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Gaming Wireless LAN advice?


Hello, everyone. :)

I have bought a condo in NJ (my first home, yay!) and will be moving there in a week, and I've been thinking of creating an wireless networking around my place for my desktop, laptop, PS2 and Xbox.

I've been looking into various options and brands - which only made me more confused... such as 802.11a, b, g? Differences between Hub (access point) and Router? Also, any general advice would be much appreciated. (plus ones that work well with Xbox)

thanks in advance,
Heh why are all these therads coming up after I needed the help and have already spent the money experimenting? =)

At any rate there are three types of devices: router, bridge, and access point. A router takes a single IP and distributes date in and out on your local area network among multiple IPs. An access point is a device that allows wireless devices to communicate to the network from that device. You can add one to your wired router, or use it to extend your wireless router. Access points only work with wireless devices. Bridges will bridge a number of wired devices in one location to another location with wired devices through a wireless connection.

The only thing I haven't figured out is exactly what those game adaptors are. If they're bridges, I just spent more money on a bridge than I needed to.

What I did was take a wireless router and connect it in my office to the PCs. Then I took a bridge, connected it to a switch in the living room which has my Xbox, GC, PS2, and Tivo hooked up to it. So each on their own are their own LAN but they are now linked together wirelessly.


I believe those Game Adaptors are just bridges, yeah... probably basic ones with few features but I'm not entirely sure what sort of extra features you'd need in a bridge anyway.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Marty Chinn said:
What I did was take a wireless router and connect it in my office to the PCs. Then I took a bridge, connected it to a switch in the living room which has my Xbox, GC, PS2, and Tivo hooked up to it. So each on their own are their own LAN but they are now linked together wirelessly.

Marty did you mod your TIVO or are you running a series 2 with the Home Media option added?
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