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Gamescom Cologne 2009 - The Thread


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
I'm never in Europe for Gamescon, but it doesn't matter - can't beat the combination of sun, sand and home cooking... :)

Glad I checked the thread since I didn't know that it was partially starting today - I'm greatly looking forward to Halo ODST (in limited amounts, don't want to go on too big of a media splurge on it), Mass Effect 2, Battlefield: BC2 (there has been way too much of a drought media-wise with this game, but there will be at the very least a new official trailer according to DICE's Twitter), Lost Planet 2, Modern Combat 2, Alan Wake, and Lionhead's announcements from off the top of my head...

Can't wait!
GamerZero said:
What time will the Sony Press Conference begin in central standard time (U.S.)?

Check the original post. If its not there, there'll be a time in there you can compare your time to and make the calculations.
MiamiWesker said:
So will the Sony conference be shown live anywhere other than Home.

Home isn't having it live. They are projecting a couple of hours delay before it goes up in the Podium space. Nowhere else I am aware of is recording it. There are live blogs though. Eurogamer are doing one, Kotaku are doing one, and the Official EU Playstation Blog is doing one too.

I'll probably be flicking between the Kotaku one and the Official EU blog one as the Official Blog will have official specs and whatnot probably pre-typed and ready to go.
Kotaku for the journo reaction.
Galvanise_ said:
Home isn't having it live. They are projecting a couple of hours delay before it goes up in the Podium space. Nowhere else I am aware of is recording it. There are live blogs though. Eurogamer are doing one, Kotaku are doing one, and the Official EU Playstation Blog is doing one too.

I'll probably be flicking between the Kotaku one and the Official EU blog one as the Official Blog will have official specs and whatnot probably pre-typed and ready to go.
Kotaku for the journo reaction.

GAF will be my live blog. It goes just as fast :lol


BradleyUK said:
I will be watching this from Playstation Home :)
Well according to some gaffers here, it will be available in Home but recorded (2 hours later). But yeah, it's definitely worth watching. I'll be there too.


So apparently Andrew House is going to do Sony's presentation.

He can't be as boring as Reeves, surely. Reeves was definitely better in interviews than presenting.

Chris R

rhfb said:
Any clue if there is going to be live VIDEO of Sony's conference tomorrow? I'd be willing to wake up "early" and watch it, but if there is just going to be a liveblog, I'd probably just wait and wake up to 500 errors.

Ok so I made this post a week early, SUE ME. Question is still valid. I know there will be liveblogs, but if there is no live video, I guess I have to download the abomination known as home to stream it two hours later :(
offshore said:
So apparently Andrew House is going to do Sony's presentation.

He can't be as boring as Reeves, surely. Reeves was definitely better in interviews than presenting.

Nobody will beat Reeves' natural nack for fail. Its like his own unique superhero ability.
offshore said:
So apparently Andrew House is going to do Sony's presentation.

He can't be as boring as Reeves, surely. Reeves was definitely better in interviews than presenting.

I dunno, House did seem pretty boring in the Tecmo Europe launch vignette. *Yawns*


Xater said:
With Kaz there has to be some bigger announcement like price drop or slim. ;)

my thoughts exactly. if the head of the playstation brand is there, then there has to be something bigger than ur average eu sony conf.


offshore said:
So apparently Andrew House is going to do Sony's presentation.

He can't be as boring as Reeves, surely. Reeves was definitely better in interviews than presenting.

I think i was one of the only people who actually thought Reeves wasn't as bad as he is made out to be! He was boring, sure, but he a a confident speaker which is more than what you can say for some of them.

As for this House bloke, i've never heard him say anything. Will be interesting ;)


NinjaFusion said:
rising please.

oh and castlevania
Kojima was saying in Famitsu that we won't hear about Rising again until E3 2010, so don't get your hopes up...

Though I'm sure we'll see more of Castlevania.


Endgegner said:
I'm from cologne, what're you looking for?
Nothing fancy, a nice bar or club where a group of 30+ year olds don't feel out of place. A friend from Aachen said we might find what we're looking for at the Hohenzollernring.
I don't know if it's technically feasible or not, but it's too bad Sony doesn't have a live stream in Home. Now that, would make Home useful and the haters would even ease up.


V_Ben said:
apparently Kaz will be there too. hopefully there wont be a charisma black hole :D
I'm not sure what you people are expecting but it is a games conference in Europe just before Tokyo Game Show. I actually think Sony's conference will be about the PSP Go rather than the PS3 because Europe isn't too thrilled about the Go.


Just booked my ticket for Cologne today. I'm going on wednesday, and will be on the show floor on thursday and friday. I was at Leipzig two years ago as press. This time I'm just part of the public. Really looking forward to several games.


dejan said:
Nothing fancy, a nice bar or club where a group of 30+ year olds don't feel out of place. A friend from Aachen said we might find what we're looking for at the Hohenzollernring.

The Zülpicher Strasse has lots of bars, it's a bit touristic but has something for everyone, age is all over the place. Many bars, cheap food that kind of stuff. Hohenzollernring is a bit more trendy and a bit more expensive. I personally would recommend the Aachener Strasse which has a couple of very nice cafes which serve excellent snacks (Cafe Schmitz or Cafe Bauturm, both open till maybe 1 Clock) and a couple of cool bars, the sixpack or the 1000 Bar in particular. People are a bit more alternative/sceneish but generally nice and in your age group. Aachener Strasse is also directly connected to the Hohenzollernring.
Personally I'm pretty interested in this "big game releasing later this year" that a couple sources have mentioned. Sam from 1up seemed to think it was going to be pretty shocking.
Magnus_Bulla said:
Personally I'm pretty interested in this "big game releasing later this year" that a couple sources have mentioned. Sam from 1up seemed to think it was going to be pretty shocking.

Proabably Gran Turismo. The revving noises and the 'what are you driving at?' question are give-aways.
Galvanise_ said:
Proabably Gran Turismo. The revving noises and the 'what are you driving at?' question are give-aways.
Ehhhh, that would be kinda lame, imo anyway. And yeah, now that you say it, I feel kinda dumb for not picking up on the hints at all, lol.

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TheBranca18 said:
Why would that be lame?
there's a large group of people, myself included, who are extremely feel indifferent toward the sim racing genre.

GT5 = wow looks pretty, yawn
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