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Gays: We'll out 2-faced Bushies

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WASHINGTON - Opponents of a proposed constitutional amendment outlawing same-sex marriage are threatening to expose gay government officials who support such a ban.
"We are looking at members of Congress and we are looking at administration officials," said gay activist John Aravosis. "They think they can attack their community by day and enjoy themselves by night."

Aravosis and fellow gay activist Mike Rogers said they have a handful of names of Bush administration officials, gay congressmen and senior congressional aides who have kept their sexual orientation private but support the amendment. Senate debate on the proposal is set for next month.

Opposition to the threatened outings has been lodged by such groups as the Log Cabin Republicans and Human Rights Watch, which fear it could become a witch hunt.

Aravosis is behind the Web site dearmary.com, which has called on Vice President Cheney's lesbian daughter, Mary, to urge her dad to drop his support for the amendment.

Kenneth R. Bazinet



Actually she's been dating some guy who was a big time NFL star in the 60s/70s, for a while, a long while I would like to say like 10-20 years.
ShadowRed said:

Actually she's been dating some guy who was a big time NFL star in the 60s/70s, for a while, a long while I would like to say like 10-20 years.

she has to keep up that front...

but those are pussy lickin lips no doubt


Oh, it's already begun, and I ain't talking about gays in government...

For a select few morons in this country, a witch-hunt has begun for *GASP* political dissidents!

White Man

This sort of action is so retarded.

I know I'd never want to get married, but I do support equal marriage rights. However, this sort of stuff is flat out schoolyard nonsense. It's tantamount to extortion.

Think of it this way: Maybe the 'merkin masses aren't ready for gays and lesbians to marry. This amendment doesn't have a snow cone's chance in hell of passing, so just chill, til' the next episode. Gay rights have come a loooooong way in the past 20 years. I say be content that we're not living in the 50s or something, when we'd all have to become either priests or pervert English teachers.

NOTE: My english degree will not be used for perverted purposes.

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