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Superimposer said:
My Xbox was going crazy, could be related. Game wouldnt launch, took minutes to accept invite
This is the exact problem I'm having. Thank god I'm not alone.

- Refreshing upon boot for a minute or so.
- Black screen for about 2 minutes on game launch.
- Can't join parties.



Got to Horde Wave 36 with a bunch of randoms. So good. Probably would have gone a good bit more had 2 people not dropped. Brumak on 30 was sick and it was a well earned kill. Once I get my regular friends together it's going to be on.

darthbob said:

Red Alert at Richmond. Gears bringing down the house heh.
For me, one of the (many!) problems with the story is that they first expect the player to believe that humanity is taking its last stand against an overwhelming foe, yet again, just like we did in Gears 1, and again in Gears 2. Then a battle starts and everyone seems to be having fun killing the enemy. If the situation was anywhere near as bleak as the story wants us to believe, then why are the Gears gang running around shouting, "Nice!", "Whoo-hoo!", etc, and generally having a good time until the skirmish ends? And if the Locusts are such a terrifying foe, then why is it that only a handful of soldiers can take out entire armies by themselves?
That being said, the first two Gears games were great, and apart from the weird Dead Space/Killzone-esque part early in the game where you slowly walk around exploring the ship and setting the mood, what I've played of Gears 3 is a lot of fun, too.


Genesis Knight said:
So, Horde tactic question (enemy type spoiler):

Is there a faster way to kill the Serapede than to pop all its sections from back to front?

Nope there is not.

And man that thing is annoying...


Without spoiling, is the Gears 3 campaign less gimmicky than 2? What I mean is are there still numerous, dragged out vehicle levels like the
or the stupid
"inside the worm"


The_Monk said:
Hey guys I just got this one.

My 360 is not my main console but I couldn't say no, so if you don't care for others people gamer scores and such and would like to make me feel happy, add on XBL will you?

Other thing, I installed the game on the Hard drive but the game keeps spinning. What gives? I downloaded one patch of 2MB when I first entered, leaved the game, deleted the game from the Hard Drive library and I'm installing it again...

Hope this time everything goes alright and the game won't spin when I enter in it..
Don't reinstall games. I don't know why you feel compelled to do that.

The latest games for the 360 will spin for about 2 minutes for games installed as this is the new security feature to make up for the 1GB security partition that previously existed. The disk will eventually stop spinning.

A May 2011 dashboard upgrade reflashed the firmwares of the Xbox 360 consoles to support XGD3, the new format.


Lunchbox said:
why you take my 60$ a month then? what you think this is, PSN? fix your shit

better get some free games out of this or heads will be chopped
You're getting robbed on your Live cards, friend.


FStop7 said:
Without spoiling, is the Gears 3 campaign less gimmicky than 2? What I mean is are there still numerous, dragged out vehicle levels like the
or the stupid
"inside the worm"

There are vehicle levels but nothing as bad as act 1 driving to landown or the uv gun in gears 1


Played some Gears 3 last night.

Fired up campaign and got to Act 1 Chapter 2. Will finish on the weekend.

Fired up Horde on Hardcore for a few rounds with some acquaintances. Didn't get very far (wave 6).

Switched to Beast mode on Hardcore, which we beat within an hour. Man, Beast mode seems like an afterthought. No wonder it's only 12 waves. Once you unlock the Berserker, man it's game over. :lol my team was ranked 200 when we finished. Seems like no one likes it enough to finish it.

My acquaintances hopped off, so I decided to join Horde random on Normal on the Trashball level. Got to level 30 before all my stranger allies left because they got frustrated. Horde mode is so much better than it was for Gears 2.

Fun stuff.


Is it me, or did the graphics take a major hit this time? Or maybe the engine is just that outdated these days...? It's been since 2008 since I've played a gears game.


Lunchbox said:
why you take my 60$ a month then? what you think this is, PSN? fix your shit

better get some free games out of this or heads will be chopped

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btrboyev said:
Is it me, or did the graphics take a major hit this time? Or maybe the engine is just that outdated these days...? It's been since 2008 since I've played a gears game.
It's the best looking Gears yet.

That said though, the X360 is definitely showing its age.

K' Dash

btrboyev said:
Is it me, or did the graphics take a major hit this time? Or maybe the engine is just that outdated these days...? It's been since 2008 since I've played a gears game.

oh no you didn't.

are you for real?
btrboyev said:
Is it me, or did the graphics take a major hit this time? Or maybe the engine is just that outdated these days...? It's been since 2008 since I've played a gears game.
I think this is the best looking game in the series


Genesis Knight said:
So, Horde tactic question (enemy type spoiler):

Is there a faster way to kill the Serapede than to pop all its sections from back to front?

stomp from the silverback, hammer of dawn, or one shot.


tagged by Blackace
btrboyev said:
Is it me, or did the graphics take a major hit this time? Or maybe the engine is just that outdated these days...? It's been since 2008 since I've played a gears game.
It's just you. Most of the people are shocked in this thread that they've even been able to squeeze that much out of the engine.

Then again, the engine isn't the same static one they've been usig, it's undergone multiple upgrades since 2008.


The_Monk said:
Hey guys I just got this one.

My 360 is not my main console but I couldn't say no, so if you don't care for others people gamer scores and such and would like to make me feel happy, add on XBL will you?

Other thing, I installed the game on the Hard drive but the game keeps spinning. What gives? I downloaded one patch of 2MB when I first entered, leaved the game, deleted the game from the Hard Drive library and I'm installing it again...

Hope this time everything goes alright and the game won't spin when I enter in it..

If you are looking to play Horde, Multi, or Coop add one of the Gears 3 gamertags. You'll get invites occasionally and you can send invites too the people on that tag too. Feel free to add me too if you like: TW Jayzoos. I'll send the ocassional invite for MP or Horde or something. But probably not until this weekend because I'm gonna be busy with single player this week. :)

As far as the hard drive issue, I don't know what to tell you.
_dementia said:
I think this is the best looking game in the series
I don't see how that could even be an opinion. Much better motion blur, much improved lighting, better textures and shadowing. It's clearly a better looking game.


_dementia said:
I think this is the best looking game in the series

I think it is the best looking game on the 360...well until Witcher 2 comes out on 360. But I am shocked on how good it looks at how big the enviroments are. They did a fantastic job on the visuals and it looks leaps ahead of Gears 2.
Gears of War 3 is incredible. I'm on the final act and wow, I am excited and sad that the end is coming. It's been quite the ride and can't wait to see how it all ends.

Eric WK

Lunchbox said:
why you take my 60$ a month then? what you think this is, PSN? fix your shit

better get some free games out of this or heads will be chopped

Shut up, Lunchbox. As long as this is fixed by the time I get home from work, it's all good.


Heysoos said:
As far as the hard drive issue, I don't know what to tell you.
Answered above man.

Come on son.

claviertekky said:
Don't reinstall games. I don't know why you feel compelled to do that.

The latest games for the 360 will spin for about 2 minutes for games installed as this is the new security feature to make up for the 1GB security partition that previously existed. The disk will eventually stop spinning.

A May 2011 dashboard upgrade reflashed the firmwares of the Xbox 360 consoles to support XGD3, the new format.

Side benefit is that X360 devs can use this 1GB space for more content.
_dementia said:
I think this is the best looking game in the series

i think this is the best looking game this gen! across any system.

The image quality is pretty damn amazing, all at a stable frame rate, supporting shit loads of content.


My hype levels were at maximum last night, rushed home after work and eagerly started the campaign. It was great until I set foot in the Silverback, because right then my power decided to go out.

I just went to bed. Crying.

I'll definitely play ten shitloads of the game tonight though.
Good lord, this game is sooo good. Thoughts:

- MP: Holy shit, I actually ENJOY Gears MP now. Its so fun and smooth. It's amazing what dedicated servers have done for the game. TDM & KotH are my favorite modes

- Horde 2.0: Fuuuuuuck, so good. I played with a group of ransoms last night. Everyone was using their headsets and we made through 30 waves with a full team. The. One kid dropped out and the remaining four of us made it to wave 39. But then we were wiped out there and we all decided to call it a night. Can't wait to play more.

- Campaign: I played through Act 1 on hardcore with my wife last night. So good. As a fan of the Gears fiction and Karen Traviss' novels, I loved the focus on Cole.
The guy's only way to cope with the crazy world he lives in is to act as if he's still a sports superstar. That's some sad shut. And if you read the books, you'll find out that he routinely writes letters to his dead mother. She's been dead since E-Day (15 years?) and he writes her letters like he's just away from hone fighting a war.

Still haven't played beast mode, hopefully I can run through that tonight and get the achievement & avatar award.

And what's up with my Hanmerburst?! Wasn't it's rate of fire as fast as you could squeeze the trigger?! Now the ROF feels the same when feathering the trigger and just holding it down for semi-auto fire.


tagged by Blackace
Blue Ninja said:
Okay, I'm wondering, can you still use downed enemies as meat shields? I never seem to get the prompt to do so, I dunno. :lol
Yeah the first time you get to a downed enemy it tells you you still can, it will just always prompt youth execute.


I might try the campaign on Insane with randoms. Or maybe with some folks here on GAF? I'd probably only play one Act per evening, given the amount of time it took me to complete the campaign yesterday on Normal. Is it like Gears 2 where you can co-op with different levels of difficulty? I heard people used that to cheese through Insane.

I'm willing to go with a party of three that's all on Insane, but I don't want to suffer through it solo. The first Gears was plenty doable on Insane, but the second one inspired pure, vile hatred trying to go through mountain pass with Dizzy firing upon rockets and reavers. I freaking hate that part, never passed it, it was the section that made me decide I didn't need to beat the campaign on Insane since my sanity would me more intact without the experience.


wastedyears said:
For me, one of the (many!) problems with the story is that they first expect the player to believe that humanity is taking its last stand against an overwhelming foe, yet again, just like we did in Gears 1, and again in Gears 2. Then a battle starts and everyone seems to be having fun killing the enemy. If the situation was anywhere near as bleak as the story wants us to believe, then why are the Gears gang running around shouting, "Nice!", "Whoo-hoo!", etc, and generally having a good time until the skirmish ends? And if the Locusts are such a terrifying foe, then why is it that only a handful of soldiers can take out entire armies by themselves?
It's hard to make a game feel bleak when you're always fighting with a bunch of capable AI friends that seems invincible. Gears 1 felt bleaker because it's you and Dom against the entire locust horde, and everyone other character was either off screen for the majority of the game, dead, or about to die.

That said, I don't like to replay dark and bleak games. Everything is better with sunshine and friends.
Reluctant-Hero said:
- Campaign: I played through Act 1 on hardcore with my wife last night. So good. As a fan of the Gears fiction and Karen Traviss' novels, I loved the focus on Cole.
The guy's only way to cope with the crazy world he lives in is to act as if he's still a sports superstar. That's some sad shut. And if you read the books, you'll find out that he routinely writes letters to his dead mother. She's been dead since E-Day (15 years?) and he writes her letters like he's just away from hone fighting a war.

as a guy who hates almost all game narratives, ESPECIALLY when dudebro games try to tug on my heartstrings with typical American pride bullshit (conveyed in the metaphorical sense in Gears), i was pretty damn surprised by his characterization in the game. They hired them some writers, that's for damn sure. Gears has always felt like a hopeless, fucked up universe, but you can see it really wearing away at the team in this one.
Sobriquet said:
All three of the Gears GAF gamertags are full. :(

If you just add them and let the FR pend, you can still view the friends list and join games. but whoever is managing the lists keeps on deleting the requests because the list is full.


Does anyone have a link to what the pre-order game characters look like?

Haven't redeemed mine yet (Savage Kantus).
enzo_gt said:
Yeah the first time you get to a downed enemy it tells you you still can, it will just always prompt youth execute.
Oh, I see, the buttons got changed. Or at least, that's what the manual tells me. :lol Thanks!
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