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stupei said:
Not to derail from the current trending topic, but:

Did anyone have luck at VGNY? When I called to ask there was a REALLY long pause before the guy said, "No, try Monday." How do you not know if you have it or you don't unless you only have a few and are holding them for regulars? Ugh, with the hours I've been working lately the weekends are some of the only real time I get to play, so this seriously blows. I don't want to wait until NEXT weekend to play. Shit.
Join the club dude. I, too, got the impression that dude was holding out; yesterday he told me they would start selling it around 8-9pm today. I've been working 7 days a week for a month; now I'm off this weekend, and some Gears action would have been sweet!


Now that I think about it, $45 for weapon skins in the long run seems fine. (It's still upsetting, but 3 years from now, it won't matter)

The problem again is the announcement. EPIC should of just released skins slowly from time to time instead of (Like the season pass), announce EVERYTHING. Even if it was leaked, they should of held it all back. I don't think there would of been any outrage if Epic would of only said one skin available at launch to buy, for 240 points.

JambiBum said:
Season pass is a 33% discount on the dlc. Add another 1200 and you get 3600 which is the price for the skins
Well yeah I know that. I was just putting things in terms of how they're valued. They're both valued at $45


Ballistik said:
Now that I think about it, $45 for weapon skins in the long run seems fine. (It's still upsetting, but 3 years from now, it won't matter)

The problem again is the announcement. EPIC should of just released skins slowly from time to time instead of (Like the season pass), announce EVERYTHING. Even if it was leaked, they should of held it all back. I don't think there would of been any outrage if Epic would of only said one skin available at launch to buy, for 240 points.

Well yeah I know that. I was just putting things in terms of how they're valued. They're both valued at $45

Are you being serious? say that out loud to yourself. the game itself costs 60. these are SKINS.
X-Frame said:
Default skins for me then!

I'm a rebel.

Ha. I'm with you, brah. I highly value keeping the universe consistent and embedded in its own reality. I don't want my Marcus running around with some garish hunk of metal; nor do I want to see it on the battlefield, but I can't control that.

And seriously, weapon skins and DLC of that ilk do it for some people - a LOT of people, actually. I, personally, will shell out however much I like on a skin that I really want and that's completely my choice. Those complaining have no leg to stand on. They're weapon skins. They are the definition of tacked-on, irrelevant DLC. You don't have to touch them. For those that want to, they will and they're grateful that the option even exists.

As for the season pass, I'm only interested in VS maps/skins, so the choice is easy for me: no touchie.


Messi said:
Are you being serious? say that out loud to yourself. the game itself costs 60. these are SKINS.
They could of released them in a span of 2-3 years is what I'm saying. Think about it, they should of released a skin every month or so, and thrown in a weekend event with it or something. They could of incorporated it into the game more. Instead, they put them all in a bulk and put them up for sale. Doesn't that make more sense than what they actually did? I don't know..

The announcement is what they screwed up. Similar to how people were upset over the Season Pass and announcing that there will be 4 major DLC's for the upcoming year.


finished it, best gears game (by far).

-had no problems with the game on hardcore, but the last chapter was so fucking frustrating, i had to tone it down to easy. really pissed me off but its 3:40 am here and i just wanted to finish it.
-one big question was not answered, which really annoyed me. why cliff?
-the last chapter has awesome music, a bit too late but better than never.
-compression in the pre-recorded cutscenes is better but still bad. thankfully, only 4 or 5 cutscenes in the game are pre-recorded.
-i feel like i missed a lot of story because i didnt read any of the books.

took me about 9-10 hours on hardcore (maybe more).


My skins:
Gnasher: Gold
SOS: Chrome
Lancer: Liquid Metallic (?)
Hammerburst: Flaming
Retro: Gold (?)

I figured I would keep rare skins, dunno what I would equip for the Lancer or Retro though.


-PXG- said:
And yet, you'll still buy it...

Damn right i'll buy them, via season pass :)

I think those will be the only weapon skins i "Pay For". Everything else is going to be unlocked via achievements or game progression


jackdoe said:
Any word yet on how much of a framerate and effect hit 3D mode will incur?

Nothing from what I can see so far. I only checked out the first 10 minutes or so, so it might be possible that there will be framerates problems later in the game once the big fights start.

You get a lot more jaggies though and since the resolution drops down to five something it looks subhdish.

The 3D effect is so-so. It is the same fake 3D they used on Crysis 2 but it is nice to have.


Man, gears is killing my wallet.

Gears 3 60
Season Pass 30
New Vegas Lonesome Road DLC 10

I dunno if i'm up to buy all these skins for 45 bucks.

Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Lima said:
Nothing from what I can see so far. I only checked out the first 10 minutes or so, so it might be possible that there will be framerates problems later in the game once the big fights start.

You get a lot more jaggies though and since the resolution drops down to five something it looks subhdish.

The 3D effect is so-so. It is the same fake 3D they used on Crysis 2 but it is nice to have.

I wonder if it makes Anya's and the Queen's ass POP.

Cross posting.

I was all set on getting this pack before the price annoucement, However £51 for season pass and skin packs is too steep for me considering im already dropping close to £1000 on games before december.

The point which no one seems to be bring up is ALL THIS CONTENT IS ON THE DISC, Your buying the game for £40/£60/£100 and atop that they want 2400 MSP for a season pass and 3600 for Skins. Thats £51.

Ill deal with the season pass issue first, what we know this contains so far is content we have already been shown, Aurza, Rust Lung, Blood Drive, Bernie, Onyx Gaurd, Tai... The only content aluded to that hasnt been shown is Michale Barrick who could still be on this disc. By buying the seson pass Epic already have your money, so any non on disc DLC Epic can take their sweet time with and theres no promises what the dlc contains, it could be a simple gears 2 map reskin and the gears 1 kim model. Again some percentage of the paid season pass DLC we already own, and they cant hide behind the "its so everyone can see it" argument they can with skins (which is weak in itself)

Moving on to the skins, All this content like a part of the season content is on the disc. Epic incase people have been out of the loop have said this is so everyone can see the skins, for the life of me i cant understand why this content isnt simply synced into the cache of the 360 when joining a lobby. The argument falls apart relativly quickly we arnt talking about Mortal kombat esq characters here with high levels of detail, this is at most a couple of mb's of texture files.

All the leaked/annouced DLC is all on the disc, I do feel entitled to that content like it or not its content iv already bought in my initial game purchase. I would have less of a problem if this content was created after the game shipped consuming more dev/pub money and man hours but it isnt, its content created within the original dev cycle they have purposly withheld to make profit. With the annoucment of Single player DLC it makes me wonder if elements of the story where axed aswell for the sake of DLC.

Iv got no problem with True DLC even in the vain of mappacks aslong as i know the map packs where made in a seperate dev window, example Halo. This screams greed to me on every level and i cant see any other reason for it.

Edit: For all the people saying they will outright attack players who have the skin DLC you need to grow up, seriously 4.0 them buying the skin dosnt effect you in any single way and your going to grief them? smh get over it.

u mad cuz u jelly?

In other more "good" news, i grabbed gears pc for £15 today from GFWL, iv been meaning to buy it for a while for the extra Act and i figured why not get it and get the gears 3 unlock while im at it. Proud to say iv secured all the preorder costumes and all the pre-games unlocks now. Go me.


AdamMPSP said:
When I see you guys with those expensive skins on your fancy weapons I'm gonna be like DAMN, SON, YOU MUST BE ROLLING IN IT. And then I'm just going to lose in multiplayer to you on purpose, because I don't like to offend millionaires.
Wow.... LOL

Cool unboxing video by the way.
Plasmid said:
Not a big RE fan actually, i should try someday from the first game.

RE4's gameplay directly influenced Gears 1. It's pretty much required for anyone interested in third-person shooters. Also arguably the best game of all time, just saying...


The Xtortionist said:
RE4's gameplay directly influenced Gears 1. It's pretty much required for anyone interested in third-person shooters. Also arguably the best game of all time, just saying...

I've heard this :lol i really need to get into it.
Plasmid said:
I've heard this :lol i really need to get into it.

Yeah, at least give the trial a shot. The controls are going to be off-putting at first but the game's enemy, encounter, and environment design works perfectly with them. The controls' incompetence is purely in your mind, trust me. The game is just downright astonishing.

Oh yeah, Gears 3. I need to find a 4th to co-op with.
If you buy all the skins..shit..you must be


So for the season pass we can just already have the MS points on our account and buy immediately from when it goes live correct?


Someone want to point me in the direction of what this $ skins include?

Because from what I gathered yesterday, the skins were unlockable by doing other shit, like achievements from gears 2, level 100, kill x guys, etc.

i reallllly don't feel like reading through a thread of everyone bitching about the "horse armor"


I was responding to

zychi said:
Someone want to point me in the direction of what this $ skins include?

Because from what I gathered yesterday, the skins were unlockable by doing other shit, like achievements from gears 2, level 100, kill x guys, etc.
proabably should've quoted.
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