Gears fans are notorious for talking shit about the game they claim to love so much. It's just...inherent. Anyone who knows Gears and it's community, knows it's a severe love/ hate relationship. It's rocky, tumultuous, unstable and even abusive, but there is still some level of love there. I know, it's weird.
Anyway I never said I hated this game (I don't know where Lunchbox or Unreal got that from). I'm getting it day one. I'm sure the campaign will be good. Declassified missions sound really cool. MP will be alright at best, but won't hold my attention. They just changed too much. Maybe things will be better once Execution comes back, but it's not where it should be.
I said it in a 343/ Halo 4 related thread recently: Devs need stop confusing taking risks with steering their games away from their roots.
Gears by design (through it's navigation, weapons and level layout) is a close quarters game. Whether that was intended or not, is irrelevant. That's how it turned out and that's how people play it, and why people like it. Putting emphasis on rifles, power weapons, predefined loadouts and class based abilities goes against the grain of the simple, tight, combat that series is known for. A lot of the changes turn a game that was once unique, into an experience that is just like everything else. I don't want Gears to play like Halo or CoD. I want Gears to stay true to what made it great in the first place. Changes are fine, as long as they're mere refinements to a system that people already enjoy, not a near 180, thus completely forgetting what lead to making the game fun in the first place. Making a game "more accessible" to me, just means you're making it more palpable to the lowest common denominator. In other words, you're dumbing it down to people who don't give a shit about your game anyway, and, at the same time, pissing off your fanbase that never asked for such drastic changes.
Whatever though. They have executives, producers, managers and focus groups, with complicated data and fancy charts that, apparently, know everything.