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GeDoSaTo - Downsampling from Infinity and Beyond!


Finally got around to setting GeDoSaTo up last night. Being mildly new to modding, I found it incredibly easy to set up and use.

Granted I started out by downsampling from 4320 and it put my framerate so low I got booted from online in Dark Souls II, but it was still pretty from 2160. All other settings cranked. I'm looking forward to running it on other titles. Thanks very, VERY much.
It's nice to read stuff like this from time to time, to see that my efforts to improve ease of use pay off.

When 90% of what you read are bug reports you can get the impression nothing is working :p

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Duranteeeee I have finished multiple games at 4K because of your tool.

I'm currently playing Silent Hill: Homecoming which benefits from the resolution boost immensely (as well as the Bicubic setting muahahahaha)

When 90% of what you read are bug reports you can get the impression nothing is working :p

Well, +1 for working brilliantly in MOST games I've tried it in.

I mostly come here to report bugs and make silly feature requests. But I've been posting tons of Witcher 2 screenshots in the high res thread and I can't complain bout GeDoSaTo at all. Doing its job well. Mmmm, the glorious details...



Duranteeeee I have finished multiple games at 4K because of your tool.

I'm currently playing Silent Hill: Homecoming which benefits from the resolution boost immensely (as well as the Bicubic setting muahahahaha)

Exactly. In fact, GeDoSaTo compatibility plays a very important part on whether I elect to play any particular game these days. It's just that good.

Once it supports DX11 I'll drop "Lord GabeN" in favor of "Durante Our Beloved Savior." ;-)


It's the final one from Boulotaur's link. Scroll down to the end.

Ah, pretty close to the real thing in some ways.

I'd love to play with it myself and would love to have it in GeDoSaTo if possible

Would still like the ability to maybe use a texture too that is tiled (Or if can figure out how to use a very large texture without issue) as an option as well.
Well ARR actually isn't Luminous. Though they took some of the same ideas though when they re-wrote what it does run on into a new custom engine for FFXIV. (As they need something completely tailored for the game itself. They learned their lesson from using Crystal Tools on the first version. Which looked amazing in many ways, and had a really great seamless world which is the only thing I dislike about ARR. But a myriad of technical issues.)
And you are right, it does look absolutely gorgeous!

I would really love, if someone had a chance to ask Yoshi in person at a conference about adding some form of hybrid SSAA into the game.

To quote what I wrote on another site

First of all I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves the lightning in the game, especially standing somewhere on the Upper Decks of Limsa while the sun rises or sets produces some of the most beautiful scenes I ever witnessed :) Though I agree also that it would be even better as a seamless world, it's a bit sad that I can see the giant crystal in Limsa from above but don't see the people that who normally are all around it though overall the engine in ARR does have more advantages than disadvantages yeah. And oh alright I must have mixed something up in my head then about the engines :p

Also about your quote that would really be a ideal solution and it would be great if someone could bring that to Yoshi however I think even if someones does I can't see him put that much effort into it because it probably be a fair bit of work for something many people won't use for the performance hit alone :/


Forgive me if this has been discussed before but why does downsampling disable things like HBAO+ in certain games? Is this something that can be remedied or is a limitation of downsampling in general?
So thanks to a friend who gifted me a month of FF14 ARR I was able to test the game and atleast at 1440p I found the UI still be very readable, it cleared the edges quite a bit. The only downside being it drops me from sweet 60fps to still playable 40-45fps with everything on Ultra. I find this quite impressive for a single 7970 though now I have to decide on jaggies vs framerate :p
Forgive me if this has been discussed before but why does downsampling disable things like HBAO+ in certain games? Is this something that can be remedied or is a limitation of downsampling in general?

It is not something downsampling in general does (Driver downsampling works fine with HBAO+ from the driver), just some interface issue with GeDoSaTo and the injection.


Low Poly Gynecologist
It's nice to read stuff like this from time to time, to see that my efforts to improve ease of use pay off.

When 90% of what you read are bug reports you can get the impression nothing is working :p

Seriously, GeDoSaTo is a fantastic tool. I remember asking about somehow making DSFix universally applicable to all games and thinking the prospect of it was basically impossible and would never happen. Where you've gotten it to is really incredible. The ease of use, wide range of options, and very high rate of success gives people way more control over games than they've had for a long while. It's the one of the most exciting things in PC gaming for me right now, right along things like G-sync and Oculus Rift.


Anyone had any success with Lords of Shadow 2? Using "forceAlwaysDownsamplingRes true" will make the resolution show up (without it the game only shows resolutions as high as your current desktop resolution), but trying to change it results in black screen. Changing the resolution from the game.cfg doesn't seem to work either.


Anyone had any success with Lords of Shadow 2? Using "forceAlwaysDownsamplingRes true" will make the resolution show up (without it the game only shows resolutions as high as your current desktop resolution), but trying to change it results in black screen. Changing the resolution from the game.cfg doesn't seem to work either.

I dunno if this issue is related or not, but when I was using driver based downsampling for LoS2, I had to apply it to the desktop before entering the program. I'm not versed as to why that was, though.


Some comparisons with AO on/off on RE4 HD :


The bad news is that I get a bad framerate when it's on not because of the AO itself but due to the way that I inject AO into the game : it's rather brutal actually so I guess the engine doesn't agree completely :/

How are you achieving the AO? Is this an NVIDIA flag? The quality looks like SSAO rather than a more subtle HBAO+. I always love what AO does to grass.
A little suggestion, I would delete hl2 from the whitelist since it picks up TF2 too, i'm not saying GeDoSaTo will get you VAC banned but i rather would not risk it. Awyway it's not a big deal, you can just disable GeDoSaTo with the hotkey.


Just downloaded the latest update and now all of my games crash on startup with GeDoSaTo enabled. Guess that's what I get for always needing to be on the bleeding edge.

UPDATE: It wasn't working after I used the update button on the GUI. Manually launching GeDoSaToUpdater.exe seemed to fix it.


Looking at the changelog it seems the aspect ratio handling isn't done yet, right?

(or scaling at a different resolution than the screen one)


First of all I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves the lightning in the game, especially standing somewhere on the Upper Decks of Limsa while the sun rises or sets produces some of the most beautiful scenes I ever witnessed :) Though I agree also that it would be even better as a seamless world, it's a bit sad that I can see the giant crystal in Limsa from above but don't see the people that who normally are all around it though overall the engine in ARR does have more advantages than disadvantages yeah. And oh alright I must have mixed something up in my head then about the engines :p

Also about your quote that would really be a ideal solution and it would be great if someone could bring that to Yoshi however I think even if someones does I can't see him put that much effort into it because it probably be a fair bit of work for something many people won't use for the performance hit alone :/

Well they talked a lot intially about caring about the high-end user and still do from time to time. And they are making some changes to things like the textures and the water with the DX11 update. So I don't see why there wouldn't or shouldn't be support for something like this! The game needs it so hard, it would literally probably be a few days work at best. And since it's being done by the game, they SHOULD have a big performance advantage over driver downsampling. Especially since they can selectively render only specific buffers if they so choose so. Look at Metro Last Light's Hybrid SSAA, it's fantastic and performance is pretty good.

So thanks to a friend who gifted me a month of FF14 ARR I was able to test the game and atleast at 1440p I found the UI still be very readable, it cleared the edges quite a bit. The only downside being it drops me from sweet 60fps to still playable 40-45fps with everything on Ultra. I find this quite impressive for a single 7970 though now I have to decide on jaggies vs framerate :p

In order to really tackle the aliasing, you really need ratios from 2x2 and above with FFXIV with downsampling.

Try playing the game at 4k on a 1080p set with 140% UI scale. It's far from ideal.

Even 2732x1536 on a 1366x768 TV is basically unplayable for me because of the UI. And it still leaves behind quite a bit of temporal aliasing.

But being an Nvidia user, I just play on my 768p TV with 4xSGSSAA which looks amazing. Even with settings dialed down.

Forgive me if this has been discussed before but why does downsampling disable things like HBAO+ in certain games? Is this something that can be remedied or is a limitation of downsampling in general?

This is a GeDoSaTo and Driver conflict, not much we can do. Which sucks.

Some comparisons with AO on/off on RE4 HD :


The bad news is that I get a bad framerate when it's on not because of the AO itself but due to the way that I inject AO into the game : it's rather brutal actually so I guess the engine doesn't agree completely :/

Eh, no offense, i'm glad you are giving it a shot. (Especially since HBAO+ doesn't work with the game). But it looks really ugly and out of place, and i'd rather have none at this rate. But it's a start.

Anyone had any success with Lords of Shadow 2? Using "forceAlwaysDownsamplingRes true" will make the resolution show up (without it the game only shows resolutions as high as your current desktop resolution), but trying to change it results in black screen. Changing the resolution from the game.cfg doesn't seem to work either.

You are going to have to be using very large ratios to get decent AA quality with downsampling with LoS2, as it leaves behind a large amount of temporal aliasing.

However, the problem with the game is that it doesn't detect downsampling resolutions unless it's set to your desktop resolution. Which is obviously a problem. Other games have this issue as well.


However, the problem with the game is that it doesn't detect downsampling resolutions unless it's set to your desktop resolution. Which is obviously a problem. Other games have this issue as well.
Well, with the setting I mentioned it will detect my GeDoSaTo resolutions up to my highest hardware resolution, regardless of what my desktop is currently set up.
For example, I have desktop at 1080p, 3200x1800 as my only hardware downsampling resolution, and in GeDo I have 2560x1440, 3200x1800 and 3840x2160. With forceAlwaysDownsamplingRes true, 2560x1440 and 3200x1800 show up.


Perhaps by some miracle (IE: Making the settings unusable in normal desktop/driver downsampling) You can get the desired resolution to work as a custom resolution so the game detects it.

Only enough to make the resolution save in your driver settings. (IE: Resolution saves as a selectable resolution in NVCP, but only displays a black screen for example. So if you hit the button to test the resolution, but it's just a black screen, hit right or left on the keyboard and then enter to save it ;can't remember which is "yes" to save)

Maybe GeDoSaTo/The game could detect it and use the proper resolution then?


That does look very good (Very smooth, full resolution, avoiding shading per-vertex). How does it fare temporally? Same as before? Obviously better than built in SSAO i'm assuming.


That does look very good. How does it fare temporally? Same as before? Obviously better than built in SSAO i'm assuming.
It's more stable than before, particularly due to the lack of pixelation.

I should thank Boulotaur btw. He pointed out that using ddx/ddy to recover the normals causes artifacts. The performance, noise and detail improvements are independent of that, but the lack of pixelation is because I now manually recover the normals.


That's probably one of the reasons why it looks so much better too.

Was the noise rather an intentional addition to reduce artifacts of another kind? (From upsampling a lower resolution buffer maybe?)

The pixellation, was completely an artifact of recovering the normals (I'm assuming the Normal maps or the Surface normals?) prior even though the AO buffer was full resolution for example?

Sorry if you've answered stuff like this before, never really read much on the AO you guys added to DSII prior since I don't have the game.


Any SSAO method is noisy to some extent, it's inherent in how they work (use a limited number of samples in space to "guess" the occlusion). It's much less noisy now mostly because the samples are much better distributed in space. It's not directly related to the normals.


Any SSAO method is noisy to some extent, it's inherent in how they work (use a limited number of samples in space to "guess" the occlusion). It's much less noisy now mostly because the samples are much better distributed in space. It's not directly related to the normals.

Yeah, I am aware of that somewhat. Usually the noise is filtered or blurred at some stage before becoming the finished work.

I am assuming your AO doing this as well before being applied?

I guess i'm just used to seeing the final AO buffer in slides and whatnot. (Plus being sick right now and having slept a weird schedule the last day, my mind is a bit of off kilter, so I guess I didn't stop to think about that and whatnot)


Yeah, I am aware of that somewhat. Usually the noise is filtered or blurred at some stage before becoming the finished work.

I am assuming your AO doing this as well before being applied?
Yes. The comparison screens are pre-blur to show the differences better.
Is the AO working? I'm testing it on the Debris by Farbrausch demo and Batman AC and it doesn't seem to be doing anything other than hitting the framerate when I toggle it. I tried altering the settings in the fx file to see if anything would change and nothing did.


Is the AO working? I'm testing it on the Debris by Farbrausch demo and Batman AC and it doesn't seem to be doing anything other than hitting the framerate when I toggle it. I tried altering the settings in the fx file to see if anything would change and nothing did.
AO is still only working "out of the box" for Dark Souls 2. The generic depth plugin is a work in progress (and you're more than welcome to contribute ;)).
I didn't realize the new implementation was strictly DS2 based, I thought a setting might have been set off or something. No problem.

I'd help if knew how to program but alas... I'll share any bugs I might happen upon :)


I haven't, but I don't expect it to be any better (or worse) in shaded woods than the previous AO, or any other injected AO. That issue is unrelated to the quality of the AO solution. That's what the toggle button is for :p


I've noticed people posting photos using GeDoSaTo with The Witcher 2 and Boris' ENB. Unfortunately it squeezes my screen whenever I enable the ENB. Any idea what could be causing this?

ENB disabled

ENB enabled


After updating to the latest version (0.12.1296 as of this writing) I ran a series of tests to check for compatiblity. The following is a list of games that I've successfully used GeDoSaTo with in earlier versions.


Alan Wake
Alan Wake American Nightmare
Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY Edition
Batman Arkham City GOTY Edition
Bioshock 2
Borderlands 2
Darksiders 2
Dead Space
Dead Space 2
Dead Space 3
Far Cry 2
Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
Mass Effect 3
Prince of Persia
Rayman Legends (works but performance is slower than previous versions)
Tomb Raider Underworld
The Walking Dead Season One
The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
The Witcher 2 (conflicts with ENB)

GAMES THAT CRASH ON LAUNCH (unless otherwise noted)
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (only displays menus and HUD)
Dead Island
Rayman Origins
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 6
Trine 2

Not sure if this is because it's doing something different or one of my .ini settings need to be changed. Any help would be appreciated.


GAMES THAT CRASH ON LAUNCH (unless otherwise noted)
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (only displays menus and HUD)
Dead Island
Rayman Origins
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 6
Trine 2

Not sure if this is because it's doing something different or one of my .ini settings need to be changed. Any help would be appreciated.
Out of those I only have Trine installed at the moment, but the Enchanted edition works fine over here. Regular Trine doesn't show me the resolutions, don't know if it ever did.
Eh, no offense, i'm glad you are giving it a shot. (Especially since HBAO+ doesn't work with the game). But it looks really ugly and out of place, and i'd rather have none at this rate. But it's a start.
No problem I wanted opinions. I think I suck at working with AO. It's really easy to overdo it or screwing it up.
Does anyone have good examples of before/after AO shots ?


You should have a look at the alternative SSAO I have in the latest version on Github. I got pretty good AO with it and the generic depth plugin in the Debris demo, simply by running a pow(z,60) on the depth to make it more linear. Still have to improve the performance of that method though.

As for good AO examples, the best comparisons are really NVs HBAO+ shots. Like this one. It's my holy grail.


Low Poly Gynecologist
No problem I wanted opinions. I think I suck at working with AO. It's really easy to overdo it or screwing it up.
Does anyone have good examples of before/after AO shots ?

I think the implementation is clearly not perfect, but if the choice is between none, or the one you showed off, I'd definitely prefer the one you're showing. A big issue with older games is how flat looking they look. Looking at your example it's clear that it isn't perfect, but I still find it looks better than vanilla. When I get the game, if that was implemented, I'd probably play it with the SSAO enabled as long as in motion it meshes poorly.

That SSAO + the incredible HD texture project would probably really help the game feel modern .

You should have a look at the alternative SSAO I have in the latest version on Github. I got pretty good AO with it and the generic depth plugin in the Debris demo, simply by running a pow(z,60) on the depth to make it more linear. Still have to improve the performance of that method though.

As for good AO examples, the best comparisons are really NVs HBAO+ shots. Like this one. It's my holy grail.

Is that comparison difference seriously JUST HBAO+?


Tool works fantastically for me. I've never been a huge ENB fan for GTA IV (mostly because I have AMD I suppose) but this tool gives me exactly what I want, which is a sharper picture.

Been using it in Skyrim too, although anything above 2560x1440 gives me hud bugs.

One game I've still managed to not get it working with is The Witcher 2 though. If I change the resolution in the ini file, the game just crashes for me, and with Gedosato enabled I can't changed the res in the configurator.

Is there anything specific you need to do?
With GeDoSaTo running, the launcher shows all the resolutions I set in the INI file (for GeDo). I didn't have to do anything special for that to work. So I just selected my res through the launcher. Worked great.
Well they talked a lot intially about caring about the high-end user and still do from time to time. And they are making some changes to things like the textures and the water with the DX11 update. So I don't see why there wouldn't or shouldn't be support for something like this! The game needs it so hard, it would literally probably be a few days work at best. And since it's being done by the game, they SHOULD have a big performance advantage over driver downsampling. Especially since they can selectively render only specific buffers if they so choose so. Look at Metro Last Light's Hybrid SSAA, it's fantastic and performance is pretty good.

In order to really tackle the aliasing, you really need ratios from 2x2 and above with FFXIV with downsampling.

Try playing the game at 4k on a 1080p set with 140% UI scale. It's far from ideal.

Even 2732x1536 on a 1366x768 TV is basically unplayable for me because of the UI. And it still leaves behind quite a bit of temporal aliasing.

But being an Nvidia user, I just play on my 768p TV with 4xSGSSAA which looks amazing. Even with settings dialed down.

Hmm yeah I also hope that the DX11 update might tackle that because as you said the game really needs it, especially around Gridania as said before :/ I have no idea on the work flow or the best method for it but I believe you and while I don't have Metro Last Light you actually make me quite curious now seeing it sometimes :eek:

And of course I know that 1440p --> 1080p still leaves quite a bit of aliasing but overall I still find it better than 1080p + FXAA and while I haven't tried it yet I can very well imagine how small the UI must become on even higher resolutions :/ I'm glad you can atleast solve it otherwise though :)

Possible bug!:

Also Durante not sure if I maybe just misunderstood something but I think I'm hit by a bug o.o Yesterday I did a total fresh installation of GeDoSaTo since I still used a build without the updater and new config system and I set up my GeDoSaTo_user.ini and GeDoSaToKeys_user.ini as I want them which worked all fine and good. Now since I read about your AO update (great work by the way! :D) I pressed Update inside GeDoSaTo and it successfully updated but it doesn't seem to recognize my User configs anymore :/

The GeDoSaTo_user.ini and GeDoSaToKeys_user.ini are still present in the config folder but ever since updating I don't seem them in the drop-down menu of the editor so I assume GeDoSaTo doesn't acknowledge them anymore :(

EDIT: I just tested deleting all the folders of the game specific configs to see if I'm not just missing them in the list and then GeDoSaTo's editor only picks up the main GeDoSaTo.ini despite my user files still sitting right next to it, I assume this isn't intended behavior right? :eek:

EDIT 2: Upon testing I found out that User files are still recognized by GeDoSaTo itself, just not by the Editor. Even if I recreate them via the Editor, the Editor will only pick them up till the next restart but otherwise they work as intended as said.


GAMES THAT CRASH ON LAUNCH (unless otherwise noted)
Assassin's Creed Brotherhood (only displays menus and HUD)
Dead Island
Rayman Origins
Resident Evil 4
Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 6
Trine 2

To follow up my earlier post about the games that were crashing on launch using the very latest GeDoSaTo update I reverted back to an earlier version just to test again. With version 0.9.879 "Underground Network" nearly everything worked again with a few exceptions.


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - PERFECT (yay!)
Bioshock - PERFECT
Dead Island - PERFECT
Rayman Origins - PERFECT
Resident Evil 4 - Crashed on launch
Resident Evil 5 - Didn't test
Resident Evil 6 - PERFECT
Syndicate - PERFECT
Trine - Didn't scale to my screen. Image too big.
Trine 2 - Didn't scale to my screen. Image too big.

I even compared my .ini files to make sure they had the same settings. Nothing has changed on my machine. I can't figure it out.
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