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Gamespy reviews Metroid Prime 2

Kon Tiki

Echoes is one of the most challenging and rewarding games on the GameCube. From its amazing intricate level design,

Echoes can be a brutal mistress. The game is much longer, and indeed harder than Prime in a lot of respects, and I'm sure that the average Joe will be looking at 20 hours of game time on their first run through. Given the incredible amount of hidden booty (Missile Expansions, Energy Tanks, and Light/Dark Ammo upgrades) that figure will surely be hovering around the 30+ hours mark for those wanting to try for the lofty 100 percent completion record. And also note, you'll need to scan every single critical object in the game to get a full percentage rating for both info and items.

Will lead to some interesting 100% speed runs. I wonder if this can be beat in an hour. :lol


I've played through it a second time. Now that I know where to go and how to kill the bosses, I've managed to do it in less than half my original clear time (under 10 hours), even taking the time to do screenshots for this guide thingy. So I think a dedicated player could definitely do it in pretty short order, especially if they worked out the most efficient path for getting the Sky Temple Keys.


Deku Tree

Do you lose access to any environments late in the game? In other words, do you think there are things to scan that you can't revisit later if you missed them the first time?


Deku Tree said:
Do you lose access to any environments late in the game? In other words, do you think there are things to scan that you can't revisit later if you missed them the first time?

Besides bosses, no, I don't think so. There's noplace you can't go during the Sky Temple Key quest just before the endgame.

The boss thing was the reason I missed a lot of scans in the end, though -- I'd scan a boss the first time I fought it, die, continue, and then not bother to scan it when I actually beat it and got to save the game afterward ^_^

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