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games you can play endlessly


there are many games i enjoy, but there are few games that i can pop in and lose myself for several hours. these select titles never get old or boring, i'm always thrilled to go back to them. just toss 'em in, start up the ipod, and i'm in a state of perpetual gaming bliss. anyways, my titles -

Bombastic - Free/Survival mode (PS2)
Dead or Alive 3 - Survival (XB)
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (PS/GBA)


Mario Kart 64
Star Fox 64
Perfect Dark
Super Monkey Ball
Super Monkey Ball 2
GoldenEye 007

All but SF 64 I enjoy in multi and single player (don't care for SF 64's multiplayer mode).


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Monkey Ball 1 & 2. I've put hundreds (maybe over a thousand) hours into these two games. I played competitively for world records and at my peak I was 9th in the world. My friends and I would play the master levels to warm up, and if we died more than 3-5 times we got mocked endlessly. It's weird to realize a lot of people never even beat (or unlocked) master at all, when I've done all 10 (or 20, depending on the game) without dying.

Point is, I still pop them in and play semi-regularly. Not even really fun anymore. Just mindless at this point.

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GDJustin said:
Monkey Ball 1 & 2. I've put hundreds (maybe over a thousand) hours into these two games. I played competitively for world records and at my peak I was 9th in the world. My friends and I would play the master levels to warm up, and if we died more than 3-5 times we got mocked endlessly. It's weird to realize a lot of people never even beat (or unlocked) master at all, when I've done all 10 (or 20, depending on the game) without dying.

Point is, I still pop them in and play semi-regularly. Not even really fun anymore. Just mindless at this point.

took me friggin ages to beat monkey ball 1 master, master 3 is murderous.

How did you get good? Read strategies or just practice? I had to learn a few tricks to beat master 3 I think it is (long skinny triangle ramp at the start, then you can kind of fall off and pass through the goal).

Going to go on a monkey ball 2 run soon I think. haven't done the expert level to completion. Arthropod and launchers put me off the game for a while.

Mine is monkey ball 1 and 2 anyway.
SSBM if there is anyone else that wants to play.
Muse - Endlessly

I can play that song over and over and over and over...

Right now I seem to be able to play multiplayer Call Of Duty endlessly.


Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
Tony Hawk Underground
Rage Racer/RRV
Any Samurai Shodown
and hopefully in the future...F-ZeroGX



O2 Jam :)

But I usually fire up mame, throw in some arcade game, maybe even turn on some cheats, and just play it to completion.

I've done that with N.A.R.C. (arcade) 3 times this week. Something addicting about it o_O


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
catfish said:
took me friggin ages to beat monkey ball 1 master, master 3 is murderous.

How did you get good? Read strategies or just practice? I had to learn a few tricks to beat master 3 I think it is (long skinny triangle ramp at the start, then you can kind of fall off and pass through the goal).

Going to go on a monkey ball 2 run soon I think. haven't done the expert level to completion. Arthropod and launchers put me off the game for a while.

Mine is monkey ball 1 and 2 anyway.
SSBM if there is anyone else that wants to play.

There's no secret to getting that good. Just lots and lots (and lots) of practice. Just like anything else, you'll keep getting better if you do it over and over and over again. Monkey Ball proves this and rewards this more than any other game I've ever played. It's so weird how levels that used to seem IMPOSSIBLE (like literally 'I'm never EVER going to beat this' impossible) are a cinch after you've had the game a month. You can see yourself getting better more clearly in monkey ball than anything else.

If you play the master levels enough, maybe you die 100 times the first time you beat one. The next time it only takes 80. Before you know it, you're beating it within 5 or 10 tries, consistently. That's a big improvement. For those with the inclination, they can eventually get to the point where they consistently *never* die. Then it's just a matter of getting a good run together.

Arthropod, wait until about 30 seconds. The goal will circle up to the top. Then you can hold about straight foward and (eventually) make it in.

Launchers, get in front of a launcher and face the cylinder. When it launches you, pull back (or away, to put it another way) from the cylinder. Then use your radar to land on the top of the cylinder, and again to fall into the goal.

EDIT: I've heard soooo many people say they quit SMB2 because launcher pissed them off too much. It's really not that bad, and I'm not just saying that b/c I'm really good at the games. If launchers turned YOU off to SMB2, try it using that strat. The pulling back thing keeps you close to the cylinder, and makes it much easier. Even without much natural skill you'll get it after some tries.

aoi tsuki

For me it's Steep Slope Sliders on Saturn and Tetris.

GDJustin said:
There's no secret to getting that good. Just lots and lots (and lots) of practice. Just like anything else, you'll keep getting better if you do it over and over and over again. Monkey Ball proves this and rewards this more than any other game I've ever played. It's so weird how levels that used to seem IMPOSSIBLE (like literally 'I'm never EVER going to beat this' impossible) are a cinch after you've had the game a month. You can see yourself getting better more clearly in monkey ball than anything else.

If you play the master levels enough, maybe you die 100 times the first time you beat one. The next time it only takes 80. Before you know it, you're beating it within 5 or 10 tries, consistently. That's a big improvement. For those with the inclination, they can eventually get to the point where they consistently *never* die. Then it's just a matter of getting a good run together.
So true. i haven't played master in ages (or SMB for that matter) but it's a game that simply takes practice. i remember some of the later stages on Expert where i'd have to move between bumpers on a thin platform seemed impossible the first five tries, then i'd get a little further in the stage and die another five or so times. i'd repeat this pattern until i cleared the stage, and felt like the king of the world. This has to be the only game ever to be so annoyingly hard and yet to deliciously rewarding at the same time. F-Zero GX (another Amusement Vision game) comes quite close.


Perfect Dark
Super Monkey Ball
Super Monkey Ball 2
GoldenEye 007
Tetris (original Game Boy one)
Postal 2
Soul Calibur II
Links 2004


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
The thing about Monkey Ball is, every death is YOUR fault. The game is never "cheap," even when it's incredibly hard. Anytime you die, it just means that your skills simply aren't up to that level yet. That's why (in my opinion) Monkey Ball is less frustrating than some games that are much easier. I think SMB1 and SMB2 are harder than nearly ANYTHING else out there, but why do games like NG come up when people ask for the hardest games this gen? B/C it's more memorable, because deaths often AREN'T your fault. It's much easier to blame the game.

I've been more pissed at monkey ball than any game EVER, and yet I always came back, because it wasn't the game's fault. The wire was just so narrow I needed to have steadier hands. There's no "trick" to having steadier hands. You just play and play and play, until you do.
Personally, I think Super Monkey Ball 2 is cheap as hell. The first one was like "here's the goal in plain sight, get your ass in it." The second one is a different story. Between the buttons that change speeds and the horribly placed goals that really seem to rely more on luck than anything, I just wasn't interested. Maybe I suck, but I never had these issues with the first game.

The only game I seem to go back to again and again and again is Persona 2. There is seriously so much to do in that game that I spend hours just talking to demons or going back to food shops to see what the various dishes do to my status or trying to find little rumors I missed (a good portion of them seem to be available at only certain times in the game).

That's in addition to the main game which just kicks ass. I've been playing it to death again the past few days. I missed the damn Iris persona in the GOLD Gym... but I got Shaka in the Bomb Shelter at least. Yay.


Final Fight
Doom 2

everything else eventually gets boring, Diablo 2 would be on my list but i seem to have enough of it atm.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Games bearing this quality have a certain flow to their play that connects the player to the experience in a very rhythmic way. Score-based challenges like those in shooters, puzzlers, or of the Crazy Taxi games are good for this. Also, music games tap directly into the rhythmic conveyance which helps to keep players tuned to the game.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Semjaza Azazel said:
Personally, I think Super Monkey Ball 2 is cheap as hell. The first one was like "here's the goal in plain sight, get your ass in it." The second one is a different story. Between the buttons that change speeds and the horribly placed goals that really seem to rely more on luck than anything, I just wasn't interested. Maybe I suck, but I never had these issues with the first game.

SMB2 isn't as "pure" (read: good) as the first game, but it isn't as cheap as it initially seems. In SMB1 pure skill was all that was needed for a no-death run. SMB2, you need to know the "trick" to the level, AND pure skill. If someone can beat all 70 expert & master levels without one death, that proves that there are very consistent strategies out there. (several people have done no death runs, BTW. More in 2 than 1). Once a level in SMB2 was figured out, it was just as much about skill as the first game. A moving goal doesn't mean there's more chance involved.

It's hard to defend a level like Air Hockey, though...



GTA3 (The crime sprees never get old for me, they weren't as fun in VC, goddamn tire poppers and shit. :mad:

True Crime (The Patrolling was more fun than the actual game!)

Super Mario NES

Tetris (The unquestionable god of all games they never get old!)

Road Rash (RR64 and the PC RR)

Jedi Knight II and Jedi Academy


Unconfirmed Member
The New Tetris
Metal Slug Series
Wave Race 64
Diablo 2

White Man

Radiant Silvergun. I must've maxed out the clock on that 10 times by now. Ikaruga can't hold a candle to it.

God, I still can't decide if I want to sell one of my copies. I haven't been able to play in roughly a year, and even if I were playing, would I really need a second copy?


White Man said:
Radiant Silvergun. I must've maxed out the clock on that 10 times by now. Ikaruga can't hold a candle to it.

God, I still can't decide if I want to sell one of my copies. I haven't been able to play in roughly a year, and even if I were playing, would I really need a second copy?

I'll give you 20 cents for it plus whatever is in the Mystery Box.
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