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GeDoSaTo - Downsampling from Infinity and Beyond!

Guess I could add Resident Evil 5 to the list of compatible games
The game accepts 10080x6300 (my native display res x6) without even blinking. The texture work is amazing btw. Still fascinated by MT framework

Also Halo 1 running at a ridiculous 15120x9450 (it crashes beyond that)

Btw Alan Wake works nicely for me (5040x3150, it kills my GPU beyond that), no gamma issues :

Half-Life 2 "works", the game scales well, even up to 15120x9450 like here, but the UI and menus are unusable, even with modifyGetCursorPos/modifySetCursorPos enabled (which are necessary to avoid mouse bugs), so you'll have to use the keyboard to navigate the menus


Something like this right? Its still not stating its downsampling.

# Graphics settings

# The actual rendering resolution you want to use,
# and how many Hz you want the game to think it works at.
#renderWidth 5120
#renderHeight 2880
renderWidth 4096
renderHeight 2160
#renderWidth 3200
#renderHeight 1800
reportedHz 120

# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
presentWidth 2560
presentHeight 1440
#presentWidth 1920
#presentHeight 1080
presentHz 120

Can you change 'reportedHz' to 60 and see if that works?
Can you change 'reportedHz' to 60 and see if that works?

I actually just did that and this made it work.
I initially set it to 144hz cause that actually is what my monitor refresh rate is supposed to be, but i'm sure i'm missing something here.
The problem now is that i seem to be capped at 30 fps or so, which is really annoying me (video card is a 680gtx, i think it should be able to get to at least 60fps on 4k) ; (


I'm using this for DS2 and I'll probably use it for Divinity II.

My GTX 760 has 1GB of RAM, and I think that thanks to that down sampling makes the fps go down to 30 or below, so I'm not using it. However ssao, msaa and bokeh DoF work wonderful at 60 fps. I'm loving how beautiful ssao and DoF makes the game, almost as that early demo.

The only thing I changed was DoF to 0,9 , 1.0 was a bit too much. Still it makes the game feel much more real.

Many thanks, Durante and the testers team!


It's strange to me how many people are completely ignoring the option to configure anything. That's the major advantage of the tool! I guess I have to put more effort into the default settings then :/

Too many fear text files >.<

I've a couple of my own questions, if you've got the time. You haven't by chance discovered if 'userconfig.properties' (in the Dark Souls II -> Game folder) is used for anything other than defaulting the windowed frame pos?. I dumped strings from the binary to look for any possible engine tweaks, as I usually do. Although I didn't expect much with this, seeing as they went with the xml parse for the gfx config file. I thought that properties file could be used to load some additional commands. Such as: I found more 'App.' defines for showing fps, and debug/dev mode etc, but at a quick look. The userconfig file appears to do nout.

Secondly - I meant to ask last night, but forgot. I'd imagine it's obv not high prio but, have you considered using the latest SMAA revision (git source). Apparently it had some decent optimization over that 2011 rev. Iirc, other than copy/pasting, all you'd need to do is update the texture headers, and change a few definition names, that they changed. I have the latest version implemented in another shader suite of mine up on skydrive, if you wanted it whenever.


Neo Member
So I tried GeDoSaTo with Diablo III. Downsampling from 7680x4320 to 3840x2160 appears to work - the new resolution shows up under the options menu and on some screens in D3 I can clearly tell it's working when the color isn't distorted.

However, there's something funky going on with the colors on the primary screens in D3. I tried disabling all of the DS2-specific options in GeDoSaTo.ini but it didn't help. Any ideas?

Before (GeDoSaTo disabled; image resized for posting):

After (GeDoSaTo enabled - you can't see it but the edges are nice and clean; image resized for posting):

My computer specs:
Intel i5-2500k
8GB Ram
7970 3gb

This might be a stupid question because I do not know much about computers but would pcie 3.0 increase framerate when down-sampling or is the cpu, ram, or ssd more important?

I am asking because I was using Radeon pro to monitor gpu utilization and ram usage with Resident Evil 6 and noticed that ram usage was only at 900mb but utilization was at 90+% with the framerate around 40fps.

edit:Yeah I forgot to mention my native res is 1080p, I start having the problems at 4k res but at 1440p I have an almost steady 60fps.


However, there's something funky going on with the colors on the primary screens in D3. I tried disabling all of the DS2-specific options in GeDoSaTo.ini but it didn't help. Any ideas?


Does that still happen if you disable DoF? or post processing. I think the toggle hotkeys are numpad 2 & 4.

My computer specs:
Intel i5-2500k
8GB Ram
7970 3gb

This might be a stupid question because I do not know much about computers but would pcie 3.0 increase framerate when down-sampling or is the cpu, ram, or ssd more important?

I am asking because I was using Radeon pro to monitor gpu utilization and ram usage with Resident Evil 6 and noticed that ram usage was only at 900mb but utilization was at 90+% with the framerate around 40fps.

Your GPU could be throttling, or bandwidth issues. Keep an eye on your card's temps. What is your usually/native res, and what are you trying to downsample from? Very general speaking, your system as a whole is only as fast as it's slowest component, but for downsampling, GPU is ofc the biggest factor by large, and it only gets larger the higher you go in resolutions. Within reason.

I still get shading in the sky in ds2 with the new release. Thought it was fixed?

Use this version, until next release/if you don't want to wait until the next release.
[Asmodean];109674481 said:
Your GPU could be throttling, or bandwidth issues. Keep an eye on your card's temps. What is your usually/native res, and what are you trying to downsample from? Very general speaking, your system as a whole is only as fast as it's slowest component, but for downsampling, GPU is ofc the biggest factor by large, and it only gets larger the higher you go in resolutions. Within reason.

Yeah I forgot to mention my usual res is 1080p, I start having the problems at 4k res but at 1440p I have an almost steady 60fps.


Tried it.

@ 4k (or its 16:10 counterpart) it sort of kills the smooth frame rate, still absolutely playable, but i like the 60fps more, for this game specifically.

So later i'll try to downsample from a little less, like 1600p.

Still, it looks very good!

I'm on a 780 with 3gb and an i5 2500k, for reference.


Tried to make downsampling work with this tool for the past 2 days with no luck. DS2 just crashes upon starting with activated GeDoSaTo. If I activate it after starting the game everything except downsampling works fine as long as I don't go anywhere near the resolution options menu (which makes it crash again...). The weird thing is I can use "traditional" 4K downsampling just fine without GeDoSaTo.

What I tried so far:

- different GeDoSaTo versions (a1, a2)
- different nVidia drivers (beta and whql)
- different downsampling resolutions in .ini
- different refreshrate settings in .ini
- running both GeDoSaTo and DS2 (out of the folder) as administrator
- removing the 670 physix card
- removing 780 and using only 670

Am I missing something?

Setup is i5K (ivy), 8GB, win7, GTX 780, benq2420 (120hz not that it should matter)
Silly question but I just want to make sure.

When I have this down sampling from 4k down to 1440p and I take a screenshot with fraps and check the resolution of the picture its 1440p this is fine right? The internal rendering is at 4k and its just taking the screenshot at my native res. Does that make sense? I just woke up so excuse me if it doesn't.

I am writing a review so I want to make sure I have it all working correctly.
2880x1620 downsampled to 1080p on an R9 270X. Silky smooth and looks beautiful. Amazing work.

I could probably push the resolution a bit higher but I'm early in the game so I'm leaving some headroom for more complex environments and crazy spell effects that may or may not be coming.


Ooh, looks like I can use all the effects (except for downsampling) with DS2 staying at 60fps. That bokeh DoF is unreal!

Don't you get a ton of slowdown when entering new areas? I can use downsampling but when I enable post processing (without downsampling) there's stuttering everywhere.


Durante you are a god! :D This tool makes the life of any AMD user a million times easier, it's something I always wanted to have and you just created it with so many bells and whistles like a OSD and organized screenshots that it's incredible! :)

And while my DS II is still downloading I managed to get it to work in Sonic Generations with my 7970! It's a bit tricky but it works: http://a.pomf.se/jfwkqb.png (Warning ~7mb image :p)

It's just a random screenshot I took while testing, hardly anything of beauty but it gets the point across! The only issue I noticed is that some text is sometimes garbled in the game but that might be very well the doing of the Unleashed FX Pipeline on my end.

How to:

Essentially just add

SonicGenerations.fxpipeline (only if you use the Unleashed Render Pipeline mod)
ConfigurationTool (I'm sure this isn't needed anyway)

to the whitelist. Then, since the configuration tool won't detect the downsampling resolution go inside your Sonic Generations folder and open the file GraphicsConfig.cfg.

You will find


here if you usually play in 1080p, go ahead and change the numbers to whatever you have set in GeDoSaTo, in my case it would be:


Now just run the game and enjoy! :)

NOTE: The game might appear to have crashed on start-up but let it sit for a moment at the black screen, the SEGA logo will eventually appear.

Thanks for the guide! Doesn't seem to work for me though I just get an error about Graphics configuration isn't the same when I edit the file :(

Any tips?
Silly question but I just want to make sure.

When I have this down sampling from 4k down to 1440p and I take a screenshot with fraps and check the resolution of the picture its 1440p this is fine right? The internal rendering is at 4k and its just taking the screenshot at my native res. Does that make sense? I just woke up so excuse me if it doesn't.

I am writing a review so I want to make sure I have it all working correctly.

The tool also has a screenshot function, and you have the option to do either with that I think, you should read the readme for that.

But yeah, with fraps you should get a 1440p shot.

My computer specs:
Intel i5-2500k
8GB Ram
7970 3gb

This might be a stupid question because I do not know much about computers but would pcie 3.0 increase framerate when down-sampling or is the cpu, ram, or ssd more important?

I am asking because I was using Radeon pro to monitor gpu utilization and ram usage with Resident Evil 6 and noticed that ram usage was only at 900mb but utilization was at 90+% with the framerate around 40fps.

edit:Yeah I forgot to mention my native res is 1080p, I start having the problems at 4k res but at 1440p I have an almost steady 60fps.

PCIE 3.0 basically makes no difference right now. Hard drive should make no difference on your framerates, RAM and your CPU should be fine too. CPU can bottleneck in some games, but yours is fine and downsampling asks more of the GPU, not the CPU.
A better GPU would be the only option, although I consider the one you have right now pretty good.


I haven't seen it mentioned anywhere, so I'm curious. If I have a custom resolution 1440p set up through nvidia cp, and then set up 1440p with GeDo, which one will the game use? Will GeDo override the nvidia custom res?

Dr Dogg

Right been playing around with Mass Effect 1,2 & 3. All of them work with the mouse fine if you enable the cursor get and set mouse setting. ie:

modifyGetCursorPos true

modifySetCursorPos true

1 & 2 the HUD and UI don't alter but 3 does scale with your resolution (tried altering it but the threshold is very low unless you want to go and change every element independently). 3840x2160 was probably about the threshold of legibility for me on a 23" monitor. If you got a serious amount of GPU grunt you could supplement this with AA, Mass Effect 1 & 2 work quite well at 3840x2160 with 4xSGSSAA on a 780 and even better via SLI. 3 on the other hand has got a lot of effects going on so can grind to a halt unexpectedly.

Oh incidentally those using the "blacklist" toggle you might want to add these programs to it (found in \assets\blacklist.txt)


As they all went nuts if they ended up opening whilst GeDoSaTo was running.


To answer the questions of multiple people at once: if you use an effect in GeDoSaTo (e.g. DoF, AO) then you should disable the corresponding effect in-game. The only exception is AA, because GeDoSaTo replaces the AA pass.

[Asmodean];109673026 said:
Too many fear text files >.<
It seems like that.

[Asmodean];109673026 said:
I've a couple of my own questions, if you've got the time. You haven't by chance discovered if 'userconfig.properties' (in the Dark Souls II -> Game folder) is used for anything other than defaulting the windowed frame pos?. I dumped strings from the binary to look for any possible engine tweaks, as I usually do. Although I didn't expect much with this, seeing as they went with the xml parse for the gfx config file. I thought that properties file could be used to load some additional commands. Such as: I found more 'App.' defines for showing fps, and debug/dev mode etc, but at a quick look. The userconfig file appears to do nout.
I haven't looked into this yet, maybe later!

[Asmodean];109673026 said:
Secondly - I meant to ask last night, but forgot. I'd imagine it's obv not high prio but, have you considered using the latest SMAA revision (git source). Apparently it had some decent optimization over that 2011 rev. Iirc, other than copy/pasting, all you'd need to do is update the texture headers, and change a few definition names, that they changed. I have the latest version implemented in another shader suite of mine up on skydrive, if you wanted it whenever.
I wasn't aware that there's a newer version, thanks for pointing that out. I'll try to integrate it ASAP.
Thanks for the guide! Doesn't seem to work for me though I just get an error about Graphics configuration isn't the same when I edit the file :(

Any tips?

Oh yeah sorry I should have mentioned this D: It isn't a issue with GeDoSaTo but rather with Sonic Generations itself as it seems to query the display adapter it uses in a very weird way but it's easy to fix :)

First of all you made me realize you probably need ConfigurationTool in the whitelist of GeDoSaTo, then do the following:

- Make sure GeDoSaTo is running and active

- Delete the GraphicsConfig.cfg from the game's folder

- Run the Configuration Tool of Sonic Generations and redo your settings, close it afterwards

- Now manually edit the resolution inside GraphicsConfig.cfg again

It should work then!

And Durante I want to ask you something out of curiosity regarding Sonic Generations, not sure if you can answer this but I figured I might ask. The game always refuses to run with "Graphics Configuration Mismatch, please run the Configuration Tool again!" every time I update my graphics drivers and looking inside the GraphicsConfig.cfg I have a idea why:

Do not manually edit this file, use the configuration tool.
AMD Radeon HD 7900 Series

I know very little about the internal workings of engines, drivers and graphics cards but looking at the last string it sure reminds me of something I would find in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet. Based on that, could it be that the game sets the display adapter depending on a specific line in the registry that changes with every driver and that's the reason it's so picky after driver updates? If so it seems like a quite unlucky "design" decision o.o


Just an example screen of my own effects, with cinematic tone mapping enabled. (The postFx suite for this is wip still). I really like how you have the post processing being output before UI elements are rendered etc. Looks great. Looking forward to how the occlusion may look after it's passed via the shadow buffer.

Steam says I've played Dark Souls 2 for 14 hours thus far, and of course. I've actually 'played' for 0 of those. Just been mucking about with stuff lol. Always the same with me, when I'm "getting the game ready to play"
Don't you get a ton of slowdown when entering new areas? I can use downsampling but when I enable post processing (without downsampling) there's stuttering everywhere.

Maybe, I only ran around Majula a bit and one other area. I didn't do any transitions or lengthy play sessions. I'll post tomorrow with more details on the performance hit after I've played some more with the effects on.

To answer the questions of multiple people at once: if you use an effect in GeDoSaTo (e.g. DoF, AO) then you should disable the corresponding effect in-game. The only exception is AA, because GeDoSaTo replaces the AA pass.

I was wondering about this, good to have clarification.


I might be an idiot but i'm having trouble with the downsample can someone help me at last lol
soo my native resolution of the screen is 1360x768
i'm downsampling to 2560x1440
is the config right?

# The actual rendering resolution you want to use,
# and how many Hz you want the game to think it works at.
#renderWidth 2560
#renderHeight 1440
renderWidth 2560
renderHeight 1440
#renderWidth 2560
#renderHeight 1440
reportedHz 60

# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
presentWidth 1360
presentHeight 768
#presentWidth 1360
#presentHeight 768
presentHz 60

also what do i choose at the resolution ingame settings menu
1360x768 or 2560x1440
I might be an idiot but i'm having trouble with the downsample can someone help me at last lol
soo my native resolution of the screen is 1360x768
i'm downsampling to 2560x1440
is the config right?

# The actual rendering resolution you want to use,
# and how many Hz you want the game to think it works at.
#renderWidth 2560
#renderHeight 1440
renderWidth 2560
renderHeight 1440
#renderWidth 2560
#renderHeight 1440
reportedHz 60

# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
presentWidth 1360
presentHeight 768
#presentWidth 1360
#presentHeight 768
presentHz 60

also what do i choose at the resolution ingame settings menu
1360x768 or 2560x1440

As far as I can see set 2560x1440 ingame and you're good to go :)


I might be an idiot but i'm having trouble with the downsample can someone help me at last lol
soo my native resolution of the screen is 1360x768
i'm downsampling to 2560x1440
is the config right?

# The actual rendering resolution you want to use,
# and how many Hz you want the game to think it works at.
#renderWidth 2560
#renderHeight 1440
renderWidth 2560
renderHeight 1440
#renderWidth 2560
#renderHeight 1440
reportedHz 60

# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
presentWidth 1360
presentHeight 768
#presentWidth 1360
#presentHeight 768
presentHz 60

also what do i choose at the resolution ingame settings menu
1360x768 or 2560x1440

2560x1440 ingame

Edit beaten


So my settings are all good it will render the game as 1440p instead of the crappy resolution of 1360x768 right?
also, anyone got a problem when they try to minimize ? when i minimize dark souls 2 it crashes :(


So my settings are all good it will render the game as 1440p instead of the crappy resolution of 1360x768 right?
also, anyone got a problem when they try to minimize ? when i minimize dark souls 2 it crashes :(

It's a known issue

[GeDoSaTo] Crashes when alt-tabbing out of and back into the game.
Cause: Unknown, probably a resource management issue.


Oh yeah sorry I should have mentioned this D: It isn't a issue with GeDoSaTo but rather with Sonic Generations itself as it seems to query the display adapter it uses in a very weird way but it's easy to fix :)

First of all you made me realize you probably need ConfigurationTool in the whitelist of GeDoSaTo, then do the following:

- Make sure GeDoSaTo is running and active

- Delete the GraphicsConfig.cfg from the game's folder

- Run the Configuration Tool of Sonic Generations and redo your settings, close it afterwards

- Now manually edit the resolution inside GraphicsConfig.cfg again

It should work then!

Thank you very much! I did try this myself but I think I messed up on one of the config settings >.< All working now though and very pretty :D
Don't you get a ton of slowdown when entering new areas? I can use downsampling but when I enable post processing (without downsampling) there's stuttering everywhere.

Do you mean entering new areas like the transition from Majula to Heide? I haven't done that yet with the effects on but I've played about 45 minutes in one area with a frame counter on and it's been rock solid 60fps the whole time.

Edit: Tried running from a few areas to other ones, aside from a couple of 1-2 frame hiccups I didn't see any frame drops. My specs are an i5-2320 3.00GHz and a GTX670 just so you know.
[Asmodean];109679470 said:
Steam says I've played Dark Souls 2 for 14 hours thus far, and of course. I've actually 'played' for 0 of those. Just been mucking about with stuff lol. Always the same with me, when I'm "getting the game ready to play"

Lol - I'm the exact same. Just one more tweak, one more thing to test. I swear, most of the games in my steam library have more prep time than actual play time.


Has anyone using a controller (DS3 in my case) noticed any lag when using GeDoSaTo? What would be the cause of that if it is occurring? I might just be worrying too much if everything is working fine.
Did you happen to find a solution to this? I'm using the DS4 and get the same problem when turning custom resolution on, rather annoying :(
I have a question regarding the post.fx file of GeDoSaTo, as the info in the file says when a setting is set to 1 it's on and 0 is off but regardless to the 0 and 1's each line also begins with a #, do I have to remove the # or will it just look for the 1 to determine if a effect should be enabled or not?

Here a example:

#define USE_HDR           1

So the 1 obviously means HDR is meant to be on, does it matter if the # is before it? I ask because usually # means a line will get ignored but in this case / / seems to be used for that and I'm just a bit confused :p
I think I need a "for dummies" version for using GeDoSaTo. It just won't start with my config.

Here's what I do:
  1. run as administrator and start GeDoSaTo
  2. click on activate
  3. start game, in this case CoJ Gunslinger (tried and present in both white and blacklist)
  4. when I'm on the main menu of CoJ I press the windows+g key
  5. nothing happens, I try "+" key but nothing shows up; in the video settings the maximum resolution is still 1440x400 (max res for my '19 monitor)
This happens with Batman Origins, Deus Ex HR and Divinity Commander. My settings are v0.2 with "presentinterval" replaced with -1, everything else is vanilla except target resolution at 1440x900 60Hz.

Below the log for CoJ.

===== Sun Apr 27 16:36:30 2014 =====
===== start GeDoSaTo 0.1 = fn: CoJGunslinger
===== installation directory: C:\Users\checcoz\Desktop\GeDoSaTo_DS2Edition_Alpha1a\
===== end =

That might be the issue, the Windows+G combo toggles between the Activate and Deactivate state so if you actually activated it beforehand you deactivated it with Windows+G in the main menu.

Unfortunately even If I activate it beforehand and I don't press windows+g it doesn't work.
I think I need a "for dummies" version for using GeDoSaTo. It just won't start with my config.

Here's what I do:
  1. run as administrator and start GeDoSaTo
  2. click on activate
  3. start game, in this case CoJ Gunslinger (tried and present in both white and blacklist)
  4. when I'm on the main menu of CoJ I press the windows+g key
  5. nothing happens, I try "+" key but nothing shows up; in the video settings the maximum resolution is still 1440x400 (max res for my '19 monitor)
This happens with Batman Origins, Deus Ex HR and Divinity Commander. My settings are v0.2 with "presentinterval" replaced with -1, everything else is vanilla except target resolution at 1440x900 60Hz.

Below the log for CoJ.

That might be the issue, the Windows+G combo toggles between the Activate and Deactivate state so if you actually activated it beforehand you deactivated it with Windows+G in the main menu.


Just wanted to confirm, I dont think its cause of this. I read somewhere about steam and banning people for something. its been a finals weekend :p

Durante only warned that since GDS does not even try to hide itself . it might and probably will Ban people when trying it in games That have VAC enabled .


Ok, this might a tough question to answer. I've been using GeDoSaTo in DS2 and the game looks really good. The problem is the mod is kinda messing with my eyes. It's hard to describe. It's not like it's causing me motion sickness, but moving the camera around feels really weird.

At first, I thought it might be a FoV issue, but there is no option to change it. So, I uninstalled the mod, and I'm not getting that unease anymore. Any idea hich setting of the mod might be causing this ?


Ok, this might a tough question to answer. I've been using GeDoSaTo in DS2 and the game looks really good. The problem is the mod is kinda messing with my eyes. It's hard to describe. It's not like it's causing me motion sickness, but moving the camera around feels really weird.

At first, I thought it might be a FoV issue, but there is no option to change it. So, I uninstalled the mod, and I'm not getting that unease anymore. Any idea hich setting of the mod might be causing this ?

Your fps probably dips below 60 when using GDST?


What's the best way to get more performance out of this in DaS2? Downsampling from 3840x2160 to 1920x1080 with highest ingame settings causes my FPS to drop. All other settings in the .ini are default. Using a i5-2500k@4.3, random 8GB RAM and a MSI N760 TF.


Low Poly Gynecologist
Also I still haven't figured out why texture dumping is not working, has anybody else got a reference for a working texture dump in the ini so I can see if I have it setup wrong?

# Lines starting with "#" are ignored by GeDoSaTo and used to provide documentation
# read them before changing anything!

# Internal settings

# The amount of logging output for debugging purpose.
# Should be set to 0 if everything works fine for performance reasons.
logLevel 0

# Graphics settings

# The actual rendering resolution you want to use,
# and how many Hz you want the game to think it works at.
#renderWidth 5120
#renderHeight 2880
#renderWidth 3840
#renderHeight 2160
renderWidth 2560
renderHeight 1440
reportedHz 60

# The resolution you want to downsample *to*.
# Should generally always be your output device pixel size and frequency.
# Writing something not supported by the display here will probably cause a crash.
#presentWidth 2560
#presentHeight 1440
presentWidth 1920
presentHeight 1080
presentHz 120

# How many vertical traces to wait when presenting
# -1 = unchanged
# 0 = no vsync
# 1 = standard vsync
# 2 = half refresh rate (e.g. 30 on 60 Hz)
# 3 = 1/3rd refresh rate, etc.
presentInterval -1

# The type of scaling you want to use.
# bilinear: what GPUs generally do, cheap performance-wise
# bicubic: higher quality, more expensive performance-wise
scalingType bicubic

# Emulate exact flipping behaviour
# requires some extra performance/memory,
# but may be important for some games to work
emulateFlipBehaviour false

# For games which use strange methods to query resolutions,
# injecting a new one might not work. In such cases, you can try replacing an
# existing resolution. E.g. "overrideWidth 800", "overrideHeight 600" to replace 800x600
# 0 = override disabled
overrideWidth 0
overrideHeight 0

# Dark Souls 2 settings

## AA

# SMAA toggle and quality setting
# 0 = off (best performance, worst IQ)
# 1 = low 
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
# 4 = ultra (worst performance, best IQ)
aaQuality 0


# Enable and set the strength of the SSAO effect (all 3 settings have the same performance impact!)
# 0 = off
# 1 = low
# 2 = medium
# 3 = high
ssaoStrength 2

# Set SSAO scale
# 1 = high quality (default)
# 2 = lower quality, lower impact on performance
ssaoScale 1

## DOF

# Enable Depth of Field
# false = off
# true = on
enableDoF true

# Select the type of DOF effect
# basic = basic pseudo-Bokeh DoF
# bokeh = shaped circular Bokeh DoF - WARNING: high performance impact
dofType basic

# Bokeh Depth of Field radius
# default = 1.00
# higher = more blurry (e.g. 1.5)
# lower = less blurry (e.g. 0.9)
# note: small changes make a large difference
dofBaseRadius 1.0

## Post

# Enable Postprocessing
# false = off
# true = on
# For in-depth configuration, look in "assets/post.fx"
enablePostprocessing true

# Texture settings

# Dump game textures loaded using d3dx to textures\[gamename]\dump\[hash].tga
# if you enable override at the same time, the overridden texture will be dumped
enableTextureDumping true

# Override game textures loaded using d3dx with those from
# textures\[gamename]\override\[hash].(dds|png), if available
enableTextureOverride false

# Mark textures with their hash (for texture modders)
# WARNING: extremely slow if a game loads many textures
# (if you think a game crashed, it's probably still just loading textures)
enableTextureMarking false

# Mouse settings
# you may have to play around with these a bit to get mouse input working correctly
# while downsampling in some games

# Modify the mouse position reported by "GetCursorPos" when downsampling
modifyGetCursorPos false

# Modify the mouse position set by "SetCursorPos" when downsampling
modifySetCursorPos false

# Intercept the WindowProc callback of the game and adjust mouse messages when downsampling
interceptWindowProc false

# Adjust the mouse position reported in peeked Windows messages when downsampling
adjustMessagePt false
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