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Gaming GAF: what kind of player are you?

Do you stick with one game till finished? Or do you rotate between games?

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So. I myself aproach gaming kinda like music.

Every game has a different mood, way of approaching and depends on said mood and current life context in the way you pick the game you play.

I'm curious regarding the threads premise.

I myself rotate. If I'm feeling down I'll play a colorful game. Sometimes I just want to zone out (Vampire Survivor) or play a hardcore (imo) game like Stalker.

I wish I was able to stick to one game though. I feel many of us know the feeling of returning to a game with complex mechanics after a month and are ffs I have (semi) no clue whatsoever lmao.

That sucks.

So yeah, please feel share your approach!


Gold Member
I usually have 1 or 2 main games (FIFA UT and Street Fighter 6 recently) I play throughout the year

They make room for new releases or other games I want to play

I'm not playing FIFA this year though, it's absolutely garbage this year
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In before Con_Z_ǝdʇ Con_Z_ǝdʇ and his crack.. uhhh I mean plat OCD lmao

Michael Scott Wink GIF
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Pretty much keep playing something until I'm done though that may not mean 100% or platinum, it may just mean finishing the game.

I rarely will play more than one game at a time. Playing a round or two for AOE II or something in-between may happen but nothing of substantial devotion.
Same. I play one game at a time unless friends ask for something else.


Severe restlessness (trauma/add) makes it hard to keep immersed. And really fuels the rotation to see if another game makes me more relaxed.

This thread is more of a (amateurish) meta physiological way regarding GAF's approach regarding the threads premise. Fascinating.

Keep 'm coming! 😎👊🏽
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Gold Member
I buy a new game, I play for about 12 hours. Think this is good, then go back to the game I'm meant to be playing. When I get bored I start playing the game I'm about 3/4 of the way I'm through, then stop while I stick the other game I'm on cleaning up. Then see what's on sale and buy a new game.


Gold Member
I usually play to completion. The exception are big games that take hundreds of hours for me to complete.

I have a plethora of hobbies from model kits, reading novels, manga, anime, movies, music. Usually what happens is one of these affects what I want to do. Say I get into some post apocalyptic novel. I suddenly find myself interested in applying them to the rest of my hobbies.

It’s very apparent when I’m listening to music randomly in spotify and a song comes on that sounds similar to a game I have played. It makes me interested in those types of games spontaneously. Watch a show or movie and now I want to experience something similar. Etc.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
I usually rotate through 1 or 2 "big" games, then play a handful of smaller games for when I'm not in the mood to dedicate a huge chunk of time to one of the big games.

For example right now I'm playing Final Fantasy Rebirth (80 hours in, about 2 away from beating it), and Unicorn Overlord (7 hours in, still a long way to go). But I also tried out Balatro this morning, I'm in the middle of RoboCop (which I can only play for about 20 minutes without getting motion sick), and I have like all the Picross games permanently installed on my Switch.

When I finish Rebirth I'll go back to either Infinite Wealth or Trails in the Sky SC (both massive, both I'm at about the midway point).

So yeah, I jump around a lot. But in my defense, I also typically finish more than 52 games every year.


Gold Member
I focus on one singleplayer game at a time until I'm finished with it. But I'll break it up with some multiplayer titles, whatever I'm feeling at the moment.
During the pandemic gaming was great, but now I'm so busy I barely have time for one game at a time. I used to blow through a game per week or so, but now I'm lucky if I can finish a game per month.


I try and get through a full game before I buy a new one.

As a kid of the 80s/early 90s. I would get like one or two games year...So there was a focus on playing and beating each one.


Don't pass gaas, it is your Destiny!
What does watching shit about games online but have no interest in playing games any more fall into?
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When I get a new console I immediately disable trophy/achievement notifications.

Yeah I don't care about those either. Collect all the 200 files etc. Nah I'm good.

If a game really hook me i only play that one until it's done.

If i rotate 2-3 games then i'm probably not in love with any of them.

Could not care less for trophies or platinum.

Regarding your second paragraph; I put hundreds of hours into Darks Souls series Elden Ring and Zelda yet I put once, twice or more 30min into VS and have a blast IE nuance, imho.

I focus on one singleplayer game at a time until I'm finished with it. But I'll break it up with some multiplayer titles, whatever I'm feeling at the moment.

Seems to be a common response. Interesting.

I try and get through a full game before I buy a new one.

As a kid of the 80s/early 90s. I would get like one or two games year...So there was a focus on playing and beating each one.

Yeah shit's over saturated nowadays. Hard to pick where you want to put your investment in.


What does watching shit about games online but have no interest in playing games any more fall into?

Watching (hopefully a semi good player with charisma on a journey) which falls in the category who gives a shit when you enjoy yourself.


There's stuff I'll continually drop in and out of like Call Of Duty MP, Superstardust HD/Ultra, Trials & any racing games I'm into (still Driveclub most of the time).

But with single player games that have a beginning, middle and end I'll binge for anywhere from a week to a couple months; and then not really play much beyond the odd dabble in the above. Occasionally I'll split my time with a single player title into two big chunks. With RDR2 I played heavy for a few weeks then took 3mth break and then played heavy for a few weeks more. I never have more than two big games on the go at once. I lose the state of flow if my muscle memory is split between too many input schemes.

Generally I have two periods once a year where I'll really get into a given game or couple games, then I'll live life and won't game for months outside the odd session of the aforementioned CODs, SSHD's, racing games etc. to wind down for a few hrs in an evening or after a lot of work.

That said, I sold my PS5 over a year ago as I was bored with it and will only be getting back in with the Pro + GTAVI, Death Stranding 2 & Ghost Of Tsushima 2. So my only gaming in the last year or so has been Infinitode 2 on my phone and borrowing my brother's PS5 for the Burning Shores DLC before he asked me to sell it for him.

I tend really to go through cycles in my own downtime, I'll listen to as well as research masters, collect and rip music over the course of a couple months, then rotate back into gaming for a similar amount of time, then play my guitar, then in summer get really physically active and cycle. Then rinse and repeat; just as with projects, work and life in general I get super-focused and obsessed with things for a while then just switch up and do the same with another thing.
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I rotate because games are long and sometimes I'm just not feeling it. I never force myself to play something if I'm not actively enjoying myself.


If "start to finish" only counts when Plat, I never finish a game.
Give zero fucks about Plat/100%.

I finish a story and move on.

As for multiplayer, I rotate.


I usually have one main game I put in the most hours in but I always have 5-10 games I go between depending on what I feel like playing.


Recently playing a lot of Halo Infinite firefight. No loot no nothing. Loving it

Do have a lot of criticism but hey
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I can juggle 2-3 games at the same time as long as they are different.
Couldn't really play 2 RPG's or 2 Metroidvanias at the same time, but if it's like an RPG, some sidescroller and a multiplayer game I have no issues.
Right now I'm rotating between Jedi Survivor, Balatro and Monster Hunter World in coop with some friends.

Also I almost never 100% finish games (as in getting a platinum), even most games I really like grow dull if you try to do everything.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
Rotate and I don't really finish most games. I tend to prefer more experimental indie titles that are short in duration. Too many AAA games are a snooze fest these days.


When it comes to single player games I will finish a game I start without starting something else, unless I am not enjoying the game and drop it, and if I am enjoying it enough I will shoot for a 100% with it unless that is a big timesink. I have a pretty high tolerance for some janky games though, so I usually will finish a game and it's rare I flat out drop it. I always have a multiplayer game (Splatoon 3 for the last year ish) I am playing alongside single player stuff.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
I usually juggle between playing one or two single-player games and one multiplayer game with the buds, although there are times when I solely focus on one SP game or fully dedicate myself to a specific MP game. Oh and I don't really care about platinum/1000 the titles I play, just want to have to fun.

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I rotate, forget, start again, uninstall then reinstall, I'm a mess 😆

I have a crazy backlog of games to last me 10 years.

But lately I've been disciplined and sticking to one or 2 games.


It's a really fascinating thread disguised seeing it exposes the mindset to how you all aproach gaming in perhaps (semi) the same way y'all approach different media.

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