Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
Who in the fuck are buying these games and why? I could understand if you were interested in doing said Job and the games were remotely close to reality but most are made by low budget indie studios. Then they get even more specific like: "Ride my pony simulator" , "Power Wash Simulator" , "Lawnmower Simulator", "Internet Cafe Simulator" , "Prison Guard Simulator" , "Super maker Simulator" , "Goat Simulator" , "Drug Dealer Simulator" , "Border patrol simulator" , "Thief Simulator" the list goes on and on and on. Yes those are all real titles. Now I know they would not be making these games if people were not buying them. I got to wonder how many of you buy these type of games and do you actually have fun with them? Just boggles my mind.