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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Lunchbox said:
if teammate has them ill definitely try my best to get him killed, draw enemy attention, block his way, run. or even stay there/set off nades just to get them killed even if i have to sacrifice myself

killing scum > my ratio

You must have got picked on a lot in highschool. I'm sorry.

Willeth said:
Hey, a fun bit of perspective because now I've got a taste for throwing spanners into places they don't belong I want to keep doing it: Shadow Complex is 1200 MSP, which means it's worth exactly thirty-five weapon skins.

Funny thing about that comparison, you used to get an unlock for playing Shadow Complex in Gears 3, till they removed that.
Alienshogun said:
The idea is to keep you playing because you paid for content. At least, that's what I'm seeing it as now. So you stand to lose your investment if you move to another game.

The idea of selling all that content (skins) came from people buying them for huge prices on Ebay.
Bah! Don't get me started on Ebay. Some of society hasn't even climbed from the primordial ooze if Ebay is any indicator.


Haven't been keeping up with this game lately as I know I'll get it and love it.... but is there any recent multiplayer footage that is any good?


Weapon pack = 4 and a half hours of working.

Weapon pack = half a tank of gas

Weapon pack = ~40 double cheese burgers from McDonalds

Weapon pack = Halo:CEA+shipping/handling

Weapon pack = Ridiculous


dmg04 said:
Weapon pack = 4 and a half hours of working.

Weapon pack = half a tank of gas

Weapon pack = ~40 double cheese burgers from McDonalds

Weapon pack = Halo:CEA+shipping/handling

Weapon pack = Ridiculous
not weapons bro

stickers for weapons

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
dmg04 said:
Weapon pack = 4 and a half hours of working.

Weapon pack = half a tank of gas

Weapon pack = ~40 double cheese burgers from McDonalds

Weapon pack = Halo:CEA+shipping/handling

Weapon pack = Ridiculous

I loled.


LeonSKennedy90 said:
Damn, you drive a humvee or something? 45 bucks fills me up at 3.49/gallon
Currently 4.10 in san diego county :\ Drive a 97 ford explorer

Also, my baird avatar is pretty much how i looked when reading your first reactions to the pricing. lol.


Alienshogun said:
Funny thing about that comparison, you used to get an unlock for playing Shadow Complex in Gears 3, till they removed that.
They were forced to remove that though. Along with the Bulletstorm stuff. If I remember right it was because they weren't games they developed, but published instead. Rod talked about it on one of the older streams.
Alienshogun said:
Funny thing about that comparison, you used to get an unlock for playing Shadow Complex in Gears 3, till they removed that.

Could you be more wrong?

They didnt remove it its still in game and unlockable via other means
They physically COULD NOT do it.

After talking it over with the other half this is what im gunna do.

Buy season pass day 1.
If after new year im still playing gears ill buy a 1200 pack, if im happy with the skins and once iv gotten bored of them i feel like buying another i will. repeat till i OWN THEM ALL.


Even considering the fact that I loaded my account with 32.000 MS points just yesterday, I still won't think a second about buying this shit. And I feel sorry for everyone that does.


StalkerUKCG said:
Could you be more wrong?
If after new year im still playing gears ill buy a 1200 pack, if im happy with the skins and once iv gotten bored of them i feel like buying another i will. repeat till i OWN THEM ALL.

...but that means you'll pay 1200 like 15 times


dmg04 said:
Weapon pack = 4 and a half hours of working.

Weapon pack = half a tank of gas

Weapon pack = ~40 double cheese burgers from McDonalds

Weapon pack = Halo:CEA+shipping/handling

Weapon pack = Ridiculous
That's some funny shit. I added some of that to the OP of the skins thread.


Lima said:
Even considering the fact that I loaded my account with 32.000 MS points just yesterday, I still won't think a second about buying this shit. And I feel sorry for everyone that does.

Sweet Jesus! I have 750 msp and that from xbox rewards and bing searches etc. Man it sucks being poor this time of year.


StalkerUKCG said:
They didnt remove it its still in game and unlockable via other means
They physically COULD NOT do it.
Nah, they could, it'd be no different to tying them to Gears achievements code-wise. I imagine it's an MS-mandated thing - you probably even have to get special exception from cert requirements to even build unlocks into legacy achievements, and I imagine that for Bulletstorm and Shadow Complex they were pushing it a little.


So, not really played gears since gears 2 came out... Got gold membership back today, in preparation for 3... So... put gears 1 on...

I may as well shoot myself, it would save time... I used to be a god at this game... :(


razu said:
So, not really played gears since gears 2 came out... Got gold membership back today, in preparation for 3... So... put gears 1 on...

I may as well shoot myself, it would save time... I used to be a god at this game... :(
I doubt you got worse, it's just that only the super dedicated are still playing.
Willeth said:
Nah, they could, it'd be no different to tying them to Gears achievements code-wise. I imagine it's an MS-mandated thing - you probably even have to get special exception from cert requirements to even build unlocks into legacy achievements, and I imagine that for Bulletstorm and Shadow Complex they were pushing it a little.
Thats what i meant, microsoft would only allow them to get it from the franchise games.

Double post cause im a scrub sorry.


200 points rewarded for renewing XBL last month
400 points "redeemed" via bing, could take 1-2 weeks to process

I think i'll hold on to those until i see a weapon skin that i MUST HAVE. Doubting that'll happen, though.


Lima said:
Only the hardcore are playing gears 1 so you should have expected that.

There's that. "Ring Rust", and my now awful internet connection.

I love the idea of people being trapped in a game. Like the poor bastards who have played Quake 3 every day since launch day... and they're still in there...!

Love it :D

And, just stuffed someone with the shotgun. Best feeling ever, internet is sufficient for Gears and Beers...!

Happy days... :)

Nori Chan

Just curious, is there a list somewhere that tells you what you get in 3 from the previous games? Like if you have this achievement then you get this and so on.


Noriega said:
Just curious, is there a list somewhere that tells you what you get in 3 from the previous games? Like if you have this achievement then you get this and so on.
Check the OP, most of it is under the weapon skins

[edit, sorry for the misdirection]


Btw love the "Previously on Gears" section on the campaign menu. Gives you a really good summary of the "story" so you don't have to play the first two games again to get a clue what the fuck you are doing in 3.


Just called my gamestop to confirm that they were taking part in the midnight launch.

Employee's reply:

"Fuck yeah! Er, I mean heck yeah!"



Man it was so hilarious when I got to Saturn (german retail store) today and this one employee put gears 3 on the shelf out of this huge box with a sticker on it that read "Don't open until September 20th."

I loled and grabbed a copy.


JambiBum said:
Why? Just because you are so against it doesn't mean that other people are. If he wants to buy a pack of skins then that is his choice.
Because you are sending the message to Epic that this kind of stuff is okay? They are price gouging their biggest fans.


Unconfirmed Member
CyReN said:
Is their a preview of all the skins for the weapons? and you can just buy 1 at a time right?

they said they're going to try and put a preview up for every skin over the weekend

I guess you should just stalk Rod's twitter (@GearsViking)

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
JambiBum said:
They were forced to remove that though. Along with the Bulletstorm stuff. If I remember right it was because they weren't games they developed, but published instead. Rod talked about it on one of the older streams.

Yep, that's what I was referring to by "when they removed it."

StalkerUKCG said:
Could you be more wrong?

They didnt remove it its still in game and unlockable via other means
They physically COULD NOT do it.

After talking it over with the other half this is what im gunna do.

Buy season pass day 1.
If after new year im still playing gears ill buy a 1200 pack, if im happy with the skins and once iv gotten bored of them i feel like buying another i will. repeat till i OWN THEM ALL.

Perhaps I was unclear, I'm not saying they removed it so they could charge, I'm simply pointing out something that's a bit funny regarding the removal of a reward skin for Shadow Complex and now the price comparison he made using shadow complex.

See above quote.
Personally, its your money, you spend it however you like. Some people buy those weird ass sex dolls like JambiBum's avatar, other people pay a crazy ass amount for Action Comics #1, some people pay $45 bucks for weapon skins.

I'mma lol and go about my day


I got the Epic Edition a few days early. Here's my unboxing video, if anyone is interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reYMp4oobwk Not trying to be spammy, though.

I'm digging the game so far. Don't tell my job that I've been playing instead of working. Just got to act II. Like the new enemy types, even if they don't really make chainsawing better (how could you not making chainsawing dudes in the face better?!). But yeah. So far best single player of the series.

And with the two games of deathmatch I played, I still suck at multiplayer Gears. Excited to try Horde and Beast when my friends get the game, though.


The Xtortionist said:
This is a joke. All DLC weapon skins should be animated and 80 points apiece.
Animated skins are a joke. Seriously.

If i get ANY skins, they'll be static for sure. I don't want my gears looking like a childs cartoon


blurredvision said:
Holy fuck, I'm thinking about shelling out for the skins now just to piss off the lot of you here in this thread.
so your going to spend $40 to piss off people over the internet?

Yeah, you go do that lol


Vire said:
Because you are sending the message to Epic that this kind of stuff is okay? They are price gouging their biggest fans.
Except people already showed epic that they are willing to buy skins when they were spending money buying them on ebay. You can have a problem with it all you want. I'll buy the skins I want and so will other people. Thank goodness there are things called choices when it comes to spending money.
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