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Games you never finished due to an external issue e.g. hardware failure


L.A Noire. My save file on PS4 got corrupted and it never let me re load and continue after about 25 hours. I was gutted, loved that game.


Corrupted save files is a bitch. You need to do multiple backups for them because you never know if your last backup was also corrupted, since saves get corrupted when written, usually at the end of your playthrough. So even if you do backups, a corrupted save file most likely means your last playthrough is lost no matter what.


Lost multiple safes as a kid, that's the reason to this day, that I always, no matter what, make multiple saves during an playthrough if the game allows it.


Gold Member
I was playing Tales from the Borderlands, and had got into the last chapter.
Meanwhile, I was having some issues with Windows and decided to format and reinstall.
I thought that this game had Steam cloud saving, so I didn't bother making a backup of my saves.
Only when I tried playing the game again, did I found out this game didn´t use cloud saves.
I never bothered replaying the whole game again. Although it has been so long and I have forgotten most of it's story, that it might be worth playing again.
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow on the DS.

My save file corrupted at 99% before I could fight the final boss. It was a shared DS so the other save slots were being used; I was unable to create a backup.

Sad Homer Simpson GIF


Baldur's Gate 2, I bought used game sometime around 2007 and one of the disks was defective. I've only heard good things about the game since.
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Devil May Cry 4, the game thrashed the optical drive so much it killed it. Never played DMC4 again until the special edition came out on the PS4.


For me its Xenogears. I loved this game so much. Spent tons of time collecting and making sure my team was super powerful. I remember I got to the point where it was time to change to disc 2, which I guess is super far in the game. As soon as I would change the disc my game would freeze and I couldnt progress.

Pissed the hell out of me but I never managed to get it to work. I think once I tried on a B/C PS2 and it worked but at that point it was years later and I forgot everything so I never went back to finish it.

I would love to replay this game someday.
The same happened to me with Rouge Galaxy due to the dual layer DVD. Finished it (restarted) more than 10 years later on the emulator.

Scotty W

Disc scratches were responsible for setting back my completion of Metal Gear Solid and FF7 back by a few years.

With MG it was just a few minutes in, after you go into the first building, with FF it was out in the countryside, and you are on this huge elevator platform which is supposed to go down, but it would only go down halfway. Drove me nuts thinking there was something I could do to fix it.


Ff7. Like an idiot I let my friend borrow it before I had finished (no idea way). When I got it back the 2nd and 3rd discs were so fucked I couldn't play it again.

Playing remake now. I'll finish the original this year at some point with speed boost on


Oxenfree on Playstation, game just don't save. They never fixed...

I'll have to buy on Xbox...
If you feel like it I recommend finishing it. Not that long and weird in a good way.

I also had some jerk delete all the files on secret of mana (renting snes games back in the 90s was risky) and replace them with new save file names:




You motherfucker. The asshole never played the game either; like 5 minutes game time on each save.

It's not hardware failing but like ff7 I never finished it.


Gold Member
Not sure if it was my Xbox or the game, but Watchdogs 2 would hard shutdown my Xbox so I never got more than a bit past the introduction.


Pray on xbox one. I got 75% in and my xbox was faulty and conyinuesly had cloud sync issues making me redo chunks of the game.
Happened so many times that I stopped playing. Eventually replaced my faulty xbox but never had the heart to go back to it again.


A friend of mine was playing through Tales of Symphonia on his (PAL) Gamecube when I came over with a new US import copy of Resident Evil 4 and a Freeloader disc to boot it. We excitedly played RE4 for a few hours and then he switched back to Tales to show me where he was up to.

...but his memory card was suddenly blank. Unformatted. The Freeloader's region hack had somehow fucked his memory card, losing not only his near-endgame Tales save, but also every other save file he had.

I felt so bad and there was nothing I could do to fix it. He never finished Tales of Symphonia. Somehow we are still friends.


For me its Xenogears. I loved this game so much. Spent tons of time collecting and making sure my team was super powerful. I remember I got to the point where it was time to change to disc 2, which I guess is super far in the game. As soon as I would change the disc my game would freeze and I couldnt progress.

Pissed the hell out of me but I never managed to get it to work. I think once I tried on a B/C PS2 and it worked but at that point it was years later and I forgot everything so I never went back to finish it.

I would love to replay this game someday.
You should go back and play it. Xenogears is a fantastic game/story.

TBH you could just watch a playthrough of disc 2.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
You should go back and play it. Xenogears is a fantastic game/story.

TBH you could just watch a playthrough of disc 2.

Ya I came to find out later that Disc 2 is relatively short and mostly cut scenes due to budgeting issues? Im not 100% sure of that but I think its the case.

But the fact is I loved that game so much I secretly hoped one day I would do a new playthrough. I havent given up on the dream yet!


Ya I came to find out later that Disc 2 is relatively short and mostly cut scenes due to budgeting issues? Im not 100% sure of that but I think its the case.

But the fact is I loved that game so much I secretly hoped one day I would do a new playthrough. I havent given up on the dream yet!
Yeah they cut a lot of dungeons to just a story board saying what happened. It didn't bother me though because by that time you've been through a lot of them anyway.
My 2nd revision PS2 scratched the hell out of my copy of Tekken Tag. In a perfect circular pattern. I would discover over the internets that the PS2 did that to the cdrom disc's but not the DVDs. Lesson learned.


Never finished Mega Man X4 on the saturn. Not sure if it was the disk or the disk reader but the game would always freeze on an specific boss.


Even though I beat final fantasy IV dozens of times, there was an instance where I was power leveling my characters for shits and giggles for the millionth time and my cat jumped on the desk and touched the snes cartridge.
Crashed my game and corrupted my save.
Many games on 360 when I got RROD, ended up switching to PS3. Hard to remember which ones specifically, but I want to say Saints Row and one of the GOW titles.
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