I haven't played the game yet as much as I would like and would rather not dick around restarting races for an hour trying to find the perfect car. I really like the way the default Subaru handles but it seems to be getting a bit slow compared to the other cars, but I can't tell if the newer unlocked cars are any faster or not!

No, and this is perhaps my only significant complaint about this game. I find it impossible to be sure I'm using the best car for my style.


Wasn't available to play last night I'm afraid. But if you want to start from 7pm GMT again JonathanEx then that's all cool.

Suppose post in this thread people if you're up for some online play this evening.
I have to go out this evening sadly (ugh, I hate it when I want to do things but other people's plans get in the way) but I might be on later. I had a good time last night though, played for a few hours with some full races. Good stuff.


Well could put that time back to 10pm or 11pm GMT if that suits people better. But yeh, scheduling this stuff really is hit and miss as to whether people are busy or have plans.
this game is rock'n on the pc. I have my pc connected to my hdtv in my living room..well i have a home theater pc but playing this game at 1920x1080 @60fps is super sexy. Using a usb xbox 360 controller for the pc version of revo
While this thread is back on page one I might as well give some feedback after playing the 360 retail copy.

1000/1000, 3 weeks of excellent arcade fun online and off, the later being a little annoying but also a great challenge because there is no restart option mid race for easy wins.

At first just like the demo I was taking corners too quickly and half the time rubbing the walls, the slowdown penalty given seemed minor at first because you could basicly pinball around the track long as you keep the car going foward but once you pass the earlier stages of the game you realise that you need the ultimate racing line and reactions of steel to claim first place and get those lap times in the top 100's.

I left online untill last because I wanted to unlock all the cars and paint jobs to use but I mostly stuck with the subaru as it was well balanced plus one of my fave cars, online is a completely different slice of cake because you get people who are pro or you get people ramming you and doing no good, the ramming kind are low though.

The game is great and built solid.


I have a question to those of you who have played this game for the PC, and have also played the original RalliSport Challenge for the PC. Which game is better?


The White guy who boned Marcelus Wallace said:
Isamu did they ever answer your question?

Not yet, bro.


About the splitscreen, I wish it wasn't split in the middle (vertical), I like seeing a lot on both sides, but I don't care about seeing the sky. Otherwise an awesome game.


isamu said:
I have a question to those of you who have played this game for the PC, and have also played the original RalliSport Challenge for the PC. Which game is better?

no question about it, sega rally revo is the better game by far

for me its the best rally game on the pc, sure its not as realistic as richard burns or as good looking as dirt but its in a league of its own when it comes down to which one is the most fun

runs fantastic 1080p@60fps, looks great, handling model is really fun, can be picked up super cheap (£7 i got it for), only real bad points are theres noone at all playing online and it could do with some more tracks and locations


yeah, it's a pity there's no one playing it online... in the first days after launch there were many people online, and that was fun as hell!!! But it is (was) fun as hell offline, too...


butthurt Heat fan
Kuran said:
I'm rooting for Sega Rally Revo!

It deserves to sell well.

What would GAF say if SRS made the next Outrun / Daytona game? Obviously under close scrutiny from Sega Japan..
I would buy a Daytona game from SRS, day one. I'm just dyin' to see another one soon. :D

Guy Legend

How's the online community for the PS3 and overall replay value of the game? I have Motorstorm that came with my PS3, but it's not grabbing me the way it should.

herod said:
it needs a rumble patch on PS3. I will buy it if it gets one.

No rumble patch yet...it would make a big difference in the fun factor for this game. :(


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Guy Legend said:
How's the online community for the PS3 and overall replay value of the game? I have Motorstorm that came with my PS3, but it's not grabbing me the way it should.

You could grab a Logitech Driving Force Pro which is awesomely supported by SEGA Rally Revo, but not by Motorstorm IIRC (never tried myself heh, I like to play Motorstorm with a controller), but a much better idea would be to import a Dual Shock 3 or to wait for its US/EU release because the game loses quite a bit of its appeal without rumble (track deformation affects both rumble as well as force feedback response). A DS 3 would be a better investment because it would be supported and useful for many more games than any racing wheel would be.

Edit: yikes no DS3 patch yet ?!?

Then purchase a driving wheel and thank me later.


i got to try the 360 demo for this game today and i think its awesome.

im very tempted to buy it, but its still seems to be full price most places and im positive that there are 0-3 people playing online at any given time.

pretty depressing. this seems like a really solid and fun rally game that should have gotten more attention. why has this franchise been forsaken?!

i might buy it anyways just for some offline racing action. still $60 though. what to do...?


hah. i just remembered that i asked like 3 seperate times in this topic if the game had time attack rankings online and it was never answered.

i just found out the answer in some random online review: YES!

that makes my decision to purchase it quite a bit easier. sega rally + online rankins = good times.

yeah i double posted. poor lonely topic. :(


Hi guys. I was just wondering....now that Sega Rally Revo is out in the arcades and is now renamed "Sega Rally 3", have any of you played it in the arcade AND then went home and played it on the PC? If so, how would you compare the two versions in terms of visuals, and especially force feedback effects?

bee said:
no question about it, sega rally revo is the better game by far

for me its the best rally game on the pc, sure its not as realistic as richard burns or as good looking as dirt but its in a league of its own when it comes down to which one is the most fun

runs fantastic 1080p@60fps, looks great, handling model is really fun, can be picked up super cheap (£7 i got it for), only real bad points are theres noone at all playing online and it could do with some more tracks and locations

Awesome thanks for the impressions bee :)

BTW are you BeOndEdge but under a different account?


Got this gem this week for 15 Euro, If I had known back then that this game was so awesome I would have picked it up! Handling and graphics are both great, the 3d terrain deformation really adds something to the gameplay imo, it also looks better than Motorstorm (the deformation of the terrain that is)

But I remember it was at a time that had numerous releases so I had to prioritize, and this one slipped from my mind. To bad they closed the studio. :(


So I got this for cheap on clearance and I'm glad I finally picked it up. I have a question though: Why is it that I feel like I have a better grip in the dirt than when I'm on a paved street? When I'm on a street it feels like I'm on ice skates sliding around with no grip.


OMFG the PC version of this game SUCKS!!!!

Why in the living flying FUCK can't I select more than one USB controller? Why the FUCK is there an Xbox 360 controller as the FIRST option, and only one other controller as the second option? Last but not least, why in the name of all that is shitting bears in the forest, is there NO. FUCKING. ANALOG. STEERING. IN. THIS. GAME???????

Seriously, are you fucking kidding me? The game recognizes my wheel, and I can steer with it, but the steering is DIGITAL!!!!!!!!!!! God Damn SRS what the fuck were you guys smoking up there! Grrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pissed: :livid: :readytochokeabitch:


Ok, this game is now $19.99 at a local store, so it's gonna be either this or Virtua Tennis 3 (same price). Are there still people playing these games online?

And isamu:
That does sound ridiculous to not have analog support.


Bebpo said:
So I got this for cheap on clearance and I'm glad I finally picked it up. I have a question though: Why is it that I feel like I have a better grip in the dirt than when I'm on a paved street? When I'm on a street it feels like I'm on ice skates sliding around with no grip.

Because you have tires made for grabbing dirt (ie. less surface area so you would slide easily on pavement).

isamu: Sorta weird, are you sure about that? Did you confirm online with any other players or anything? Maybe there's a driver/setting issue.

I adore the game, but I feel that it could have been made better with some minor tweaks that would have resulted in major payoffs. I should write up a post on it one day, but I have a feeling it would take 3 hours to write that post and get everything off my chest, heheh.


I picked it up on 360 in the end, after sega racing studio got closed. Zero chance of rumble on ps3, which is a real shame. Game is now in my queue, probably get around to it sometime in early 2009 :)


herod said:
I picked it up on 360 in the end, after sega racing studio got closed. Zero chance of rumble on ps3, which is a real shame. Game is now in my queue, probably get around to it sometime in early 2009 :)

Well, I liked it better with the DFP in comparison to the MS wheel. But what I do miss is custom soundtracks on the 360 (I used to have SEGA Rally tunes when playing the 360 demo).

Another beef I have with this game that I love...why couldn't they just have re-used those old songs? Argh, I feel like ranting. Calm down. Hand me some of those meds isamu.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
isamu said:
OMFG the PC version of this game SUCKS!!!!

Why in the living flying FUCK can't I select more than one USB controller? Why the FUCK is there an Xbox 360 controller as the FIRST option, and only one other controller as the second option? Last but not least, why in the name of all that is shitting bears in the forest, is there NO. FUCKING. ANALOG. STEERING. IN. THIS. GAME???????

Seriously, are you fucking kidding me? The game recognizes my wheel, and I can steer with it, but the steering is DIGITAL!!!!!!!!!!! God Damn SRS what the fuck were you guys smoking up there! Grrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :pissed: :livid: :readytochokeabitch:

Just use the wired 360 controller then...


FightyF said:
isamu: Sorta weird, are you sure about that? Did you confirm online with any other players or anything? Maybe there's a driver/setting issue.

Positive my friend. I check every option, every setting, went over everything with a fine toothed comb. It'd woulda been bad but at least SOMEWHAT tolerable if lack of multiple controllers was the only issue. But having a fucking steering wheel seen as a digital input device is the PERFECT definition of retarded!

Seriously, I bought this game salivating at the mouth after waiting a couple years for my wheel and desktop to arrive, and was ready to enjoy it after waiting so long. Then to be hit the shittiest controller options I've ever seen in my life is nothing short of agonizing.

I thought Sumo Digital not putting FFB in the PC version of Outrun 2 was bad, but at least it recognizes a fucking ANALOG wheel when it sees one! But this....this is just laughably shocking!

$50 down the fucking drain :(

Back to OutRun 2 C2C, Trackmania, GRID etc....


Sorry to bump an old thread, but I'm looking into picking this up (jonesin' for some old shool arcade racing). Did anyone try the patch for it (v4.060) and does it resolve the controller problems people are having?


Nikorasu said:
Sorry to bump an old thread, but I'm looking into picking this up (jonesin' for some old shool arcade racing). Did anyone try the patch for it (v4.060) and does it resolve the controller problems people are having?
You're talking about the pc version?


Tailzo said:
You're talking about the pc version?

Yeah, I actually just tried the second demo and it's pretty awesome. Definitely picking it up.
Analog steering seemed to work fine on my 360 pad, but are there still problems with wheels? I wanted to pick up a G25 sometime and hopefully it will work with this. It's fine if there is no force feedback, as long as it works and is fully analog.
Sorry for the necro-bump, but I just went back to play this game after almost 2 years away, and it is still as awesome as ever. It is so sad the developer shut, and the talent split apart and got gobbled up by others, cause I would have loved to see more from them.

Love the music, love the scenery. love the balloons, helicopters and gliders in the sky. Love the alpine locations, love the snow, love the jungle. Love that it still looks quite decent looking although it came out 2+ years before DiRT 2 supposedly upped the ante

I 100% recommend this as a high-quality cheapish pick up if you cannot afford a new game right now. Definitely a brill title to pick up if you only got a PS3/360 recently as well
Keyser Soze said:
Sorry for the necro-bump, but I just went back to play this game after almost 2 years away, and it is still as awesome as ever. It is so sad the developer shut, and the talent split apart and got gobbled up by others, cause I would have loved to see more from them.

Love the music, love the scenery. love the balloons, helicopters and gliders in the sky. Love the alpine locations, love the snow, love the jungle. Love that it still looks quite decent looking although it came out 2+ years before DiRT 2 supposedly upped the ante

I 100% recommend this as a high-quality cheapish pick up if you cannot afford a new game right now. Definitely a brill title to pick up if you only got a PS3/360 recently as well

I agree. I still play it on my PC from time to time :D
I play it every few months too with my 97p amazon PC copy :lol but the first time I played the game was on the 360, 1000/1000 achievements and I loved every moment of it all.

I always forget that the console version was 30fps locked, not that it bothers me but after playing it on my pc since last summer it's hard to go back and adjust.


weird - I was just browsing this thread yesterday - thinking about picking up the PC version, but I still couldn't figure out if it supports a driving force pro wheel or not. Anybody? Bummer about online being gone too.
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