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GC port of Majoras Mask is crap.


WTF is with this buggy piece of shit? In the beginning it says watch out for sound irregularties. Not "Game may lock up constantly" irregularites!

I've started new games twice now because the disc locks up! Do I need to save every two mintues? Is the whole game like this? I can't even get out of the first town without the disc locking up! I want to play this game, but I'm starting to get frustrated just trying to go through it! Is there some sort of voodoo chant I need to say before playing Majoras Mask on the Collectors disc?


Well why don't we trade discs then. I'm a bit miffed because the whole reason I bought the collectors disc was to play Majoras Mask and I've pwned myself by getting a bad disc?
Mrbob said:
WTF is with this buggy piece of shit? In the beginning it says watch out for sound irregularties. Not "Game may lock up constantly" irregularites!

I've started new games twice now because the disc locks up! Do I need to save every two mintues? Is the whole game like this? I can't even get out of the first town without the disc locking up! I want to play this game, but I'm starting to get frustrated just trying to go through it! Is there some sort of voodoo chant I need to say before playing Majoras Mask on the Collectors disc?

I complained the hell out of this when I first got my copy. It's such a pity, because it looks so much better with the resolution bump...


I waited almost five minutes for a scene to load before I turned it off.......

The game *does* look really nice. Looked too nice for an N64 game. I never played MM on N64, and when I saw the GC version I thought, "No way the N64 version looked this good!". Now I see the GC version got a nice resolution bump. Too bad for the problems. I'll try to fight through them, I want to play this game.
My advice then is to hard save FREQUENTLY. I like to squeeze all of those 3 days before hard saving and returning to the first day.

It's so clean on GC (especially with component) and I almost can't bear to go back to the N64, even with the crashing/slowdown because of it.


The game *does* look really nice. Looked too nice for an N64 game. I never played MM on N64, and when I saw the GC version I thought, "No way the N64 version looked this good!". Now I see the GC version got a nice resolution bump. Too bad for the problems. I'll try to fight through them, I want to play this game.

If you can't, try to get a Nintendo 64 and a copy of MM. Can't be more than $40 together.


(more a nerd than a geek)
Is there any rhyme or reason to the lockups? I've -never- had a problem with my copy, and I've played it for a decent bit. Are there particular areas it tends to freeze at?
Completely random. There's a quantifiable lock in the N64 version that dealt with the Song of Soaring... This one just locks up anywhere and freezes with excrutiating high pitched screams.

It hasn't happened with me yet either. Which is strange. I'm on the PAL version btw. I don't really play it that often anymore, but I was near the end of the game on my Wind Waker bonus disk and Collectors Edition. I suppose this is what we get with it being emulated, and being for free too.


I wonder if a lot of the locking up has to do with the particular GC one is using. I had lock ups, but only about three and those were well pass the beginning.

Like btrboyev said, this isn't a port. It's being emulated on the GC, and tha fact alone may be the main cause. From what I understand, there are still N64 games that have yet to be properly emulated because of the way they were coded up. I'm not sure where MM stands, but I doubt it as easy for the game to be emulated on the GC than say second generation N64 like OOT.


my game has never locked up on me, but the thing that pisses me off is the slowdown. it happens all the time. it's not that noticible on its own, but if you go from the gc port to the n64 version, you'll notice it right away.


ge-man said:
Like btrboyev said, this isn't a port. It's being emulated on the GC, and tha fact alone may be the main cause. From what I understand, there are still N64 games that have yet to be properly emulated because of the way they were coded up. I'm not sure where MM stands, but I doubt it as easy for the game to be emulated on the GC than say second generation N64 like OOT.
Bingo, the reason why it runs like crap is that the emulator running on the GC is only really a 4mb N64 and not like a 8mb N64 that MM needs.


The emulator is the problem, but I don't think the fact that Majora's Mask required the Expansion Pak had anything to do with it. Ocarina of Time, while running better, also has some problems being emulated on the disc. I've had it crash once or twice, too, and I've heard plenty of sound irregularities. Certainly, it's nothing as bad as Majora's Mask, but the problems are still there. And people who have used the emulator to run other games will tell you it doesn't run many other games well, either.

They probably should've worked on the emulator a year longer or so.

Deku Tree

I heard the lock up was because the MM cart used extra memory,
but my disk only locked up once when I played through MM on my GC.


Locked up at Romani Ranch on me...with the creepy kid and the Cuccos. I'm heading towards the Zora temple right now, and haven't had it freeze up otherwise. At least it wasn't a dungeon.


ge-man said:
Like btrboyev said, this isn't a port. It's being emulated on the GC, and tha fact alone may be the main cause. From what I understand, there are still N64 games that have yet to be properly emulated because of the way they were coded up. I'm not sure where MM stands, but I doubt it as easy for the game to be emulated on the GC than say second generation N64 like OOT.
But there IS a problem. It's embarrasing when I can play the game perfectly on my Xbox on an emulator coded by a fat White College student in his basement but a team of lithe Japanese Developers in a studio who actually test the product let it slip through with such problems.


Vagabond said:
But there IS a problem. It's embarrasing when I can play the game perfectly on my Xbox on an emulator coded by a fat White College student in his basement but a team of lithe Japanese Developers in a studio who actually test the product let it slip through with such problems.
The emulator was coded at NST... probably by fat White College grads. ;)


GRADUATES and MULTIPLE PEOPLE lead me to believe that it had more effort put into it than the Xbox emulator, and it is still shamed.


Mrbob said:
I paid 30 bucks for it.

Then you made a foolish economic decision unless you bought it way after it was available for much cheaper alternatives. Then again, that doesn't stop the Majora game from being terrible. :p


Then you made a foolish economic decision unless you bought it way after it was available for much cheaper alternatives. Then again, that doesn't stop the Majora game from being terrible. :p

Hahaha, you selling a copy for cheaper? I saw this availalbe at two spots. EB wanted 60 (!!) bucks for the disc. Gamestop had it for 30. I figure since I bought my Metroid Prime bundle for 79.99 I could spend 30 on Zelda and get the Zelda/Metroid Prime collectors edition bundle for 109! :p

You could have gotten the N64 version + an N64 for that price.

Irony of ironies, I actually bought MM at a pawn shop for two bucks a couple months ago. BUT, I have no N64 and I'd rather play it in hi res now. I can't go back to the low res version.


Mrbob said:
Hahaha, you selling a copy for cheaper? I saw this availalbe at two spots. EB wanted 60 (!!) bucks for the disc. Gamestop had it for 30. I figure since I bought my Metroid Prime bundle for 79.99 I could spend 30 on Zelda and get the Zelda/Metroid Prime collectors edition bundle for 109! :p

Irony of ironies, I actually bought MM at a pawn shop for two bucks a couple months ago. BUT, I have no N64 and I'd rather play it in hi res now. I can't go back to the low res version.

The low-res version actually isn't too bad since the game uses the expansion pak.


Mrbob said:
Hahaha, you selling a copy for cheaper? I saw this availalbe at two spots. EB wanted 60 (!!) bucks for the disc. Gamestop had it for 30. I figure since I bought my Metroid Prime bundle for 79.99 I could spend 30 on Zelda and get the Zelda/Metroid Prime collectors edition bundle for 109! :p

If it were me, I would have subscribed to Nintendo Power ahead of time just in case I would have bought a GC in the future. :p

I do think that Nintendo should release the Collector's Edition and the OoT/MQ Port in one package for $20 or so, just for late GameCube adopters. It's not fair for late gamers to have to pay more for something that was essentially free.


Queen of Denmark
Mrbob said:
I'd rather pay a 10 dollar premium to have the privelage of not getting Nintendo Power. :p

As for Majora's Mask GC, mine locked up twice, but I was more disappointed with the horrendous slowdown; walking through some parts of clock town felt like a slideshow. It's a testament to the game's quality that I played it all the way through anyway. Quite possibly the greatest Zelda game ever, IMO.
It's locked up on me only once, but what a bloody time to do it. Getting into the stone temple can take quite a long time and having it freeze just as I was reaching the Owl Statue on top was bloody annoying. The game wasn't the only thing to emit a high-pitched scream.
I didn't go back to it for a few days, thankfully it was the only time it frooze on me. Just very bad timing.
yup. I bitched about it about 2-3 months ago with MY own thread. I had the game stall on my 3-4 times but not as bad as your experience. Still played through it til I got to the stone temple and then work grabbed me.

I'm glad that I got to play Zelda 2 though. That mirror/heal thing pisses me off :X

Deku Tree

I do think that Nintendo should release the Collector's Edition and the OoT/MQ Port in one package for $20 or so, just for late GameCube adopters. It's not fair for late gamers to have to pay more for something that was essentially free.

If they did that, they'd better first get rid of the crashing glitch in MM.
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