Someone hasn't watched my Tembo review. But a lot of that came from Ryan and Justin.
Add: Reviews are original content to you know.
Sort of bummed that the reviews and editorial side doesn't get that much attention in this thread.
Personally i'll watch a video review if it's about a game i care about, but just out of curiosity for the review itself, rather than the game.
It's not that i don't respect your opinion as reviewers, of course, but just that i haven't found them genuinely necessary in (most of) my decisions for years now.
I just know what games i will like and which one i won't care about, there are a couple of exceptions, but they're rare.
For example i don't need a review of MGSV to know i'll get it and play it for sure, and i don't need the Syndicate review, to know i'm done with Assassin's Creed for now, but i'll probably still watch the reviews to see what you guys (specifically) have to say about them; it's less about the review itself and more about the personality behind it, again.
Which is why i watch GTTime and other less comedy focused content on the site, because i want to see your take on things, but it's not like otherwise i wouldn't know what to think or do.
I don't need a review for Syndicate, but i want to know what Brandon (or whoever will review it) says about it, because i care about Brandon, not because i'm on the fence, if that makes sense.
I think this is true for most
hardcore gamers out there, after 20+ years of playing, reading about and watching games, day in day out, you just sort of
know your tastes too well, to need to read reviews for most of the stuff coming out, but if you still do it, it's probably because you enjoy the reviewers themselves.
Other editorials are a different beast though, since they can space out more in terms of topic.
As for lists, i think they're mostly useless (in general i mean, not just GT's top10), unless it's very clear they're coming from a personal place.
The problem with GT's is that they maintain the old format of the GT that was more faceless of back in the day, but instead are clearly the expression of very specific people with their tastes and quirks, that are otherwise on camera enough for people to recognize, which would be a positive element to capitalize on and make more clear, and could provide a more comedic and creative angle to put them together, too.
I know Brandon said you won't make the deliberations public for the GOTY award for example, but i think it's something that would benefit greatly the GT top 10, if not the deliberation itself, make the video so that it's clear that is coming from Daniel, Brandon, Michael, Ben etc etc, instead from "GT the company".
I think people would react much better, if you were to put a face to them, since you can more easily accept one person's taste, compared to a faceless buzzfeed-style list.
Again, nurture that "personality" side of things.