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GeDoSaTo - Downsampling from Infinity and Beyond!


Wow I didn't even know he made it !
Great stuff so now DX11 could be working for some games ?

Latley I was toying around with the idea of integrating HBAO+ library (NVIDIA Gameworks) into an injector but apparently it is only for DX11 SM4.0 shaders so DX9 only definitely wouldn't cut it. Just an idea I probably won't have the time but...
I was toying around with getting Toukiden to work (it's DX11 too) the other day but after spending an hour to download and setup all dependencies for building the modified dll I ran into the hooking issue hah. I basically just modified the Sayonara code to match the Toukiden executable and resolution, no idea if that is sufficient (probably not, but as I said, just messing around). GeDoSaTo hooked into to the launcher of the game due to the bug that's currently present, so I'm not sure if this caused it not to hook into the actual game executable or it's because my attempt didn't work out. Who knows.

Red Hood

I've had Dark Souls for ages, but I never really bothered to really play it all that much for whatever reason. I figure I might as well play it finally. Just want to know if 60fps introduces gameplay-altering or gamebreaking bugs?

It's glorious. There are some minor bugs like Parsnip said, but in my experience they're extremely rare. The two things I got in my ~100 hours playthrough was getting stuck at a bonfire twice (only a hard game reset could fix it) and "falling" twice as well through the world after sliding from a ladder (just quickly exit your game through the menu and reload your file, and you'll start right at that spot).
I am at my wits end trying to get GeDoSaTo to work with Dark Souls 2... everything I try, I can't get the resolutions to show in the game....

Win10, GTX980, 4K monitor using latest exe ran as admin, any suggestions? I am just trying to use it to downsample 7680x2160 to 4k


Neo Member
I am at my wits end trying to get GeDoSaTo to work with Dark Souls 2... everything I try, I can't get the resolutions to show in the game....

Win10, GTX980, 4K monitor using latest exe ran as admin, any suggestions? I am just trying to use it to downsample 7680x2160 to 4k

If you're trying to use it with Scholar of the First Sin, it's a DX11 game. GeDoSaTo only works with the original DX9 version because, with one exception (which is not Scholar of the First Sin), it doesn't work with DX11 games. I played Scholar of the First Sin with DSR instead.


Low Poly Gynecologist
I've just pushed a new version of GeDoSaTo which changes everything about how it performs injection. I really need some compatibility reports for this one.

So reading it I'm curious if I'm misunderstanding but, is the shim dll injected in every process you're running, and the full dll is only injected into the whitelisted processes? Ig so, might this cause problems with running GeDo in the background and then launching a game that has anti-injection securities, even if you don't intend to use GeDo for that game?


So reading it I'm curious if I'm misunderstanding but, is the shim dll injected in every process you're running, and the full dll is only injected into the whitelisted processes? Ig so, might this cause problems with running GeDo in the background and then launching a game that has anti-injection securities, even if you don't intend to use GeDo for that game?
It was always this way, just that a far heavier injection was performed on every process (the full GeDoSaTo dll). So if anything, you should have much fewer issues of this type.

Generally, I don't think any game goes that far as to fully shut down all attempts at injection, there are tons of benign things going on which would cease to function in that case.


Low Poly Gynecologist
It was always this way, just that a far heavier injection was performed on every process (the full GeDoSaTo dll). So if anything, you should have much fewer issues of this type.

Generally, I don't think any game goes that far as to fully shut down all attempts at injection, there are tons of benign things going on which would cease to function in that case.

I had no idea. Cool, thanks for the info.

Mike Golf

Try opening an issue at github or post in the Umihara thread, hopefully he'll see your post there, maybe.

Just came back to check on my comment and saw your post and Durante's below. Appreciate the tip; I will post there if I encounter future issues.

You can get any build ever by navigating to the desired commit and downloading the dll directly from Github. (Of course, you shouldn't update then, and you might run into .ini incompatibilities)

E.g. here's a commit before any of the recent changes: https://github.com/PeterTh/gedosato/tree/efc2fbe9b3b93530348d0485bba79730eeb78f66/pack

Thank you for posting that Durante, I didn't realize you had the older dll's on Github. Reverting fixed the issue and unless I encounter issues with other titles I'll probably stick with this version for the foreseeable future.
Thank you for posting that Durante, I didn't realize you had the older dll's on Github. Reverting fixed the issue and unless I encounter issues with other titles I'll probably stick with this version for the foreseeable future.

Have you tried the latest release first? He just mentioned completely revamping the injection mechanism.

Mike Golf

Have you tried the latest release first? He just mentioned completely revamping the injection mechanism.

I have not, will have to give it a try later but will definitely hold onto the current DLL just in case. I'll chime in with my verdict if it works or not, although I assume it will going by comment consensus here and on Github.


Hmm, I can't get Borderlands 2 to work. Any specific settings I need to enable?

edit: nevermind, it was because the application line was repeated twice across the regular White list and the User White list.


if i understood correctly,every time the program is working properly,i should see a line of text on the top screen that tells me resolution and aliasing right?
because if so..i tried it with dmc..first time it worked perfectly..but now it doesn't seem to work anymore after that first time..i get no message at the beginning of the game
i also tried to update to the new version,but without results


Neo Member
Not sure what may have changed, but I was able to downsample Brothers - A tale of two sons, without issues. Now it's simply not working. If I try 2160, it gives me an error about failing to create D3D device and if I go lower, then it just looks all distorted. Anyone have it working?

Edit: Noticing that the latest version is not working with a couple of other games also. The first Dirt game or Bioshock 1, it's not working either.
Edit2: Tons of games not working anymore... Is there anyone that knows what's going with it?


Neo Member
Not sure what may have changed, but I was able to downsample Brothers - A tale of two sons, without issues. Now it's simply not working. If I try 2160, it gives me an error about failing to create D3D device and if I go lower, then it just looks all distorted. Anyone have it working?

Edit: Noticing that the latest version is not working with a couple of other games also. The first Dirt game or Bioshock 1, it's not working either.
Edit2: Tons of games not working anymore... Is there anyone that knows what's going with it?

Two relevant points from durante's blog post on the new injection method:

-Due to purging the old dual-injection method, the “delayDetouring” option no longer exists. The hope is that games which required it will now simply work anyway, due to the more solid implementation.
-As you can already see to some extent in the illustration, it’s possible that the new injection mechanism leads to hooks being initialized only after a game has already performed some processing. This has not occurred in my limited testing so far, but it could nevertheless be an issue.

Decreased compatibility was a concern and I suppose with reports like yours it's well on its way to being verified now. :/ I've tested four or five games with this version and have had no problems, but that's hardly a significant sampling. It could be useful to mention if Bioshock and Dirt required delayed detouring previously.


Neo Member
Hopefully he's able to look into it soon. I have A LOT of games and I have found a good dozen that don't work anymore. It seems like all unreal engine games are not working.

Just found a very bizarre issue too... with Fallout. While gedo is active, it will make all characters in game move at 10 x speed. So some how the new fpslimiter is messing with the movement in game. Even if it's not active.


Neo Member
Just updated to the latest and...for the life of me I can't get it to work with any game :\

For me these don't work so far, maybe you can list yours to see if there's one single thing that ties them all together:

Dirt 1
Bioshock 1
Bioshock 2
Brothers A tale of two sons
Need for Speed Shift
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit
Fallout 3 (issue with speed)
Dirt 2
Abyss Odyssey
All the command and conquer games
Alan Wake
Batman AA

Plus every Unreal 3 engine game I've tried so far. I only got up to letter D with the games I have installed so far and the 2 NFS games that I regularly play. I'm sure there's dozens more.

Anyone know how to go back to the previous version before this last update?


Neo Member
I don't have most of those games. Alan Wake requires delayed detouring, a feature that's been removed, and crashes on resolution switch with "BeginScene failed - Invalid call".

For old versions, go here and click on the <> icon next to the commit to see the repo at the time of that commit. Then just grab the old .dll you want.


Neo Member
I don't have most of those games. Alan Wake requires delayed detouring, a feature that's been removed, and crashes on resolution switch with "BeginScene failed - Invalid call".

For old versions, go here and click on the <> icon next to the commit to see the repo at the time of that commit. Then just grab the old .dll you want.

Is there a way to download the whole set of files? It seems like there's a lot more than simply one of the .dll files being changed on the new version. There's a ton of files that I would need to download to go back to the old version.


Neo Member
If you're referring to the profiles, most have not changed in a long time. The .dll and possibly the launcher are all you really need. I don't think you can download a .zip of deprecated builds. It is/was possible on other repo sites, but I don't see a way on github.
I'm trying to play Darksiders for the first time on my ultrawide monitor. I've got it running in 21:9 but it's as if it's running in fast forward. Is there a way to get this game to run at 60-75fps without this happening? I'm on a freesync monitor if that matters.

Also, I'm kind of hoping that by the time I finish Darksiders the just released Deathfinitive Edition of Darksiders 2 will be fixed and playable. It currently crashes as soon as the game starts.


For some reason, after experiencing issues with Mushihimesama, I went back and tried to run Zestiria and now GeDoSaTo doesn't work with any of my games. Kind of strange. I know it's user error, but I just don't know what I changed on my setup to cause this to happen.
Are there any security implications to turning off secure boot? As always, I'm hesitant to deactivate system features that appear to be designed to increase system security. Did the old injector not have this issue?


"Secure boot", like many security theater features, mostly increases companies' security that you don't actually have full control of the hardware you own.

Don't take my word for it though: http://www.fsf.org/campaigns/secure-boot-vs-restricted-boot

(The "argument" for the feature is that it prevents a type of virus attack that, as far as I can tell, was never actually prevalent. In particular, to even execute the attack an attacker would already need to have admin privileges on the system, and then all bets are off anyway)
Die Zeichenfolge kann keine Länge von Null haben, Parametername: old value

Microsoft.NET Framework.

Comes up everytime I start this version... any idea whats wrong? Is this the same topic as the security talk?


Die Zeichenfolge kann keine Länge von Null haben, Parametername: old value

Microsoft.NET Framework.

Comes up everytime I start this version... any idea whats wrong? Is this the same topic as the security talk?

Try running the updater again. I was getting that as well, turns out my internet was having some issues and the updater wasn't able to download everything, or something like that.


Die Zeichenfolge kann keine Länge von Null haben, Parametername: old value

Microsoft.NET Framework.

Comes up everytime I start this version... any idea whats wrong? Is this the same topic as the security talk?
Well, first of all, no I have no idea, and secondly, nothing in any way except for GeDoSaTo not injecting for some people is related to "secure" boot ;)

Try what Parsnip said, I hope it's a temporary error.

Cheers, it once again plays nicely with Dishonored.
Neat. Probably one of the games affected by the capitalization issue.


Neo Member
No change here for Alan Wake (which as I said before required delayedDetouring on old builds--this option is still found enabled in its profile, though the option has been removed). Still crashes when switching to a GeDoSaTo resolution from the in-game menu and crashes upon running after directly editing resolution.xml to specify a GeDoSaTo resolution. I suspect there are other delayedDetouring games that no longer work.


I think Alan Wake was the only game to ever require that setting. It's regrettable that it no longer works, but -- particularly since it has really good in-game AA options -- not worth maintaining an entirely separate injection mechanism for.

Maybe it is possible to simulate the relevant impact of delayDetouring with the new injection. I'll create an issue for it.


Neo Member
Brothers a Tales of Two Sons also does not work. The game will get recognized through the launcher, but once in game, it won't inject. So it will simply cause crashes or jumbled up garbage to appear on screen depending on what resolution is chosen. Seems very similar to Alan Wake.

Ran Echelon

Neo Member
One of the features of GeDoSaTo I particularly like is the ability to toggle through scaling methods/toggle AA with hotkeys while in-game, which makes it easy to get the best look. Would it be possible to add the ability to toggle AA type and quality in the same way?


Rolling Girl
Tried installing GeDoSaTo on my new laptop but I keep on getting this when I launch it even after I've disabled secure boot:

Tried redoing everything from a clean install. (also I do have the pre-requisites installed.)
Anyone have any idea of whats going wrong? Windows 10 if that's important.


Hmm, the only time I've ever seen this was a version mismatch between GeDoSaToTool and the actual GeDoSaTo dll. I assume you just used the installer?


Rolling Girl
Hmm, the only time I've ever seen this was a version mismatch between GeDoSaToTool and the actual GeDoSaTo dll. I assume you just used the installer?

Yeah I just ran the updater from the download page as usual and rebooted after installing the dependencies to see if that would solve it and nothing happened.
I tried testing it to see if it would work despite this with DMC4 but it'd crash when I picked the GeDoSaTo resolutions.


I've been trying to use GeDoSaTo for the first time in a long while and I can't get it to work with any games.

1. I'm on win 10 64-bit now whereas I used to be on win 7 64
2. I disabled secure boot and installed all suggested packages from the install page.
3. GeDoSaTo itself seems fine. No error messages etc. But my games will not launch with GeDoSaTo active.

I'm probably missing something obvious but it eludes me. Hopefully someone has dealt with this issue before and can help.
I've been trying to use GeDoSaTo for the first time in a long while and I can't get it to work with any games.

1. I'm on win 10 64-bit now whereas I used to be on win 7 64
2. I disabled secure boot and installed all suggested packages from the install page.
3. GeDoSaTo itself seems fine. No error messages etc. But my games will not launch with GeDoSaTo active.

I'm probably missing something obvious but it eludes me. Hopefully someone has dealt with this issue before and can help.

As far as I understand recent GeDoSaTo now operates strictly on a whitelist. Have you added everything you intend to run?


As far as I understand recent GeDoSaTo now operates strictly on a whitelist. Have you added everything you intend to run?

That's something I didn't know. But my test games were already on the default whitelist. Dark Souls II (DX9 version) is my main game I'm using to re-familiarize myself with the process. But I've tried others as well, both on that default whitelist and off. Games just won't load. If I de-activate GeDoSaTo, trying to run the games will result in error codes. Steam error code 80 in Dark Souls II's case. To get games running properly again I have to reboot my PC.


I've been trying to use GeDoSaTo for the first time in a long while and I can't get it to work with any games.

1. I'm on win 10 64-bit now whereas I used to be on win 7 64
2. I disabled secure boot and installed all suggested packages from the install page.
3. GeDoSaTo itself seems fine. No error messages etc. But my games will not launch with GeDoSaTo active.

I'm probably missing something obvious but it eludes me. Hopefully someone has dealt with this issue before and can help.

same problem here,same OS too..actually i managed to make it work ONE time with DMC,after that it never worked again..or at least i neveer get any screen indication that it is working like it previously did
As far as I understand recent GeDoSaTo now operates strictly on a whitelist. Have you added everything you intend to run?
based on the whitelist or the user whitelist?

EDIT:managed to make it work by reinstalling it..but only with dmc..whatever other game i use,even if on the whitelist (like valkyria chronicles),i get no indication that the program is working
Does GeDoSaTo work with Dragon Quest Heroes? I'm assuming not at this point since I would have likely seen more screenshots of the games in the high res PC screenshot thread.

If not, can we expect it to in the future. I'm thinking about buying that game, and being able to render it higher than 1080p would definitely push me over the edge.
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