Wow is the campaign of this game dull. The way they introduce the game, introduce the characters, introduce the enemies is just poor, awful really. The first boss fight wasn't a fight at all. I hate how they can't keep their own story straight. One minute, Dom is telling poorly voice acted new character not to bother to eat bubblegum, then the next chapter I'm going to an empty supermarket for supplies. Fighting the lambent isn't any fun and the game still has yet to give me an incentive not to just stand back and shoot them from afar while they just pelt me a little bit. Cover system plus fast health regeneration (that the enemies don't have) = mindless pop in and out gameplay. And the sad thing is that I tried to be more strategic about it, getting up close and it's just suicide. Stay back and pew pew pew until the guitar riff tells you to stop.
Even the mech was underwhelming. It's just a different looking turret and brought nothing to the table. The lambent really bring nothing new to the table yet either, unlike the new enemies from 2 which instantly made you rethink how to approach things. For a game with such great graphics, the lambent dying is an extremely unsatisfying display.
The story is embarrassing, but that didn't need to be said. It's a shame they didn't make this a comedy.
Horde mode 2.0 isn't 2.0 enough for me. It's just too repetitious and long in the tooth for my liking. Huddle up, shoot shoot shoot. Do it again. It's bullet sponge hell which wouldn't be a big deal in small doses, but it's a commitment and it really feels like hell to me after 20 minutes.
I haven't tried beast mode, but I for whatever reason thought it was a versus mp mode and was instantly disappointed when I found out it wasn't.
Now the MP, well, that's what I have been waiting for. It took 3 tries but it seems they got it. I'm not sure how long it will keep my interest, but its buttery smooth, plays nice, responsive, intense, kinda dynamic. Nice. And for some reason, while I never played any gears mp for more than a day and a half, I've done fairly well. Is there a gaf meet up thread? For once, I think I might spend some time with mp in a gears game. "Quick Match" is exactly what this game needed.