I've bought a handful of Japanese stuff from Amiami.com's English webpage. They seem to be consistently the cheapest, and I've had nothing but positive experiences ordering from them on three or four separate occasions.I'm interested in starting to collect figures... Any suggestions on where to actually buy them from? I'm looking to maybe spend around $200 or so. I'm interested in anything video game related and of course figures from Gurren Lagann are nice.
Check 'em out: http://www.amiami.com/index?ransu=6063837929519210
Also, you'll quickly find that $200 won't take you very far - especially if you're into the higher-quality stuff - there's literally an endless supply of really cool shit out there.
Very nice. $120 is steep, though. I was considering getting a Revoltech-like version a while back, but didn't want to spend the money. There will always be something I like, and I currently don't have the display space for... anything. Just looked it up at Amiami and it's only about $80 before shipping. I don't think shipping will run much more than $20, so you might be better off ordering from there, Auron. Here's the product link: http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/de...ywords=izanagi$pagemax=100$getcnt=0$pagecnt=1.
Not a huge fan of One Piece, but I've always liked the character designs. Digging that Nami, but I don't know if I could ever own something like that. I can appreciate them, though.