I think the last remnant of Kojima-styled narrative in at least Western AAA games was Assassin's Creed 1, where every time you assassinated a major target the person you killed would give you some long-winded speech about their life in the style of Sniper Wolf or Vulcan Raven. Then in future AC games you just killed the dude and kept on running.
How incredibly stupid of Konami, it's like Disney having a fallout with Mickey mouse.
Kadokawa, From Software and Miyazaki need to hire Kojima to start working on a new Zone of the Enders with Chromehounds style MP and ties to Armored Core.
Or whatever, just hire Kojima, and build a team.
How incredibly stupid of Konami, it's like Disney having a fallout with Mickey mouse.
Or Walt leaving Disney.
Or Walt leaving Disney.
I have serious concerns over whether or not we will now get a censored game or a less of a product somehow because of all this and I hope that doesn't happen. Thinking about downgrading my preorder.
Well he died, and they are fine. Anything worth while coming out of that company was going through Kojima. I honestly think they are done.Or Walt leaving Disney.
Why would Kojima go to Nintendo only to just make mobile games for Nintendo's mobile system Next.
because Nintendo should buy everything!!!!!11Why would Kojima go to Nintendo only to just make mobile games for Nintendo's mobile system Next.
True. Because Disney wasn't changing their business after Walt. His legacy lives on. That was more like Steve Jobs dying - Apple still does its thing. Disney still does their thing.Well he died, and they are fine. Anything worth while coming out of that company was going through Kojima. I honestly think they are done.
Why would Kojima go to Nintendo only to just make mobile games for Nintendo's mobile system Next.
Kojima fans should be excited that The Phantom Pain is his swan song along with the opportunity to see fresh new work elsewhere later down the track.
Or Miyamoto leaving Nintendo
Kojima is an AAA dev at heart. He loves his graphics and technology being on the cutting edge. Kickstarter is not for him.
I think the last remnant of Kojima-styled narrative in at least Western AAA games was Assassin's Creed 1, where every time you assassinated a major target the person you killed would give you some long-winded speech about their life in the style of Sniper Wolf or Vulcan Raven. Then in future AC games you just killed the dude and kept on running.
What? I mean it's totally legitimate, this sounds really bad and as a fan I am worried.
What, exactly, do people think Konami is going to do to Metal Gear Solid 5 that they would not have otherwise done?
With far less money, and depending on which publisher he goes with, a whole new host of headaches to contend with.
Sorry I was speaking hypothetically
Konami letting Kojima go is about as stupid as Nintendo letting Miyamoto go.
Miyamoto not only gave them the IPs that are known around the world.
He also raised a generation of developers to make GREAT games without the need for him to direct.
And now, even the younger generation of developers are dipping their toes into the ink (so to speak) to get some gaming experience and to continue the legacy Miyamoto started with SMB.
Kojima was worried his subject matter might be too controversial and might not sell well with the gaming audience. Cutting a few scenes like Arsenal crashing thru NYC in MGS2 might be the order of the day if they deem it necessary.
I don't see any reason to suspect this a greater possibility now than before.
If they were going to do that, they would do it regardless of Kojima's future employment status. They clearly were not interested in keeping him happy before.
I blame Konami. They make terrible decisions before (like disbanding Team Silent) so I wouldn't doubt they had something to do with this.
Food for thought:
How do we know this isn't an Alan Smithee situation, where he doesn't want his name on a compromised product?
(I know they took it off of other games too, but still.)
What about all the high-level departures from Konami this week makes you think they're interested in raising a generation of young developers to be high-level producers?
How incredibly stupid of Konami, it's like Disney having a fallout with Mickey mouse.
Or Walt leaving Disney.
What? I mean it's totally legitimate, this sounds really bad and as a fan I am worried.
Even if Kojima wanted to do something else; Snatcher, Zone of the Enders, Silent Hill, new IP, whatever, there's little to no evidence of Konami letting him do so.
How the conversation started:
Or Miyamoto leaving Nintendo
I was speaking hypothetically
(wrong choice of words on my part)
I was just presenting another mind baffling scenario and fell into a rant about Nintendo's continued success over keeping and growing their talent pool while the rest of the jpn industry relied on the IPs to bring in the money while not really giving a shit what the developer did until he failed to knock it out of the park.
Demotion and radio silence usually follows until you hear them later forming their own company or starting a kickstarter project.
I swear, Konami, if you lay a censoring finger on MGSV's content because of today's news, I will make it my virtuous mission to preach a gospel of hatred for your company to every gamer I ever come in contact with from now on.
I totally get you man, I mean I wanted him to do other projects just to see what he and the teams at Kojima Productions Japan and Los Angeles would do. He has a great talent and I would've loved a sequel to Policenauts or Snatcher or even remakes in the fox engine of those games.
Just don't buy the game. Getting so emotional is really going too far, even if this is your favorite game series.
As I said earlier, even though I knew KojiPro was part of Konami, I felt that Kojipro was untouchable.
I knew Konami was losing IPs and talent for decades now, but if their was one constant, one guiding light at Konami, it was GODAMN FUCKING HIDEO KOJIMA!
If TPP didn't do well I could kinda see them wanting to rethink their strategy, but for them to have a falling out happen after we barely got a release date (and after we all just preordered the [US] collectors edition)... it just...
...I'm still in shock, despite all the evidence.
Can you honestly see Konami agreeing to a completely new ip from Kojima, no matter the budget, just to please him? Can you see Konami actually sidelining MGS and keep his big bold team on a project that in this time age and economy is a very likely bomba?
He was probably pretty unhappy with Konami's mismanagement at all stages and it started affecting him, Kojima then tried to give his vision of how should things work, his superiors then got pretty angry because he's "hurt" their honour (this is a very japan-like issue, because you aren't supposed to tell off a superior), and this emerged as result.
Pure speculation tho .
I don't really think they're that different though. MGS did sometimes have incredibly long cutscenes and could really have used an editor at points but TLOU is still a story focused, cutscene heavy game. I don't think the demand has ever really gone anywhere for these games, if anything I think developers/publishers have been making changes in spite of the demand (like the way Ubisoft changed Splinter Cell into a shooter and it sold worse than the stealth games).I would define "cutscene-heavy" as games where you regularly give up any player control to a story sequence for an inordinately extended period of time (5-10 minutes or more). It could be extended NPC dialogue or a more elaborately choreographed action scene. I don't think The Last of Us would really fit this bill, as most of the cutscenes are pretty brief and occur at natural progression points between stages.
No AAA publishers have pushed digital as much as Konami did. $10 off a $40 game is a fairly significant discount at launch.Even for the most successful AAA publishers, digital sales are still a fraction of physical sales. How many digital copies of Ground Zeroes do you really think they sold?
At any rate, Konami just burned all their bridges with their most valuable and respected employee, but they did it for a reason. Maybe it's not a good reason or one that you agree with, but it isn't just for spite or because "Konami is stupid". What do you believe this to be? My personal thought is that the franchise probably isn't tracking to do as well as it used to, Ground Zeroes sales being an early indicator.
Kojima is an AAA dev at heart. He loves his graphics and technology being on the cutting edge. Kickstarter is not for him.
Technical limitations of hardware with the MSX is what gave birth to Metal Gear and the entire stealth genre in the first place. I like AAA Kojima as much as the next guy, but the guy was also a fucking genius back when he was constrained. I would love to see what kind of game Kojima could come up with now with a small team of say 12 or 20 instead of a few hundred.
Technical limitations of hardware with the MSX is what gave birth to Metal Gear and the entire stealth genre in the first place. I like AAA Kojima as much as the next guy, but the guy was also a fucking genius back when he was constrained. I would love to see what kind of game Kojima could come up with now with a small team of say 12 or 20 instead of a few hundred.
Why would this joke keep being made ITT?
Food for thought:
How do we know this isn't an Alan Smithee situation, where he doesn't want his name on a compromised product?
(I know they took it off of other games too, but still.)