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Gaming-Age reviews Halo 2


1) Block

2) Jump off a wall to get away

3) Roll away from the defenders

None of this was mentioned in the review. Just one big complaint that basically states once you are surrounded you are screwed.
or counter :lol

That Ninja Gaiden review was just a MESS. I'm surprised the staff at GA actually kept trying to defend that dude. He was an unskilled player playing a game that requires skill. The Itagaki interview afterwards was almost worth the whole episode though :lol
yea the Ninja Gaiden review was a complete joke and hurt GA's credibility somewhat. Especially since the reviewer had to resort to fake name.

Mostly tho GA is fairly accurate when it comes to reviews.


rollin' in the gutter

Bungie and MS give us the best game ever but it's STILL NOT ENOUGH for the brazen Nintendo and Sony loving cohorts at Gaming Age....rolling in their bribery money to ensure Halo 2 didn't get a AAA++++++++++


You didn't give Halo 2 a 10 yourself! :D


Let us not end this thread now!

Vagabond said:
or counter :lol

That Ninja Gaiden review was just a MESS. I'm surprised the staff at GA actually kept trying to defend that dude. He was an unskilled player playing a game that requires skill. The Itagaki interview afterwards was almost worth the whole episode though :lol

Yeah the whole incident is still funny. I noticed exxy has changed his tune on the review than when it was E3 time. He made a big joke about the whole situation in the forums at how Tecmo and Itagaki reacted at him about the review. And the best retort he had was "We stand behind our review". Now, if GA as a whole wants to stand behind this review, great. But then they need to be condemned as a whole for doing so. Ninja Gaiden review has a ton of errors in it, but it is also poorly written. It's amateurish in nature. The worst part of it all is the reviewer hid behind an alternate name. There are a couple things GA could do to rectify the situation:

1) Re-review the game with some coherent thoughts by somebody who actually looked like they played the game outside of the demo. But we know this isn't going to happen.


2) Reveal the real name of the reviewer in the review itself.

Now if they revealed the true name of the reviewer, then I can just ignore all his reviews from now on. By keeping his name hidden means it could be any one of the reviewers who did the Gaiden review, so I can't trust the whole of GA when it comes to the review process.



I remember exxy banned me for basically laughing at them for defending the review. So you'd better watch out Bob :p


sorry, the review text is supposed to say "No game is perfect (EXCEPT HL2 omg halowned), and Halo 2 is no exception (LOLZ A- WORST XBOX GAME OF ALL TIME!!!)."


SantaCruZer said:
mediocre? Ok Prime 2 might not live up to it's precursor, but there is no way it's a mediocre game. None of the reviews have implied it's mediocre.
Your Nintendo damage controll is amazing. Keep it up :)


Chili Con Carnage!
Cant wait for the next time you guys try to interview bungie :lol

Only kidding, on a scale to A+ id have given it an A personally but i can see why you'd mark it down further


Ghost said:
Cant wait for the next time you guys try to interview bungie :lol

Only kidding, on a scale to A+ id have given it an A personally but i can see why you'd mark it down further

Next to last paragraph, mostly. I hope Buddy replies to you guys drunk. I seriously do.


[ A- ] -- An excellent game narrowly missing an "A" due to a few slight flaws or a design oversight. A brilliantly conceived and executed title suffering from unusually long load times is a good example of an "A-" grade title. Definitely a game worth buying, regardless.
Also, take into account that reviews are written with those who have yet to purchase the title in mind, not those of you who have already played it. If you already feel that Spanky's Adventure 3: The Spank Is Back is the greatest game ever, why are you reading a product review? Reviews are not written to reflect status quo opinion or to provide some sort of documented evidence for pro-system arguments, but to offer a meaningful, relevant, informed opinion on a product for the benefit of those who might contemplate purchasing it.

Ultimately, all review scores are PURELY SUBJECTIVE and should not be used as an objective method for establishing a "hierarchy" of game or system superiority. Our reviewers don't do this, and neither should you.

Patrick Klepek

furiously molesting tim burton
Mrbob said:
2) Reveal the real name of the reviewer in the review itself.

jim cordeira.

having the pseudonym was a mistake. it was previously used for GA editors who had left the main site, and became twisted over time for unnecessary uses. the ninja gaiden review was one. there's a reason paul bryant does not exist on the site any longer.

i still, however, stand by the review. i did so in front of itagaki, and i can certainly do so in front of a forum. i don't have time to address each of your concerns about the review, but i can do so later tonight, if you really care.


Drinky Crow said:
I wrote those guidelines years ago. I didn't know anybody -- reviewers included -- read them.
You'll likely be stunned by the fact that I'm constantly consulting those whenever I'm deciding on a score.
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