After watching the videos, I noticed that there was A LOT of recycled audio. Character quips, Locust sounds and music....a lot of re-used assets. Hammy sounds REALLY powerful though. I guess the classic HB is MP appearance in the campaign. RET CONS!!! WOOOOOOO! Anyway, a lot the game borrows a whole lot from Gears 3. The art, the UI, the audio, the music. And lets not forget level design and progression, either. Like in Gears 3, each level is broken down into even small chunks, but even more so this time around. I'm sure they did this for loading/ memory related reasons. It's not a bad thing, it just kind of breaks the flow and interrupts the immersion, that's all. It seems like every 15 minutes, it tells you to go the next area and gives you break down of your points and stars. I wish it wasn't so frequent.
Yeah, I know, it seems contradictory to ask devs to keep the game they way it and then expect them to do new things at the same time. I say it like this: Keep the core experience the same, just refine what is good and make it great. Whatever you change or add, make sure it stays true to the game's main attracting factor and keep in mind why fans continue to play it. Don't deviate from the roots too much. Fine tuning, not drastic alteration.
Okay, I know this game is a smaller title, with a smaller team and a smaller budget. know....there are other spin-off games that at least exhibit newer artistic elements. I do like how they brought back the Lancer's bluish/ multi-colored muzzle flare.
Lastly, as mentioned earlier, there are too many sections that serve as a tutorial for Overrun. Survival. Take position, put up barriers, deplor turrets and blast away at Locust while repairing shit. The game is basically split between the aforementioned, and, of course run, gun and kill everything in sight, type scenarios. It's pretty rudimentary. It's really nothing new. It's quite repetitive. But it's Gears. Then again...I don't know if I can forgive that.