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"GAME OVER ...yyeEEAHHH!!!" The Official Sega Rally Revo thread of Ultimate Force!!!


butthurt Heat fan
marwan said:
PC, PS3 or 360?

i just got my 360 wireless controller adapter for the PC :)

on another note, i might be getting NFS: ProStreet on the PC if it gets good reviews, since the graphics on my rig kills the consoles versions.
X360. I already have two of the hidden achievements (cross the finish line in reverse to win a race and be in the lead at the end of the first lap), and I can already tell that the win-without-colliding-into-anything achievement will be a bitch to unlock. :D


Played last night. Pretty much loving it save one thing: in chase view, cars seem really twitchy/touchy resulting in massive oversteer for any slight movement--like the dead zone needs to be adjusted except I don't see a setting for it. I got used to it the more I played but it's a complete contrast to 1st person/bumper view where it feels much, much more manageable. Usually all I do is 1st person for racers but for the track deformation and all the water and mud splashing about I think chase cam is what I want to use.


I love the arcade feel of the game. I haven't even got out of the amateur league, but I really like the track variety and difficulty. I like how Sega can maintain that look and feel after all these years.

My only complaint is that I have way too much oversteer... could be that I'm using a controller, I have crappy cars, or I just plain suck. Either way, I don't recall ever having this hard of a time adjusting to the steering in a rally game before. I'm getting better, but there seems to be a steep learning curve.


jedimike said:
My only complaint is that I have way too much oversteer... could be that I'm using a controller, I have crappy cars, or I just plain suck. Either way, I don't recall ever having this hard of a time adjusting to the steering in a rally game before. I'm getting better, but there seems to be a steep learning curve.

I've basically given up chase cam (which I never really use but the visuals look incredible, esp. when kicking up mud/dirt/water) because of this. It's too frustrating and bumper cam is much, much more manageable. Still, I hope that it's the result of crappy cars as you mention and that later ones will eliminate the oversteer.
bob_arctor said:
I've basically given up chase cam (which I never really use but the visuals look incredible, esp. when kicking up mud/dirt/water) because of this. It's too frustrating and bumper cam is much, much more manageable. Still, I hope that it's the result of crappy cars as you mention and that later ones will eliminate the oversteer.

Try the D-pad if you haven't already.


butthurt Heat fan
Getting the no-collision achievement was easier than I thought. Just do the Safari 1 level on quick play with the difficulty on easy, and tiptoe around the track. The only secret ones I have left are the 160 MPH one and the "2 seconds of airtime" one.


Mr. Pointy said:
Geforce 8800GTS 640MB. I run it at 720p with 4xAA and get around 70fps, although it drops to 50-ish when there's a lot of stuff on screen.

so 50 to 70 frames per second. not bad!


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
What's the deal with the PC version?

Geforce 8800GTS 640MB. I run it at 720p with 4xAA and get around 70fps, although it drops to 50-ish when there's a lot of stuff on screen.


jax (old)

any comparisons on xbox360 vs PS3?

I went past a shop the other day and it had both versions and I'd like to buy the better/cleaner verison..etc.

couldn't find comparisions online

ALSO : see: conan
Jax said:
any comparisons on xbox360 vs PS3?

I went past a shop the other day and it had both versions and I'd like to buy the better/cleaner verison..etc.

couldn't find comparisions online

ALSO : see: conan
You couldn't find any because the only real difference depends on the console's own factors: it's controller, online, etc.


I just got my copy for review yesterday and the jump from SIXAXIS to a force feedback wheel is awesome. I'm using my Logitech G25, the feedback makes the game just like the original arcade version. If you have the game you need to play it with a wheel its that much better. Otherwise I found the game to be pretty lifeless with the SIXAXIS, considering the game is pretty slim on options and such.

How come nobody is playing this online? I've had it for like 4 days and have yet to play a multiplayer game??

Got this for PS3 (360 is in the shop), I'm very impressed. Playing hood view, I love the control, the sense of speed is fantastic, graphics are excellent, great arcade racer so far.


dankir said:
How come nobody is playing this online? I've had it for like 4 days and have yet to play a multiplayer game??

I tried today, found one other guy, smoked him.

Wicked game, I love it.


Just got the game. Pretty fucking awesome so far!

The track design is fantastic and they look freakin gorgeous. The real time track deformation really adds to the gameplay. The AI can be tough at times. You really gotta race clean to earn first place. It's gonna take a while to get first place in all the races!

Loving it, this is pure arcade fun.


Was the 2006-version on PS2 really that bad? I see the Japanese version... well, the only version is $15 including the original Sega Rally, the last one alone should be worth the money even if 2006 sucks?

I have a Logitech Driving Force Pro, can't wait to test it with Revo :)


butthurt Heat fan
ballerusk said:
Was the 2006-version on PS2 really that bad? I see the Japanese version... well, the only version is $15 including the original Sega Rally, the last one alone should be worth the money even if 2006 sucks?

I have a Logitech Driving Force Pro, can't wait to test it with Revo :)
Famitsu gave SR2006 a 26/40. That's not good, IMHO...
Enjoying it on 360. Sega Rally fan here couldn't pass it up as part of TrU deal. Some of these tracks truly feel like one is bashing their car through deep mudholes, much more so than seen in the demo tracks.

Just the second race in the very first championship run makes this point clear. And tires really do make a difference. Couldn't catch up to the leader in one race no matter what. Swapped out tires and left everything else as is...easily took and enhanced lead.

Other quick notes:

-- Good to see each car has 3 liveries opened with mileage (a reasonable 50-some miles for all 3).
-- Lack of saved replays a disappointment. I still have a DC VMU with several saved replays from SR2.
-- Using behind car view with no problems.
-- Great vibration effects.

Trojan X

Ok, this is a question for everybody.

I'm in Ikebukuro, Japan, right now. Do anyone know where I can get the G25 steering wheel so I can bring this baby home and hook it to my PS3 for some insanic SEGA RALLY fun? Please let me know ASAP because I only have until Sunday before I go back to western world.

... Hmm. I gotta think about customs too.


Have to pull my logitech wheel out for this bad boy but oh my my my this game is the shit. The hood view is pure love. The speed and graphics is awesome. Also the online community seems to be asleep.


butthurt Heat fan
RavenFox said:
Have to pull my logitech wheel out for this bad boy but oh my my my this game is the shit. The hood view is pure love. The speed and graphics is awesome. Also the online community seems to be asleep.
What version do you have? If you have the X360 version, we can hook up... :D


I haven't even bothered to open up the other games I grabbed at the ToyRUs deal - Sega Rally gets all the play time right now.

Everything about the game is awesome,well maybe not,the music is pretty forgettable. Too bad because Sega always had a track record with music in all the Sega Rally games. I guess we can all just rip our own classics and add to to our 360s though.

Someone asked about the game's load times,theyre not terrible but they are noticeable around 15-2o seconds here. Oh and one thing that I love about the game...no restarts once the race is underway,for career mode anyways. Th t means no cheating by restarting your races.

The a.i. is pretty intense but its is not perfect. It does exactly what allot of a.i. in racers do nowdays. If you ever come up on the leader then one of thge cars will do his best to grind paint with you,block you from making a move by slowing down trying to cause a wreck,etc. Sorta nasty a.i.,the old Sega rally games never did this but to be honest they drive like they have no real will to win, where they just drive in their own set line and not giving a damn that youre about to pass any of them. Nt so in Revo,you come near them and they get so fucking defensive now. Its the way a racer shoul be I guess but they seem not to care about winning but more about protecting the leader,which sort of pisses you off abit.

It's love or hate I admit that much,often times I've found myself saying WTF...drive like a driver or get the hell off the road.:lol

This game is just gorgeous though,the mud and water effects are awesome to behold. I think I may go into replays,pause the game,and take a few pictures and upload them within this thread,its amazing to see stuff being kicked into the air,only a photograph could capture all that. And one other thing-if anyone is wondering....the handling in the final release is 100 times better than the demo. It feels more stable now.

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
Man, this game is AWESOME! I'm finally getting to dig into it after having been on vacation this past week. The graphics are stunning, the water and mud effects are unequaled... why isn't anyone talking about this game? I guess it just got lost in the shuffle. Anyone that's even remotely a fan of arcade racers needs to pick this up, now.
Just got the Perfect Score achievement and the last unlockable car, a made-up
Hot Wheels RD04
. Spoilered description of looks:
Black with green highlights and looks like a sci-fi dune buggy crossed with a Batmobile
. Neat, but really wished they had an 037 Lancia, Metro 6R4, Renault Alpine, Fiat 131 Abarth, some previously seen in DC's SR2 Championship.

One thing though is that I really don't like how the AI is allowed (even encouraged) to crash and bounce off walls to gain advantage. Merely annoying at first, it becomes infuriating in the end championsips. Every time I tried to drive a proper clean line as should be demanded of Sega Rally, an AI car would come around, slam/bounce off the wall and pull ahead, sometimes punting me into the wall as well.

So to win in the higher Master championships often required learning where best to do wall rebounds as well, and hopefully punting the AI around instead. What an embarassment to classic Sega Rally that is.

Off to do some nice clean runs now in Time Attack, where the game continues to shine of course without suicidal ping-pong AI.


Finally got this game after playing the demo to death. I freaking LOVE this game! This is bar none the best racer I have ever played and is one of the best games I have played this year. I'm definitely going to need some people to race with so if anyone is up for some matches, send me a friend request and attach a message letting me know. My gamertag is phatcorns. Kind of a shame that no one is buying or playing this game on live.


can someone answer if there are online rankings for time trials on 360 or PC?

please, thanks.

(i cant believe there are no saved replays... wtf! also dissapointer to hear no one is playing online. sad indeed.)


I'm thinking about getting this game through Steam but I've never used a controller with my PC. Do I just plug in a USB 360 one and the game recognizes it or do I need software? What about a PS2/PS3 controller with a USB connection?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Chrono said:
I'm thinking about getting this game through Steam but I've never used a controller with my PC. Do I just plug in a USB 360 one and the game recognizes it or do I need software? What about a PS2/PS3 controller with a USB connection?

Thanks in advance for any help.

yep...it has built in native support for the 360 controller, so your good to go


Can anyone post some good advice? I'm having trouble in the Expert mode.

What cars can you recommend? Note: I don't like to race the modified challenges.

Any other driving advice? Does it help to choose Manual transmission, or is the advantage small?

Also, when I go to the TIME TRIAL section, it can't find any online times... and it won't let me race in any 'offline' way, afaik. Is this just me?
What cars can you recommend? Note: I don't like to race the modified challenges.

For the first set of cars, the last Peugeot is probably my favourite. I've just unlocked the Final for the first championship but came second by two points: gutted.

Does anyone have any advice for the modified cars? They seem to completely understeer, it's like driving tanks around the course and I want to unlock the last championship.
Hey guys, anyone interested in an online get-together next Saturday?
Evening GMT (so I don't know, lunchtime or so America, we'll decide a time if there's interest), around 6 of us, blasting through as many tracks as we can. It'd be fun to do maybe just tons of 1 or 2 lap races. Apart from the fact it should make the '100 races on Live' achievement easier, it's fun to quickly blitz through the different tracks.


JonathanEx said:
Hey guys, anyone interested in an online get-together next Saturday?
Up for it also JonathanEx.........but depends on the sort of times you'd be interested in playing. Personally Sunday would suit me better. My gamertag is ColR100.

You used to hang around cube-europe/revo-europe didn't you with McBacon from what I remember?
I'm thinking maybe around the area of 5pm to 8pm GMT. Might seem early, but on Saturday my younger sister will probly steal the 360 (and the projector, for that matter) for a party, and on Sunday, well, I have to have a good British roast. Sunday would work for me too (probably better). GT: JonathanEx

And yeeep, me and the Bac' were at Cube Europe. Good guy.

I say that as he'll read this.


Haha....yeh, he'll most likely see it. Used to be known as ilsa Nadir over there, then just changed to my standard name......as the forum has got quite small in recent years.

Anyway.....yes, Sunday would be better and any weekday evenings (if Live doesn't screw up). I've only just picked up the game last week......but considering I tested it then you may be up for a challenge! :D

Really would be great to get them achievements as well.....so one/two lap races sounds ideal on ranked or something. Will add your Gamertag anyway when I next turn on the 360.

Will add you as well ShowDog.
Sadly you can't change the lap settings on Ranked, which gets you the 5 Wins and 10 Wins achievement. However, for the "play 100 online matches" one, it doesn't specify a mode, so I think we'd be fine. Maybe we do a bit of both then. :)


such a shame there's no one online anymore...

As I was new to the game when it launched there were a lot of people playing online, and boy that was fun as hell, but now, there never is a single online game whenever I search...

Is no one playing Sega Rally online anymore?

Germany, so when do you people meet CET?
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