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Gamespot: Our complete list of 10/10 reviews and how they're decided

I thought this was a neat read, seeing the games they feel are worthy of the score and the ways they arrive to those conclusions. It's interesting they specified the PS4 version of Journey. I didn't think framerate/resolution would have that large of impact to push it that high, but nonetheless, more here: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/gamespots-complete-list-of-10-10-reviews-and-how-t/1100-6422955/

A review is obviously just one person's opinion, so how do you deal with conflicting thoughts on a game, both for high and low scores? What if someone else on GameSpot thinks a game deserves a much higher (or lower) score?

10s are a big deal, right? But in some sense, we want every score to be a big deal. We want every score to be carefully considered. And yes, we have all sorts of arguments about games, because we're not a hive mind! The text is the primary consideration, and it must argue the score. What makes the game so special, or not special? If it's boring, or exciting, how does it do that? Some games have a greater impact on one person than another, and it's up to the critic to express his or her thoughts in a way that really sells that score.

But the entire editorial team has the opportunity to go over the review, and sometimes, being devil's advocate is an important role to have, and it's a role that I am happy to take on. A very common email exchange with a freelance author might be: "Are you sure this is an 8? Are you sure this game is truly great? Because it sounds pretty good, but I don't know if you're selling that 8." The author might then say, "Hey, you're right, this really is just a pretty good game," or she might say, "Man, this game is absolutely great; what do I need to do to really get that across?" The author is always the owner of his own work, but the rest of the crew still helps to ensure the review is all it can be.

You talk a lot with publishers, developers, and PR, so how do you make sure that reviews remain unbiased by those relationships?

Most of my interactions with PR people come down to, "Hey, we're sending you review code," and me replying, "OK, use the usual address." My own bosses are usually the people that have the most face time with PR folks and publishers. These days, most reviews are actually assigned to freelance critics who typically don't have any direct contact with PR people. When reviews are done in house, we try to assign them to people who have not previewed the game to any significant degree. This is one of the reasons why I personally don't do a lot of previews...so that I can go into reviews as fresh as possible. My bosses essentially function as shields: they absorb the business side of things so that I can focus on just the games.

In the end, where reviews are concerned, it's the game that's important. If a reviewer feels, or I feel, that there is some kind of conflict, the review is assigned to someone else. That's pretty rare, though. My managers deal with the primary business aspects, and I do my best to not know what that stuff entails. For me, I mostly just assign reviews as games come in, and coordinate the logistics of that process.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Review Date: November 23, 1998

"The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time is the real thing. This is the masterpiece that people will still be talking about ten years down the road. This is the game that perfectly exhibits the 'quality not quantity' mantra that Nintendo has been touting since the N64 was released. In a word, perfect. To call it anything else would be a bald-faced lie."

Read the full review.

Soul Calibur (Dreamcast)
Review date: August 9, 1999

"Yes, it is a fighting game, a genre with a fairly limited scope, but insofar as fighting games go, Soul Calibur is mind-numbing perfection. Namco has taken the best and made it considerably better. The level at which the company has done so is practically unprecedented. Think state of the art. Absolutely brilliant in all aspects, as far as games of this type go, Soul Calibur is the undisputed king of the hill. It is essential in any gamer's collection."

Read the full review.

Chrono Cross
Review date: January 6, 2000

"With Square agonizing over every detail of its flagship property, the Chrono Cross team was apparently left mostly to themselves. Consequently, the game shares an all-out enthusiasm and joie de vivre found in the best 16-bit titles -- back before games became multimillion dollar properties that had to answer to glaring shareholders. Chrono Cross may not have had the largest budget, but it has the largest heart."

Read the full review.

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
Review date: October 29, 2001

"The Tony Hawk series has always had style. The first game reinvented a genre and set off a series of clones and pretenders that still flood the market today. The second game refined the formula, but its higher level of difficulty and steeper learning curve turned off casual players. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 brings it all together in one package that makes everything before it almost unplayable by comparison."

Read the full review.

Grand Theft Auto IV
Review date: April 28, 2008

"Yes, this is another GTA game in which you'll likely spend the bulk of your time stealing cars and gunning down cops and criminals, but it's also much more than that. GTAIV is a game with a compelling and nonlinear storyline, a game with a great protagonist who you can't help but like, and a game that boasts a plethora of online multiplayer features in addition to its lengthy story mode. It's not without some flaws, but GTAIV is undoubtedly the best Grand Theft Auto yet."

Read the full review.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Review date: June 13, 2008

"Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is the most technically stunning video game ever made. It's also a fine example of storytelling prowess within its medium, combining gameplay and narrative so slickly and beautifully that it's impossible to extricate one from the other. It's likely you will emerge awestruck from your first play-through, wishing the experience would continue yet nonetheless satisfied with its conclusion. It's difficult not to sound hyperbolic when discussing MGS4 because every part of its design seemingly fulfills its vision, without compromise. There is no halfway."

Read the full review.

Super Mario Galaxy 2
Review date: May 21, 2010

"Everything is so well designed and so entertaining that it's easy to get sucked into this world for hours. Super Mario Galaxy 2 is so phenomenal that it's difficult to imagine where Mario could possibly go in the future. But that's hardly your concern now. Mario proves that he is still the king of fun."

Read the full review.

Bayonetta 2
Review date: October 13, 2014

"Bayonetta 2's combat is so expertly constructed, and its presentation so joyously insane, that you'd have to try so very hard to get bored of it all."

Read the full review.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Review date: May 12, 2015

"Where the Witcher 2 sputtered to a halt, The Witcher 3 is always in a crescendo, crafting battle scenarios that constantly one-up the last, until you reach the explosive finale and recover in the glow of the game's quiet denouement. But while the grand clashes are captivating, it is the moments between conflicts, when you drink with the local clans and bask in a trobairitz's song, that are truly inspiring."

Read the full review.

Journey (PS4)
Review date: July 23, 2015

"If you are returning to Journey, a higher resolution and a higher frame rate are your ostensible rewards for returning--a return that doesn't cost you anything if you already own the game on the PlayStation 3. But Journey's real rewards aren't so pedestrian. Journey offers you comfort. It gives you companionship in a lovely but forsaken world. It gives you reason to dream even when facing loss."

Read the full review.

Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Review date: August 23, 2015

"When it comes to storytelling, there has never been a Metal Gear game that's so consistent in tone, daring in subject matter, and so captivating in presentation. The Phantom Pain may be a contender for one of the best action games ever made, but is undoubtedly the best Metal Gear game there is."

Read the full review.


I still think it's weird that the first game to get a 10 on their site in 4 years didn't win Game of the Year last year.


GTA IV's reception will forever be a stain on the industry.

I still like the game, but I mean... compare it to Red Dead Redemption and GTA V and a 10 it is not, even for its time. Those games weren't that far off and it wasn't hard to imagine playing better games than GTA IV in 2008, especially since it was a step backwards from the PS2 games in so many ways.


i don't get how witcher 3 got a 10 when something that makes up such a large part of the game is so mediocre, the combat. the main story also seemed to take a dive during the last 3rd, probably due to being stretched a bit thin


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Chrono Cross deserved that 10. Amazing game.

I still laugh when I see GTAIV on that list. That was the moment I finally realized how much money/behind-the-scenes dealings affected reviews in the industry.


Pretty shitty list, much like having scores in the first place. I'm surprised no one has retconned some of those GTA IV reviews. Can't get more embarassing than that.
Yeah I love GTA IV but I think it's the weakest in the series post-III. That said the weakest GTA game is still better than most games.


Isn't Cross considered to be worse than Trigger? Haven't played those games.

But I've been listening to the soundtracks for years. In that regard: Cross > Trigger.


read the reviews? more to reviews than scores.

Reviewer says GTA IV is the best GTA ever. That's just crazy talk, even for 2008. He just liked Niko Bellic a lot, and in hindsight, Niko wasn't really all that great of a character.

The thing people remember most about GTA IV's story is how annoying Cousin Roman was, I think that says everything. People don't talk about that game's story these days the way the reviewer did back then.

Can anyone even remember the name of the character that Niko is getting revenge against, without Googling it? I sure as heeeeeeelllll can't. It's a forgettable plot.

None of the GTA stories are really very good, sometimes they manage to be entertaining and give us some memorable characters, but they are hardly the best the industry has to offer for storytelling.
read the reviews? more to reviews than scores.

I didn't say anything about scores. Just reading that MGS4 snippet -

It's also a fine example of storytelling prowess within its medium, combining gameplay and narrative so slickly and beautifully that it's impossible to extricate one from the other. It's likely you will emerge awestruck from your first play-through, wishing the experience would continue yet nonetheless satisfied with its conclusion. It's difficult not to sound hyperbolic when discussing MGS4 because every part of its design seemingly fulfills its vision, without compromise. There is no halfway."

Having replayed that game last week. what a joke.


A 10/10 list without Dragon's Dogma and Persona 4 is a trash list.

Nuh, list is OK. I'm not offended by it. I couldn't finish GTA IV though since it was so boring.


Isn't Chrono Cross the one that Jeff was explaining/complaining about a month ago on the bombcast? How they outsourced it and they didn't have enough time to get a second opinion and that's why it got a 10...

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I still don't get 'it' with Journey.

It must suck working on an AAA game with a huge budget and having to put everything into this long story that has to last over 10 hours and not getting as high of marks as an indie game that does one mechanic but does it fairly well.


Isn't Chrono Cross the one that Jeff was explaining/complaining about a month ago on the bombcast? How they outsourced it and they didn't have enough time to get a second opinion and that's why it got a 10...

Still a 10/10 game even if you have a second or 3rd opinions.
Why waste money?


MGS4 is absolutely worthy of a few 10s. It's not the game some people wanted it to be. But it does what it does with brilliance.


Isn't Chrono Cross the one that Jeff was explaining/complaining about a month ago on the bombcast? How they outsourced it and they didn't have enough time to get a second opinion and that's why it got a 10...

I was going to say, I love the story behind that where they outsourced it and after publishing it the guy said it shouldn't have met the 10/10 requirement they had back then

Because GOTYs everywhere are generally just as much of a popularity contest as they are a quality contest.

I would agree with this if not for the fact that Gamespot gave their 2013 GOTY to A Link Between Worlds over The Last of Us
Grand Theft Auto IV deserved that ten and every other ten it got. I'm not saying that with a hint of irony in me. It truly deserved tens.

Come at me.
the witcher 3 and bayonetta 2 shouldn't have 10's imo

It wasn't better in some aspects to the original, but it was a better overall experience. Didn't have the insta death QTE deaths or overly long Arcade segments as the original.
Even if it didn't top the climatic final battle of the original it was still a great game that had a wonderful pace and a great balance between cutscene and gameplay.


It's always nice to go back and see a review where a guy in the blizzard of launch hype is like 'This is a true masterpiece... they'll be talking about this fucking game for 15 YEARS!!!!'

...and he ends up being right. You nailed it, bud. Nailed it.


not me
Reviewer says GTA IV is the best GTA ever. That's just crazy talk, even for 2008. He just liked Niko Bellic a lot, and in hindsight, Niko wasn't really all that great of a character.

The thing people remember most about GTA IV's story is how annoying Cousin Roman was, I think that says everything. People don't talk about that game's story these days the way the reviewer did back then.

Can anyone even remember the name of the character that Niko is getting revenge against, without Googling it? I sure as heeeeeeelllll can't. It's a forgettable plot.

None of the GTA stories are really very good, sometimes they manage to be entertaining and give us some memorable characters, but they are hardly the best the industry has to offer for storytelling.

i spent a grand total of 10 hours in GTAIV and hated every moment of it. But it's also no mystery why it got so much praise since the pros are listed in every review to peruse.

I'll give Metroid the benefit of the doubt, it seemed like another "i have no idea why people love this" kind of post when anyone looking should have a very clear idea. My apologies to Metroid if otherwise.
I can't find the place where Gerstmann explained why Chrono Cross got a 10.

I remember it basically being that they gave it to a freelancer and once they put it up on the site they couldn't change it since it was already out there.
Disagree with GTAIV. The gameplay was just too boring even in 2008. It's so repetitive. Your missions are basically gunning mobs and running away from police. Rinse and repeat for hours.


I think even the first inFAMOUS was better than GTA4. At least I had more fun playing that game.
Anything with real controls is better than GTA IV. That lock-on system was horrendous.

I can't even imagine what Red Dead Redemption would have been like if they didn't completely unfuck the controls in the two years between the two games.

Also, speaking of... if GameSpot gave GTA IV a 10, where the hell is Red Dead? Game is better in every way.

GTA IV just fucks this whole list up.


I can't find the place where Gerstmann explained why Chrono Cross got a 10.

I remember it basically being that they gave it to a freelancer and once they put it up on the site they couldn't change it since it was already out there.

Here was last year's vid
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