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Gaming Energy Drinks


Gold Member
The only gaming related ones I've tried is GFuel and Mountain Dew Game Fuel. Game Fuel is just flavored Mountain Dew with less calories/sugar, and caffeine added. I actually quit like the Watermelon and Charged Cherry or whatever it's called.

I've tried quite a few of the GFuel flavors, some are good and some suck. It's basically pre-workout without the beta-alanine or whatever the ingredient that gives you the tingles is. I rarely ever drink them to play games though. Currently have the Sonic Peach Rings cans, and I'll drink them throughout the day at work, or before a workout. I switch between Ghost/Bang/GFuel for workouts.

I hate the taste of coffee unfortunately.

I avoid them because if I'm going to drink sugary poison, it will be something that actually taste good and doesn't fuck up my heart. If I'm tired I'll sleep.
I believe stuff like GFuel has no sugar, and some of the flavors taste pretty good too IMO.
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Switched to Yerbal Mate years ago, only thing bad about it is a little added cane sugar. The rest is all natural caffeinated tea.

I will buy the smallest can of Red Bull available every month of so as a treat. My Soda/Monster addiction got way out of hand in high school and college. Shit is poison and I'm glad I quit it.
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The nicest person on this forum
I mostly play single player games and when I play games, I only play 2-3 hours a day (4 hour max), I never felt i need to drink or eat food during gaming.


Ya’ll doing it wrong.

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