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gamers complain to much

FortNinety said:
Okay, so you're still some guy who apparently has never had a problem on a NYC subway (which I still flat out refuse to believe, btw), and, as evidenced in this thread as well, has virtually nothing of value to say, no matter what the topic or conversation.

i never had a problem with the workers, which was what your whole topic was about....wondering how much they get paid cause they give you so many problems. (common sense should tell you they dont get paid much anyways)

also, if I had nothing of value to say...why even post in My thread? lol.



Fixed2BeBroken said:
i mean i might joke about something like metroids HOT LOCK ON action

WTF you stole my hot lock on line biatch you have no right to complain I want my royalties!!!


D2M15 said:
You know what's cool, Reverend Doktor? JACKAL.

You know, that's right. Jackal, like Marlon Brando's jacket in The Wild One, will never not be cool.

I play games, but only if I'm paid to.



Ramirez said:
I don't think most people here even play games.

Yes this is pretty much self evident by the number of complainers about the monthly fees in WoW threads.

"OMG I just bought 15 $50 dollar games that are collecting dust on my shelf I can't believe you want me to spend $15 a month on a game Blizzard!"
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