This thread's been slowing down...I have another idea at a little contest. I can make a sample pack for it. I'll call it...
The ElectroniCliche contest
I'll zip up a file full of wav samples, that are considered "cliches" in electronic music. Eg. the Amen breakbeat...used in thousands of tracks. Here is a list of what I was thinking...let me know if I need to add something, as I don't listen to every genre, but every genre has their own things.
Amen break (unedited, right from the original Winstons track)
909 bassdrum (also one distorted to a gabber-like kick)
909 hats, snare, crash and clap
808 elongated and filtered downwards (you can use your own too)
sinewave bassline (jungly-ish...can distort as well)
A few Hoover samples
A quote from a movie (you'll see which!
A detuned trancey synth (pretty much the variety that you hear in many dance/trance songs)
A few piano samples (of the stabby rave variety)
A few industrial sounds
An orch hit (hopefully I got one)
Anything else? There are some samples that you hear in so many tracks...I'm looking for those type of samples.
If it looks like no one's interested, I won't bother. Maybe we can do something like this in a few months time if now isn't a good time.