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Gears of War Judgement |OT| Brothers from the beginning, Bros till the end

Conor 419

After skimming through all the walkthrough videos, I found that the
backstory and cutscenes really lacking throughout.

However, the environments look really varied and colorful.

I agree, the ending in particular was hilariously bad. No salvation to be found there, or so it would seem...


So... 4 hour campaign with 4 maps?


That sounds like a lot of value.

When resident Evil 2 came out it was $50. I beat it in 4 hours. The second time I beat it in under 2. It was worth every penny. So long as the game has replay value the length of the campaign is irrelevant. Plus, it has 8 maps with two more coming for free thanks to the "titty" magazine.


When resident Evil 2 came out it was $50. I beat it in 4 hours. The second time I beat it in under 2. It was worth every penny. So long as the game has replay value the length of the campaign is irrelevant. Plus, it has 8 maps with two more coming for free thanks to the "titty" magazine.
8? Aren't there only 4 competitive MP maps?


Overrun is being billed as a competitive PvP gametype so 8 maps. 4 for traditional MP, 4 for Overrun/Survival.
Right, I forgot it was technically a PvP gametype. I suppose that's slightly more acceptable, but only slightly. It's a shame too, because I loved Gears 3 despite sucking complete ass at it.

Looks like this will be a rental for me.


Amazing OP. The Multiplayer Tips part is so true hahah.

Anybody know how exactly we get the early demo codes from Gamestop? I already paid for my copy from the MS Store but pre ordered from Gamestop to get the code. I looked it up on the Epic forums and people are saying the codes are going to be delivered to our Power Up Rewards Accounts?

edit: just noticed, the thread title is JudgEment, not Judgment.
I have not seen any footage but bare a few things in mind when flipping your shit about the 4 hour campaign.

The game technically has 2 campaigns

Judgement and Aftermath. The latter being unlocked after you finish the first with enough stars.

Declassified missions extend the length of the game if played. The 4 hours complete time might of not included these.

Smart Spawn System spawns enemies based on how you play much like the director in L4D which adds tonnes of re-playability and mixes the game up for replays.


Anybody know how exactly we get the early demo codes from Gamestop? I already paid for my copy from the MS Store but pre ordered from Gamestop to get the code. I looked it up on the Epic forums and people are saying the codes are going to be delivered to our Power Up Rewards Accounts?

wtf is that? i thought they were going to email it, thats why they asked me for my email.

getting it from MS store for the free points aswell, basically gave gamestop 5 bucks for the early multiplayer on a preorder i wont pickup


Something I've noticed from the videos

Already, I've seen three segments that are basically tutorials for Overrun/ Surivival. Basically, you're pinned down at a location (where you have the higher ground) that you're tasked to defend/ You have to resupply turrets and defend fences as waves of Locusts come after you.
Besides that, it's your typical Gears campaign. Everything seems to move a bit faster.


wtf is that? i thought they were going to email it, thats why they asked me for my email.

getting it from MS store for the free points aswell, basically gave gamestop 5 bucks for the early multiplayer on a preorder i wont pickup


it's Gamestop's membership program and you have to be a part of it to get the demo code. I just logged on to my account and there is a message section so I'm assuming that's where we will get the codes. If not, yeah I think we might just get it in our emails.


I only play Gears for co-op/ horde...removing DBNO is really disappointing. It makes for some really fun moments of rushing through death and destruction to revive your bro. It was one of best co-op experiences imo, why remove it?

Question: "will there be any rewards for players who put time into gears1/2/3?"

Answer: "no we didn't really have enough time to get that into the game"

that is such a fucking bullshit answer. I like how they have enough time to create weapon skins and character skins that cost money but throwing us a little extra for buying the last three games?

fuck no! we ran out of time.
I only play Gears for co-op/ horde...removing DBNO is really disappointing. It makes for some really fun moments of rushing through death and destruction to revive your bro. It was one of best co-op experiences imo, why remove it?
DBNO is still in Campaign, Survival, Overrun and Execution when it comes out.
No DBNO means no extended rape sessions where you down a guy, give him a few pumps and as he's getting up you tag him with a smoke and repeat the process. It was griefing on a whole new level guys.

It's just not Gears without the rape.


I'm buying because it's Gears. I've spend hundreds of hours on the franchise, why would I quit now? I'm glad that I've read next to nothing about this game until a few days ago. Rather than being hyped and possibly disappointed, I'm just open for whatever People Can Fly Games has made for me. There's changes certainly, but I hope I can adapt. Bulletstorm was a charm to play. Fucking loved it.


Whatever though. They have executives, producers, managers and focus groups, with complicated data and fancy charts that, apparently, know everything.
Honestly they always come with the data bullshit rather then actually looking at how people play. Like how people supposedly people don't use lancers/hammerburst. On mid to high level play people are using lancers and cross firing. However that's to deny passage or soften them up so the pushers(the gnasher users) can clean them up. This is a cover based game with regenerating health no shit most kills are going to come from close range, especially with the DBNO mechanic. The rifles have plenty of usage, just look at competitve footage online. It makes a bit pissed listening to the QA about why they removed the ability to spawn with a rifle and a shotgun. It shows that they know nothing about how the game was played. With Gears 1 they supposedly didn't like how it was played so they came with stupid design decisions for 2 and now they didn't like how Gears 3 was played. They killed of a major part of the community with Gears 2 they'll do the same with Gears:J.


No DBNO means no extended rape sessions where you down a guy, give him a few pumps and as he's getting up you tag him with a smoke and repeat the process. It was griefing on a whole new level guys.

It's just not Gears without the rape.

aint no party like a vince young party


overrun still has downs, and we can still be shirtless locusts.............2+2=
I'm going to get this game, but not at 60 dollars. Don't get me wrong, Gears of War was the first Xbox 360 game I owned and I picked up Gears 2 and Gears 3 on launch. I just for some reason am just kind of 'meh' to the series. I'll still buy it because it is Gears, but I don't expect to maintain interest in it for too long. Am I a bad person?


Persecution Complex
No DBNO means no extended rape sessions where you down a guy, give him a few pumps and as he's getting up you tag him with a smoke and repeat the process. It was griefing on a whole new level guys.

It's just not Gears without the rape.

What the fuck?

Out of all the things they have decided to change this honest to God bothers me the most. I'm down for some new gameplay changes, even if some of them bother me, but what is the point of this? Do the Judgement devs not understand the community of the game they are developing?

Tagging someone with a smoke and then proceeding to troll them, especially after they were shittalking, is one of the best things about Gears and gaming, period. I'll still get the game but I just don't understand why they would do this.

TRios Zen

PXG has it right, Gears is a love/hate relationship. It's that ex-girlfriend that you absolutely hate, but she's really good in bed.

Because of that, I want to get back in bed with Judgment, but what I'm hearing so far has me thinking that my ex might have gone prude on me or something.

In other words; I love gears, but I'm worried.

Day 1 *scared*
What the fuck?

Out of all the things they have decided to change this honest to God bothers me the most. I'm down for some new gameplay changes, even if some of them bother me, but what is the point of this? Do the Judgement devs not understand the community of the game they are developing?

Tagging someone with a smoke and then proceeding to troll them, especially after they were shittalking, is one of the best things about Gears and gaming, period. I'll still get the game but I just don't understand why they would do this.
Maybe CliffyB thought that nonsense was the equivalent of purple dildos in Gears and wanted it gone.


I mean, ODST was short, but at least it was good. It still had the best Firefight. Reach FF's time limit and over powered Spartans ruined it. Spartan Ops is a great concept but not as deep as I thought it was gonna be.

Aftermath better be a significant piece of content if the campaign is that short. Jesus...

Also, impressions from the videos....

After watching the videos, I noticed that there was A LOT of recycled audio. Character quips, Locust sounds and music....a lot of re-used assets. Hammy sounds REALLY powerful though. I guess the classic HB is MP only...no appearance in the campaign. RET CONS!!! WOOOOOOO! Anyway, a lot the game borrows a whole lot from Gears 3. The art, the UI, the audio, the music. And lets not forget level design and progression, either. Like in Gears 3, each level is broken down into even small chunks, but even more so this time around. I'm sure they did this for loading/ memory related reasons. It's not a bad thing, it just kind of breaks the flow and interrupts the immersion, that's all. It seems like every 15 minutes, it tells you to go the next area and gives you break down of your points and stars. I wish it wasn't so frequent.

Yeah, I know, it seems contradictory to ask devs to keep the game they way it and then expect them to do new things at the same time. I say it like this: Keep the core experience the same, just refine what is good and make it great. Whatever you change or add, make sure it stays true to the game's main attracting factor and keep in mind why fans continue to play it. Don't deviate from the roots too much. Fine tuning, not drastic alteration.

Okay, I know this game is a smaller title, with a smaller team and a smaller budget. But...you know....there are other spin-off games that at least exhibit newer artistic elements. I do like how they brought back the Lancer's bluish/ multi-colored muzzle flare.

Lastly, as mentioned earlier, there are too many sections that serve as a tutorial for Overrun. Survival. Take position, put up barriers, deplor turrets and blast away at Locust while repairing shit. The game is basically split between the aforementioned, and, of course run, gun and kill everything in sight, type scenarios. It's pretty rudimentary. It's really nothing new. It's quite repetitive. But it's Gears. Then again...I don't know if I can forgive that.

I don't want to be that guy to say that devs are lazy. They truly aren't. Making a game is a REALLY long and frustrating process and incredibly difficult. But.....eeeh.......It really just seems slapped together in some areas. Whatever changes were made, were done just to make it appear new and fresh, even if those changes themselves didn't make any sense. I'm almost convinced a similar conversation happened at a meeting at some point at Epic or PCF:

Lets alter the forumla because...welll....everything else is basically ripped from previous games. We don't have the desire, the time, the people or the money to make everything new, so we'll just tweak the mechanics. We'll just say it's faster, more action packed and more accessible so that consumers will think it's more inviting and not stuck within it's own passed design....Why not? Loyal fans are just a loud minority on the internet anyway. They'll buy it regardless

It did. Once in while, at random, the Locust will do the alternate, beta Execution. I've seen it a bunch of times.

Really? I've played hundreds of games and done the execution plenty of times, but I never once saw it.

None of my friends have had it happen to the either.


Really? I've played hundreds of games and done the execution plenty of times, but I never once saw it.

None of my friends have had it happen to the either.

The beta once was faster and appeared to hit twice. I've seen it in the final game. I doesn't happen often though. But I've seen it. Maybe it got patched out. But in the beginning, I remember seeing it from time to time.


Good thing I am getting it basically for free. Thanks Bestbuy and their $20 pre-order bonus (from another game) and their Facebook points. I think it will be about $5 for me. Bought my first Xbox and got all my friends to by the console too just for Gears.
PXG has it right, Gears is a love/hate relationship. It's that ex-girlfriend that you absolutely hate, but she's really good in bed.
Considering that Gears is a close range shotgun fest it gives the upper hand to whoever has the best connection. Its simplistic, but hey, if that's gears, go for it. I see these changes as yet another attempt to provide the game some depth, as in more than one way to excel at the game, and to open up some strategies that aren't so connection dependent, like medium and long range rifle play.
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