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Games you never finished due to an external issue e.g. hardware failure


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
For me its Xenogears. I loved this game so much. Spent tons of time collecting and making sure my team was super powerful. I remember I got to the point where it was time to change to disc 2, which I guess is super far in the game. As soon as I would change the disc my game would freeze and I couldnt progress.

Pissed the hell out of me but I never managed to get it to work. I think once I tried on a B/C PS2 and it worked but at that point it was years later and I forgot everything so I never went back to finish it.

I would love to replay this game someday.


this thankfully never happened to me.
but almost, my 360 started dying while I was playing Assassin's Creed 2

I managed to keep it alive for another month by using the towel trick...

but ultimately the E74 error killed it for good.
I got a replacement a few days later tho, so it wasn't too bad.

edit: oh also,
RELATED to that, my old 360 was not able to read the disc of a copy of Mirror's Edge that I got as a christmas gift the year prior.
It always crashed after a certain point and didn't load.

after the NXE update I even tried installing it to my harddrive to maybe finally being able to finish the game, but no luck. the install errored out at ~60%

then that Xbox died as I said, and I got a new one. that new 360 for some reason had no issue reading and installing my Mirror's Edge disc!

so my dying Xbox 360 lead to me almost not being able to finish Assassin's Creed 2, but because it died I got a new 360 that finally let me finish Mirror's Edge!
Which quickly became one of my favourite games of all time.
I still have that disc too that my older 360 wouldn't read. every 360 I had after that (a Falcon and a Trinity) read the disc without issue as well
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My copy of MGS2 had a scratch on it so it would always black screen right after the Ray fights. Yes, right before its memorable climax. I even replayed the game on harder difficulty levels hoping some altered code would load the next scenes. Alas, that never came to be....


Playstation's Memory Card corruption issue just was a thing that you had to deal with back in the day. I guess Playstation 2's Memory Card was much more reliable, since I never had any issue.


I nearly stopped playing God of War since my launch PS4 had overheating problems, going to the map where the fans ramped up to max was a scary thing. Jumped out of the whole PS4 generation after that, just briefly played Ghost of Tsushima before I retired the PS4 for good.

Late generation PS1 games were mostly unplayed as well, had to flip the console upside down to read the disc.

Maybe more a TV problem but Dead Rising on Xbox 360 was mostly unplayable on my SDTV at release, the text was so blurry after the 360 had scaled down the resolution to fit my aging TV.


I nearly stopped playing God of War since my launch PS4 had overheating problems, going to the map where the fans ramped up to max was a scary thing. Jumped out of the whole PS4 generation after that, just briefly played Ghost of Tsushima before I retired the PS4 for good.

that's not an overheating problem my guy, that's just how the fat PS4 was.

when I opened the map or sat in the helicopter in MGS5, my fat PS4 literally sounded like it wanted to imitate the damn helicopter engine
Resident Evil 3 for Sega Dreamcast. Every time I got to the clock tower, the game would crash on me. Every single time. Couldn’t figure out what was wrong and I tried literally everything to resolve the issue and nothing worked. I was so disappointed that I couldn’t finish the game in Dreamcast because of that.


Gold Member
When the new medal of honors came out you got a free copy of the old ps1 MOH game. After getting the vast majority of medals - and trophies - in the game, my ps3 disc drive packed up and wasn't able to read the disc which was needed to play the old game. Thinking I could just add my save to the cloud I found out it was copy protected (why the fuck was that a thing) so couldnt put in the cloud. Thus, it was forever doomed to be wiped when I had to send it to Continuous Play for exchange.

Mr Hyde

Couldn't finish Final Fantasy 8 of Kingdoms of Amalur because save file corruption. Was about 40 hours in on both of them. I've tried to get into FF 8 a couple of times later but I always get bored and quit. Amalur is just dated and looks like shit so I'm not even gonna bother.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Dragon Age: Inquistion. 80 hours of gameplay went away because of a power shortage that happened right when the game was saving. My PS4 HDD had to be formatted, and the very next day I was getting PS+ (cloud saves) to avoid this happening again.
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Manhunt, and on two separate occasions, which leads me to believe that the universe doesn't want me to ever finish this game, lol.

The first time around I was playing it on PC and I was already close to the end of the game, when I started experiencing a bug in which my player character would suddenly get teleported a few meters to the side whenever I was standing in the shadows, and it made me become visible to every enemy. It was so problematic that I simply couldn't finish the game because it was around the point in the game when I was being hunted by those red-eyed soldiers and they would waste me in seconds as soon as I was spotted. It was before I even had internet at home so I wasn't able to find any fixes for this problem so I just abandoned the game.

The second time around, I managed to get a hold of a PS2 version, and as I was playing it one evening, my mum burst into my room with a basket full of laundry (she had to go through my room to get to the attic to hang it up) and she walked right into the controller cord, pulling the console from TV cabinet. The console survived the fall, but the DVD disc with the game got so fucked up that the console wasn't able to read it anymore and thus, my second attempt at finishing Manhunt once again was brought to a screeching halt.

I do have the PS4 version of the game which I bought a couple of years ago, but I'm genuinely concerned that if I'll attempt to finish it for the third time, my console will burst into flames spontaneously, or some other heinous shit will happen, lol.
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this thankfully never happened to me.

oh shit, forget I said that, because it did happen to me... I completely forgot this for some reason.

I played Call of Cthulhu on og Xbox (I actually played it on my 360 but it's an og Xbox game),
I was almost at the end, like 70% to 80% done I think,
when a known save state bug made it impossible for me to continue the game.

the game can randomly corrupt your save file and will crash a few moments after loading it.
this is a very well known issue that I was oblivious to back when I played it.

so yeah, I never finished it because I was so frustrated that my save got corrupted :(

so PSA for everyone planning to play the game, do not overwrite your last save state, instead always save on a new file, and once you have all filled start from the top again. that's the only way to circumvent this issue... I think even the PC version has this bug
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Red Steel is the only one I think. Bought brand new with the Wii, kept freezing at the same point in the game after about 2 hours of game play. Very strange. Returned for a refund.


that's not an overheating problem my guy, that's just how the fat PS4 was.

when I opened the map or sat in the helicopter in MGS5, my fat PS4 literally sounded like it wanted to imitate the damn helicopter engine
Heh yeah it was extremely loud but mine was overheating for real and died a couple times on GOW, iirc the map triggered some uncapped fps scenario where it would just try to max out the system.


Heh yeah it was extremely loud but mine was overheating for real and died a couple times on GOW, iirc the map triggered some uncapped fps scenario where it would just try to max out the system.

ok damn... mine never did that, but it sure sounded like it was about to explode a couple of times

Dr. Suchong

Gold Member
Chrono trigger, Super Nintendo.
Borrowed a U. S copy whilst I was working at Gamestation.
The universal adaptor regularly deleted my saves 😭


Gold Member
FF7 on the PS1. Had a crappy 3rd party memory card which corrupted my save deep into the game. Only mainstream FF game that I have not finished. Man was I pissed off.


Incredible hulk. Was playing on integrated graphics back in 8th grade. The frame rate was low. In the final mission there is a quicktime event but the low frame rate made it impossible to tap the button quickly enough.


Legend of Legaia PS1 memory card issues. Demon's Souls PS3 (YLOD), but finished it later and then again on PS5.


advanced basic bitch
I lost 40 hours in Tales of Vesperia on the 360 due to a memory card issue. I never went back to it for more than a few hours despite really loving it.


King Snowflake
I was playing ELEX on PC a couple of years ago. It was an OK janky game and I was getting pretty far into it. Then my SSD died and took my save file with it.

I had a PS3 Tales RPG (Vesperia?) get corrupted and way back on the SNES I had my Secret of Mana game get stuck in confused mode ( all inputs reversed).
I abused the quicksave in the last battle in KOTOR 2. Every time I got a clean hit on her I quick saved. Well the last one I did, the boss just obliterated me with one move and I saved 0.01 sec before that happened so any loading of the same save would end up the same, just no time to move out. At that point I uninstalled the game and went on YT to see the ending.


For me its Xenogears. I loved this game so much. Spent tons of time collecting and making sure my team was super powerful. I remember I got to the point where it was time to change to disc 2, which I guess is super far in the game. As soon as I would change the disc my game would freeze and I couldnt progress.

Pissed the hell out of me but I never managed to get it to work. I think once I tried on a B/C PS2 and it worked but at that point it was years later and I forgot everything so I never went back to finish it.

I would love to replay this game someday.
game is fire, you should go back to it.

this happened in MGS for me, but I quickly bought another copy with a working disc 2. The one I never really finished was God of War (PS2), game froze during a hill and I never bothered to finish it after that...


In order for me off the top of my head, Diablo on PS1 my sister and I were playing co-op and learning all about it and making great progress. There was a storm outside that night into the witching hour when suddenly the power died when we were saving our game. Lost so much progress that we just kind of dropped it.

PS2, I had built up quite the collection and was in the middle of several games but my disc drive started going out until it was useless. My tastes had started changing and better specs and features on Gamecube and Xbox saw me not want to pick up my blurry PS2 games again when I bought a newer model. I do regret that though.

On the 360 I was having an absolute blast especially when the big hitters started to arrive namely with Oblivion. All my friends and family were getting down on it when I got my first RRoD. After several attempts of dealing with the customer support and shipping and receiving other 360's I tried to pick it up again but to no avail. Most of my library became obsolete after that model finally died circa 2009 when I was in another state and unemployed. With little money I tared it all in and stuck with PS3 for the remainder of the gen. Really sucks to because there were some real gems on there that I really wanted to try. But Oblivion will always stick out to me as the system killer. Super hyped for Starfield btw haha.

There were certainly a few hardware-side glitches on NES that messed with me and my family back in the day but it was so long ago that I can't remember save for a quick reset and try again.


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
Kotor. On 3 different og Xbox's and 3 different copies the game would just lock up at certain points.


One of the first games I played with a mouse and keyboard is TRON 2.0. An older title but appreciate the moody atmosphere and the way the story is revealed. Have upgraded PC's many times and keep losing my save files so have played the first half like 3 times already.


Alan Wake

Was like 75% of the way through when another 360 HDD crapped out on me. Ended up never finishing it but might pick up Remastered before the sequel comes out.


My ps4 HDD got corrupted right at the tail end my Witcher 3 playthrough, lost my save and to this day I havent finished it nor played the expansions


Gold Member
Twilight Princess. I bought it used from a rental chain and my Wii died before I finished it. I traded it after the Wii died.


I was a couple of hours away from 100%ing World of Final Fantasy when my PS4 crashed and died. For some reason it wasn't cloud saving either, so my entire game was basically wiped.


Is my brain failure counting ?

Big Mouth Lol GIF by MOODMAN


I did finish it several years later but I got the classic red ring of death on my 360 as I was getting to the end of Halo 3. It was probably 8 to 10 years later I went back to replay it in the master chief collection.


The nicest person on this forum
Muramasa Rebirth on Vita, the reason I can’t replay it because the analog stick on my Vita is busted and i really wish they release that game to modern systems already.
My dog dropped a tennis ball right on top of the disc drive of my 360 as I was playing a rented copy of Bioshock 2. Cut a ring in the disc. I had rented it from Blockbuster. Managed not to have to buy them a new copy, thankfully.

Though I do carry this burden heavy in my heart and wonder if they'd still be in business if not for that $60 I cost them :messenger_loudly_crying:
My Katana Zero save file got corrupted when it crashed halfway through the game. I’m not that disappointed because the story/writing in that game felt like it was created by a 15 year old and the gameplay couldn’t save it.


This wasn't a 100% stopper because I eventually went around it, but I believe it's God of War II that has a very specific QTE sequence you have to follow, and I had gotten through half the game on PS2 but then moved onto PS3 (I had a BC one) and moved the save and got to the ending... and just could not finish it! I had beaten every challenge, I had drained the boss of stamina, I was done with the game, but this one QTE, I failed every single time. Now, I'm not a man of rhythm, I fail every time at a DDR, but this was just a simple QTE, and yet it seems like I was just too much of a timing-dufus to complete it...

Eventually though, I had plugged my PS2 back in onto a TV in a different room, and gave it another try. Beat it in one. And I've since come to find out that the PS3 BC (coupled with the bad LCD I was playing on) added enough lag that games with fine timing were off and almost unplayable. (Other games were the same way, I was even having trouble doing rather simple platforming in Jak 3 even though I had completed Jak 1 & 2.)

...There's one CRT left in my house, but I'll keep it warm for situations like this in classic games.
3 times throughout the Xbox 360 years, I could only get to the start of the DLC for Oblivion (had to beat the main game first) and each time I went back to continue / start the DLC my xbox died and lost my progress.

In no particular order - one was a hard drive failure, 1 was the good old RROD, and the other was kinda a power issue and disc drive failure and that was the Gears of War (3 I think) Special Edition console.

I gave up ever trying it again, even on PC.


Resident Evil 5 on 360. I got the RRoD, and in the time it took to send my system off and get it back, I just didn't care anymore. I put a lot of time into it, didn't have much more to go. But I played enough and waited for so long that I realized I didn't care to continue.


I was a now forgotten amount through Suikoden 1 when my first PS3 died. I don't think PS1 saves were ever something that backed up to the cloud, so it was gone forever. I still haven't returned to it, but I've heard how good 2 is so I would like to revisit the series eventually
my 2nd 360 just RROD'd after having a 2 year shelf life after i got it from ebay.

would like to have finished Wolverine and that Transformers game i bought with it

Pegasus Actual

Gold Member
Final Fantasy X. 3 year old nephew deleted my save. Sister-in-law left my brother (good choice tbh), never saw that little fuck again.


Gold Member
Disc 4 on Final Fantasy IX. The FMV would load and then it would freeze. I couldn’t make it work. It made me ask a kid at high school to burn me disc 4. I used the GameShark hack to make it run and it was my save file. It made me upset. I finished it sometime later, but still.

Do you have the PSN version DGrayson DGrayson ? Install it on a Vita and finish it. I did that with a couple of bucket list JRPGs and it felt great when I finished them.
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I think my playthrough of the first Crash Bandicoot was ended by the problems related to the disc reader on the PS1, (I never knew you were ”supposed” to turn it upside down) because when I got to one of the last levels (I think it was Jaws of Darkness) it always froze at the same loading screen.

Edit: Had the same problem with Lomax IIRC. The reason I suspect it was a hardware failure was that both these games played fine on a friends newer model of PS1 when I brought my discs over.
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Jim Ryan Fanclub's #1 Member
I love silent hill 3, but because of pc problems, hardly got a ps2 and the game, or school or work problems... I played it but not finished it yet, just got to the amusement park again.

I must play it again.
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