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Gamespot reviews Bad Boys: Miami Takedown. Does it suck? (YES)


Michael Bay's Bad Boys and Bad Boys II are two of the best action movies of the last 10 years.
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol (Well, at least in regard to the second one.)

After that bit of idiocy, though, the review is good stuff for those who like seeing shitty games bashed (who doesn't?)


IGN's review:
While no one has ever really asked for a game based on the over-hyped over-the-top movie franchise starring Martin Lawrence and Will Smith, developer Blitz Games decided one was still necessary for the masses. No one could possibly expect Bad Boys: Miami Takedown to be good, so no one should be disappointed to discover this game is pretty awful. The graphics, sound, and control are all deplorable.

And yet I love Bad Boy: Miami Takedown. I love it the way you love an ugly one-eyed dog with halitosis. This game is so offensive and unabashedly sub-par, it's actually enjoyable. Not in the "Game of the Year" type way, but this is the type of game you rent, play with a few friends watching, and laugh your ass off at the over-abundance of curse words, bad puns, and game glitches.
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