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Gamespot: Our complete list of 10/10 reviews and how they're decided


On consoles. On PC that game runs very very well. So if you detach the game from it's console version I'd say it deserves the 10, if you don't detach the game and rank specifically how it runs on the consoles than yes you'd be right. It should have had two separate reviews so that people would have had a clearer idea as to what to expect as I KNOW i'd have been disappointed with the performance on consoles had that been my only option, but again it ran real well on PC. Aside from a few random crashes I played that game start to finish at 60 fps the entire time without any issues.

on PC the game still has horrible combat, but whatever most people don't seem to care about gameplay these days.

Witcher 3 is like the 2015 version of GTA IV for me. I don't get how such a mediocre game is receiving such praise.


On consoles. On PC that game runs very very well. So if you detach the game from it's console version I'd say it deserves the 10, if you don't detach the game and rank specifically how it runs on the consoles than yes you'd be right. It should have had two separate reviews so that people would have had a clearer idea as to what to expect as I KNOW i'd have been disappointed with the performance on consoles had that been my only option, but again it ran real well on PC. Aside from a few random crashes I played that game start to finish at 60 fps the entire time without any issues.

If a game releases on multiplatforms it shouldn't be judged only on the "best" version unless for some reason people are overwhelmingly only playing that version. A huge percentage of the Witcher 3 userbase is surely on the XB1 and PS4 and it has real problems for a lot of its audience. The PC version doesn't exist in a vacuum.
GTAIV and MGS4 are games I'd rather forget the time I spent with. How they're worthy of perfect scores is beyond me.

Journey though, that's a big fat 10 right there. Kudos on that one.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
GTA IV is so much worse than San Andreas that it's no even funny.

The plot is bad, the characters are bland, they took out a lot of fun mechanics and the game controlled awfully.

As for MGS4,i can't give an honest opinion. I purchased an ps3 for this game (even got the special edition), played the game at launch and enjoyed every minute. But since 2008 I never got back to the game, but at the same time i replayed mgs3 at least 3 times.


I remember being shocked at GTA4's 10 back in 08. We'd just had Bioshock, Galaxy 1, Wii Sports, CoD4, The Orange Box - and they all felt more deserving than GTA4.

In retrospect, Super Mario 64 and GTA3 really deserved 10's.


metroid prime not having 10/10


So no game from 2001-2008 deserved a 10/10? I don't know... I mean the games in this list are without a doubt 10/10s but it seems so weirdly specific. In my opinion almost every year a 10/10 is out there. I'm not Gamespot though.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
They're really loosened the reins back in 2008. As much as I like MGS4, it's nowhere near the level of the 10/10 games that came before it. And GTA4 was a flat-out mediocre game that happened to have an ungodly amount of hype behind it.

Mario Galaxy 2 and Bayonetta 2 were worthy of 10s, I would agree.
On consoles. On PC that game runs very very well. So if you detach the game from it's console version I'd say it deserves the 10, if you don't detach the game and rank specifically how it runs on the consoles then yes, you'd be right. It should have had two separate reviews so that people would have had a clearer idea as to what to expect as I KNOW i'd have been disappointed with the performance on consoles had that been my only option, but again it ran real well on PC. Aside from a few random crashes I played that game start to finish at 60 fps the entire time without any issues.
A game can have a few areas with mediocre performance and still be a 10. The Witcher 3 is in no way bad, even in the bogs on PS4.


Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 - Haven't played.
I think it deserves the 10, because it was the last game that added meaningful mechanics (Revert), without bloating it down in some way. It's the "purest" Tony Hawk.

THPS1 is hard to go back to after 2, because no Manual, 2 is hard to go back to after 3, because no Revert, but there's nothing added in the series after 3 that makes 3 feel obsolete in any way.


I bought GTA IV as I was captured by the hype but I thought it was a crappy game devoid of any of the charm past GTA games had. Bad controls, bad driving controls, not much to do outside of the story and just a slog.

I would agree with TW3, SMG2 and THPS3. All 3 games are the absolute pinnacle of their series.


You know, I openly admit that Chrono Cross has its flaws. A lot of them, in fact. It technically doesn't deserve a 10/10 score.


I would be lying if I said it wasn't my favorite game on PS1. The visuals. The characters. The story. The friggin' music (still my favorite OST of all time).

It's a personal 10/10 for me. I say that as someone who also thinks Chrono Trigger is a 10/10 game (for different reasons).

Chrono Cross was something special, a tad rough in some areas, still highly misunderstood, but also sublime in all the areas I felt mattered most.


Chrono Cross is one of the best RPG I ever played. It had a fast battle system, enemies on screen, colorful locales (really dreamy and paradise like) and the best OST ever composed. But as a sequel it was a disappointment and Square felt the need to include like 40 characters without any relevant story whatsoever.

I think Trigger is slightly more fun to play. But CC is easily a 9/10 for me.

Vagrant Story however, that would've been a 10/10. This game is in dire need of a remaster with a revised control setup.


The fact that people still debate scores is depressing. STOP TRYING TO MATHEMATICALLY MEASURE QUALITY.

Use pro/con lists instead. They will tell you much more than a number will, in a very concise way.
I still don't get 'it' with Journey.

It must suck working on an AAA game with a huge budget and having to put everything into this long story that has to last over 10 hours and not getting as high of marks as an indie game that does one mechanic but does it fairly well.
Quantity doesn't equal quality


I'll never quite understand the extreme backlash against GTA IV.
I feel like a lot of the praise for that game is due to the high benchmark that San Andreas set (an entry in the franchise that I feel is extremely overrated, second only to gta iv)

New console generation, new mechanics, new tech, multiplayer. I think ppl just expected a winning formula to the point they completely undersell the things that make the game mediocre.
Dark Souls should have received a 10. It's the most perfect game of the PS3/360 gen.

However, I don't understand all the hate that always swirls about GAF on GTAIV nowadays. I remember it was the game that got me to enter the HD gen. I went out and got a 360 and a cheap component TV on Craigslist so I could at least go 480p. And I marathoned it in a few days, loving every second. Beyond the characters and story (which was overhyped, I think we can all agree on that), the level of detail was mindblowing at the time. I remember spending hours driving all over the city, especially enjoying the fake Times Square recreation.

It was the first NYC simulator that felt really real to me, and I still think it was one of the greatest experiences of the 360/PS3 gen.
I still don't get 'it' with Journey.

It must suck working on an AAA game with a huge budget and having to put everything into this long story that has to last over 10 hours and not getting as high of marks as an indie game that does one mechanic but does it fairly well.

That's a shitty way to view things


GTAIV is the only one on the list I really do not understand (I would've understood GTAV btw.). Offcourse most of these wouldn't be 10s for myself, but at least all the others do offer something exeptional (in their timeframe) or are the cultivation of everything good about their genre.

MGS4 and its reception is the reason I'm staying well clear of 5. Which is probably a shame because there's every chance its a really good game.

Well, the games are really different. MGSV is a sandbox game with truly open gameplay for the vast majority of the game and no long cutscenes.


Hard for me to see most of these games as 10's. When I think of a 10 game I think of a game that I'd be coming back and playing again and again, years from now, and still feeling like it's better than pretty much anything else out there. Very few of the games on that list fit that notion to me.

I will say there are absolutely a few games though that I feel that way about -- so maybe others feel that way about some of the other games on that list.


The thing about GTA IV is that I remember myself and all of my friends being extremely underwhelmed with it at the time. It's not a case of hindsight or aging poorly, it genuinely played like crap back in 2008.

How it got all of those perfect scores is beyond my understanding. I think I was the only one in my class who even finished it.

I loved 5 though. Let's hope MGS V is s similar improvement.


However, I don't understand all the hate that always swirls about GAF on GTAIV nowadays. I remember it was the game that got me to enter the HD gen. I went out and got a 360 and a cheap component TV on Craigslist so I could at least go 480p. And I marathoned it in a few days, loving every second. Beyond the characters and story (which was overhyped, I think we can all agree on that), the level of detail was mindblowing at the time. I remember seeing my car's wipers turn on in the rain and spending hours driving around fake Times square.

I can see how you would love it if it was the first GTA game you ever played.

For me, it was the 6th, and for a lot of other people probably the 2nd or 3rd. It's disappointing when you take the entire series and its progression into consideration.

It's not a bad game, it's just a slightly disappointing one. It's a massively overrated good game, in a series of games that define their time.
Out of every single GTA game in the series, 4 is really the only one that doesn't feel like a massive step up from its predecessors. When we're talking about one of the premier franchises in all of gaming, that puts a pretty huge spotlight on it.
I spent the most time with THPS3 out of all of those titles (haven't played Galaxy 2, Journey, or Bayonetta 2). Such an amazingly well designed score attack game.


Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots is the most technically stunning video game ever made. It's also a fine example of storytelling prowess within its medium, combining gameplay and narrative so slickly and beautifully that it's impossible to extricate one from the other. It's likely you will emerge awestruck from your first play-through, wishing the experience would continue yet nonetheless satisfied with its conclusion. It's difficult not to sound hyperbolic when discussing MGS4 because every part of its design seemingly fulfills its vision, without compromise. There is no halfway

what the fuck am I reading

The massive and unwarranted overhype for MGS4 is something that I'm really never going to forget. "The most technically stunning video game ever", released one year after Crysis, and was not even the best loooking PS3 game at the time (Uncharted had been released the year before).


People take gamespot's review scores seriously still?? I haven't paid to attention to GS since they canned there chief editor for not giving Kane & Lynch a top notch score. No amount of "bribing" or "advertising" on GS warrants a high score , if thr game is bad.


You don't need to be empathetic towards me.
I spent the most time with THPS3 out of all of those titles (haven't played Galaxy 2, Journey, or Bayonetta 2). Such an amazingly well designed score attack game.

After the masterpiece that was thps2, I absolutely hated thps3. I think I threw the disc out a window.


That Ocarina summary gives me goosebumps. If you weren't there at the time then it's difficult to convey just how momemtous it's release and the ensuing hype felt. It really was perfect.


You know, I openly admit that Chrono Cross has its flaws. A lot of them, in fact. It technically doesn't deserve a 10/10 score.


I would be lying if I said it wasn't my favorite game on PS1. The visuals. The characters. The story. The friggin' music (still my favorite OST of all time).

It's a personal 10/10 for me. I say that as someone who also thinks Chrono Trigger is a 10/10 game (for different reasons).

Chrono Cross was something special, a tad rough in some areas, still highly misunderstood, but also sublime in all the areas I felt mattered most.

I'll never forget the hate mail Greg Sewart got when he gave Chrono Cross a 9.5 in EGM while the rest of the review crew gave it a 10. Funny thing to me is that he was right.
on PC the game still has horrible combat, but whatever most people don't seem to care about gameplay these days.

Witcher 3 is like the 2015 version of GTA IV for me. I don't get how such a mediocre game is receiving such praise.

I dunno I guess the combat works for most people. I loved the combat, it reminds me of how Geralt is a sword-fighter that focus on positioning and dances around the enemies. I really enjoyed it. But I can see where the complaints come from and say they do have some merit.

If a game releases on multiplatforms it shouldn't be judged only on the "best" version unless for some reason people are overwhelmingly only playing that version. A huge percentage of the Witcher 3 userbase is surely on the XB1 and PS4 and it has real problems for a lot of its audience. The PC version doesn't exist in a vacuum.
O, no doubt, but when one version is substantially better than the others from a PC focused developer i'd say it's fair to judge them separately. Game simply doesn't run as well as its PC brother and by a wide-ass margin at that. Which is why I mentioned that they should have had separate reviews. I'm unsure as to why you'd not want people to have that information to make a more informed purchasing decision.


GTA IV is a classic so I have no qualms about it getting a 10.

But GTA V and Red Dead are both better than IV imo, so maybe a 9.5 for IV and 10's for those two would have been better. Or just 10's for all three.

Oh well. No issue really with any of the others either.


the first 4 10s took a 3 year period, and then a 10 year gap before another one.

they've given 4 10s over the last 10 months

This is just observational and not intended to be biased

Now the bias:

There are better god damn games released between 2001 and 2008 that deserve 10s more than THPS3 and GTA4 (especially GTA)

Bayonetta 2 and SMG2 are the only good games on that list

OOT and SoulCalibur aren't good games?



what the fuck am I reading

The massive and unwarranted overhype for MGS4 is something that I'm really never going to forget. "The most technically stunning video game ever", released one year after Crysis, and was not even the best loooking PS3 game at the time (Uncharted had been released the year before).

Its as if they haven't played beyond Act 1. The first act was impressive for a PS3 game, though by no means the most technically stunning game. But the game really fell apart after it, mostly rail shooter and some bad stealth segments with fucking dwarf robots. Chaffs were the fucking rarest item, because stealthing past those robots was so fun.

MGS3 was more stunning. Even technically. The amount of detail that went into that game was insane.
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